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Posts posted by tprice

  1. if its not misfiring why are you checking the plugs or the coils?


    however if you do want to check the coils there is a simple check you can do without taking it to a garage, however this will only work if you have a fault code stored for a misfire. if you read the fault memory and it says for example:


    misfire cylinder 1


    clear the fault memory then swap the coil from cylinder 1 with the coil from cylinder 2, take the car for a drive, get it to misfire and then re-read the fault memory.


    if the coil was at fault for the miss, then the fault code should read:


    misfire cylinder 2


    or something very similar. that if its even missing in the first place. if the fault stays on the same cylinder then you know its the plug or injector at fault for the miss. or at least a fault that is only related to that cylinder in some way!

  2. doenst sound like a problem if the car is driving fine, probably just a bit of unburnt fuel entering your exhaust system.


    your description isnt the best though! but like i said as long as its not missing and performance is still good then its all good :)

  3. not my taste, would look good if it was completely wrapped!


    last pic looks good though, used to have same exhaust as you how are you finding it?

  4. 2 year gap isnt that long especially if the mileage is low, lots of companies are using the extended drain oils now.


    depends how confident you are with cars, if you can get a good price and obviously if it looks, drives, and IS in good condition!


    i bought an import earlier this year and it hadnt had one for 2/3 years but the bloke had only done 4k! i just gave it a thorough service the next weekend and it was the most reliable and cleanest car i had ever owned!

  5. i can imagine haha! by sway i just mean like your turning, so that the wheels on that side become loaded and it should make the noise more pronounce - if its a wheel bearing!


    thought we should start with the basic checks! plus its cheaper than paying a garage to diag it!

  6. probably a wheel bearing, get on a straight road, and load each side of the car, basically sway the car gently side to side like a drunk driver!


    and see if the sound changes when you put load on the side the noise is coming from!


    watch out for oncoming traffic though lol!! prob best to do when it quiet!


    alternatively, raise the car and spin each wheel and see if you can hear which one is noiser than the others! they need to be spun pretty fast for this to work though!

  7. it will be an electrical fault, doenst sound like bad fuel or running out of fuel.


    im sure they will sort it, especially if its under warranty, because the dealer gets money from nissan for fixing it.


    all will be fine, youll have it back soon and have forgotten all about it!

  8. the computer expects to see certain readings from each wheel, if you put the wrong size tyres on, the reading will be different as you have altered the rolling radius of the wheels.


    this will confuse the computer and it wont know when to activate traction control etc etc


    basically, stick to the sizes that are in the handbook, or that other people have tried and tested, believe me i bought a 350 with the same size tyres all round and going about 70 was out of the question! it would just cut power non stop!

  9. i would check everything has been plugged in again first, bodyshops are notorious for missing small details like that out, i see it on a daily basis! or a trapped wire where it hasnt been routed correctly.


    not saying its 100% that, but you need to rule it out first. have a quick visual under the seats too, see if the occupancy detector has been plugged back in.


    what fault code is stored, does it come up with a specfic airbag, or side?

  10. coil pack


    I was wondering if it could be that too... Is there a way to check to find out?


    It's been running fine today, heading out in a bit so shall see how it is.



    easy way to check, remove all the coils and place the end near a screwdriver or a spanner, something that will attract the spark and make it easily visible, then get someone to crank it over whilst you watch for the sparks, the coil that doesnt spark will be knackered!


    did you do a quick check of the intake for air leaks? if its runnin ok atm, check all the hoses are tight and fitted correctly.

  11. Thanks obviously checked fuses 1st but a fuse wouldn't affect the cold to hot flow on heating as thermostat would affect both heating and fan control so I am told by the mechanic hopefully get a definate answer tomorrow



    my fault i didnt read the post properly! sounds like thermostat will cure it then, unless you have an air lock, which when replacing the thermostat, you will cure anyway as the system will need bleeding afterwards! should be a straight forward fix :thumbs:

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