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Posts posted by Siman350z

  1. Morning all...ok, got a Friday conundrum after pondering over the last few months.


    I've got an 04 plate 276 350z GT (uk car). I absolutely love the car and its never let me down but it's used every day and as such the miles are climbing (currently on 92k) i'm thinking of changing.


    So what does the forum reckon? Is it worth selling up my perfectly reliable, brilliant early 350z for the 313 latest 2008 model, (lets say, £11k) or do I save up a bit more/ wait and get a 350z (~£15k), will the extra be worth it?


    Opinions appreciated :D

  2. Cheers guys yeah I know they shouldn't be compared and I'm not really trying to do that just wondered if anyone had made the move either way and what there thoughts were.


    I've been a passenger in one as my dealer wouldn't let me drive due to me being under 25, sounded odd but I didnt argue and enjoyed the ride, it felt fast enough and planted so I'm looking forward to trying it out properly sometime soon!


    I had a similar issue with an S2000 honda dealer a while ago. Make sure you get a drive of the car- my test drive in the 350z at a dealers completely sold it to me. If you're serious and give them advanced warning someone should be able to sort you out ;)

  3. Probably the mirrors- my old 306 used to have a little hole under the mirror. Wind down the window, if you can still hear it, put your hand/ finger under the mirror/ around it in different places to deflect the airflow- if it changes or stops thats your issue.


    I think I ended up taping something under the mirror as a fix!

  4. I bought a duff car a while ago- had it checked by an independent and found a lot of stuff wrong with it. It had 16k on it and was 3 years old with full main dealer history.


    I took it back with a list of issues and the garage (well respected) politely told me they would do jack **** as the warrenty did not cover these parts. I got the manager involvled and sat him down and went through each thing. They then fixed everything that i'd asked free of charge.


    Any decent garage should do the above or more. If not, and they do not rectify the car then demand the refund and get people on here to give you a hand with the letter writing etc.


    As for thinking you've overreacted- if i'd just paid all that for a car and it broke down on the way home and the garage weren't that bothered i'd be up in arms about it!

  5. Have you looked at the Amuse spoiler? It's a bit ott but I think they suit the Z well. I'm not sure I could buy anything from someone who spelt 'Bodykitz' with a Z.


    Otherwise that one at the top is nice painted.

    • Like 1
  6. This is terrible.


    I had someone hit my car in a car park- a mint 306 when I was 19 (2002 ish?). Did 2.5k of damage to the rear quarter, put up signs everywhere but no luck.


    Last year I was driving my old E46 BMW in a 30 limit with limited visibility and I see this TT racing a golf in my rear view, i'm doing 30, they're both doing ~70. The TT overtakes me, traffic comes the other way so he swerves into my car, smacking the entire side and shoots off. I catch him up, he drives off, I catch him up again, he drives off towards the M25. We followed at speed but he was driving in excess of 120mph so we had to let him go as it would have been too dangerous to follow.


    We had the reg, found out it was a car for sale in a local garage and one of the younger garage helpers was obviously taking advantage. So I knew the reg, the location, the owners the lot. I even had pics of the matching damage andmy paint on his car. After months of investigating ourselves and pushing the case, the police couldn't do anythijng because they 'couldn't prove who was driving'!!!!


    Great, thanks. So whats the rule here? If you have an accident, just drive off becuase regardless of the mounting evidence no one can prove catergorically who was driving? The system sucks, i'm sorry. If I get done for doing 33mph by a camera, SOMEONE gets the blame, yet here, nothing.


    I really hope the car comes out better than new- it looks amazing and i'm sure it'll be spot on when finished and well worth the effort. Move on and forget about it, you'll have an awesome car and the loosers who did it will no doubt be in jail one day when they DO get caught. (In my perfect world).

  7. Argh, the good stuff on here goes quicker than I can check it!


    Out of interest, how much lower is this than the standard front bumper (out of interest?) mine needs spraying but can't decide to get a nismo N1 or what..

  8. At the base of the rear wheel arch on the edge which is closest to the front of the car (drivers side), there should be a small peice of rubber/ plastic which covers the metal there (around the size of a pack of playing cards). Mine is missing- any chance this car has that? I can take a pic to be more precise when I get home! Thanks.

  9. Anyone planning a visit to Anglesey Saturday August 10th? I've got a bit of time off and having never visited the track am planning a bit of a trip round wales (poss evo triangle etc) and take in the track too.


    Great location!




    Any tips appreciated for those who have done it before- especially on those tighter hairpins (the day is full circuit/ open pitlane).



  10. Argh, what a great haul of stuff, how come I always see these threads 24 hours too late!


    Pm'd in case a few items fall through but I know i'm clutching at straws lol...

  11. Just coming up to 90k and the Z hasn't missed a beat. But having fitted some lovely DBA discs and pads i've been thinking about the suspension.


    This B12 kit lowers 25-30mm and comes with eibach springs. Had Bilstein/ eibach on a 306 rallye and it was superb for road and track, has anyone tried this set up on their 350z? Its a daily driver but may see the track in the near future.


    Demon Tweeks has it for silly prices but it seems it is available for ~£650 elsewhere:




    Would be interested to hear other alternatives but am keen on handling improvements as not bothered about going lower than I have to.


  12. Thanks for the replies guys, seems it must just be a late registered then- the same garage had an old convertible 350z for ages and ages priced at something insane like 14k. It just wouldn't shift but they wouldn't drop the price! Amazing they do any business at all.


    By the look of it I think it's been driven every single one of those 37k in shifts of 2 miles at a time.

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