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Posts posted by SparksCW

  1. Because that's what they do to their mums! It's normal, our kitten does it too, well, she's almost a year now so almost a cat.


    It's funny cos she often jumps up on the couch when we sit down for dinner and starts padding the cushions then looks at us as if to say "hellppp I can't stop doing this" haha.

  2. Well, the good news is I've done some private detective work.


    I believe I have found four people potentially involved, I have their names, addresses and a link between three of them. The third, the main culprit, has no physical link which I think he's been coached by his dad to ensure that there's no link as it seems a bit too fishy!! However we know all three are good friends, went to the same school and same year. And they all match descriptions of the three people spotted outside throughout that evening.


    I have found the car that we believe was used in the getaway, I know the registration and the owner. They also have another car on their drive which I believe *may* be running fake plates.


    The face, whilst blurry on the CCTV, is the main culprit we're convinced of it as it's the same baby face, all too coincedental!!!


    Obviously none of this will stand up in court, but it's enough for us to be sure. All info has been passed onto the police, hopefully these four people being questioned might trip them up, as until now we only suspected the one person, the other two are less likely to be being coached by a pikey dad.

  3. I would also advise relocating that camera with an overview of the front (presently looks to be sited at first floor level) to lower down where it may get a better angle and view of faces. Just dont mount it so low as to be blocked by the roof line of the higher vehicles you have. It may also require a wider angle lens.


    The camera is there for a reason, there was two other better mounted cameras but now we have another 6 better mounted cameras :lol: mostly on the garage covering all angles at face height.

  4. Another legal but brown trouser anti theft device is a shotgun mine. Its basically a trip wire which fires a plunger into a blank shotgun cartridge. Any burgler who trips it will promptly sh!t themselves as well as it alerting everyone in the area.


    We suggested this to the police and they said "we'll not have that conversation sir" :lol: we have however been sent an electronic anti-burglar sounder which apparantly will put a man on his knees... this will be rigged up to a trip wire and PIR sensor (obviously with over-riding off switch for when we go to get them :lol: )

  5. Took 12 weeks due to a bodyshop messing me around then me having to move it to another more reliable one. All work was completed by the second garage, ERB Motors in Portsmouth and I'm super happy with the result.


    Had some repair work to rear left quater in case people remember my "oops" thread :lol: door handles are colour matched orange, a V1 spoiler sprayed and fitted, wheels refurbed in black B) and the whole car was mopped, got rid of a load of scratches and swirls etc. The front bumper will need replacing/respraying as it appears to have been resprayed in the past to a mediocre standard. But that'll have to wait!!


    Thanks to ZMANALEX and TARMAC SPORTS for supplying parts.


    What do you all think?














  6. hows your dad doing and is the insurance company paying for everything?



    My dad isn't too bad, but isn't great, got enough going on with the business to not have to think about this stuff. My step mum on the other hand was distraught, she was better today but she's not great at all.


    The insruance company will pay but he's got to think if he really wants to, as this is the third claim in the past year due to vandalism. The bodyshop were out today (same one who just finished my zed :thumbs: ) and say the rear hood and screen to the Audi is £5k on it's own let alone the other windows and the body damage. So yeah insurance would pay, but the premiums will go up even more :rant:


    He offered to pay for all the windows on his friends truck, whilst its not my dad's fault its not really fair on his friend, I think his friend said he would go through his insurance as it wasn't my dads fault etc. That's what's upset my dad the most, is they smashed up a car of a friend from up north who was visiting for the weekend.


    The thing is, they waited for my dad etc to go out for the evening, like they did last time, so who else would know when he is going out other than the neighbour?

  7. what's to stop them throwing milk bottles full of nitromors over the wall?

    Maybe a couple of disrceet cameras pointing up and down the road? Not sure what the answer is :angry:


    Really feel for you.


    They have already done this :( the last attack when they threw paint at the gates and cars etc from outside, as they left they threw a sprite bottle full of paint stripper over the wall, fortunately the car was in the garage at the time so it didn't get the car.


    However the second attack they did they got into the drive and poured paint stripper over a Lexus LS460, a dodge ram and a jaguar XJR. all three had to have full resprays costing over £25k

  8. Really feel sorry for you, but to be honest your dad needs a MUCH better cctv system. Mine has motion detection alarm, mobile phone alert and remote viewing. You need more and better cameras. Photo electric beams linked to the house alarm is also adviseable. Failing that a 10 stone Rotty like ours is a useful deterrent even to the boldest hoody :lol:


    Hope you get it all sorted.


    Lol they are £1200 each Mobotix cameras, they do all of that and more but that won't stop anything. A neighbour called cops at time of event and my dad etc returned home about 20 minutes later followed by me about 10 mins after that so a mobile alert wouldn't have stopped anything. Day time picture is amazing, but unfortunately at night nothing is really that amazing.


    My next step is to install a perimeter alarm linked to a telephone dialer etc, I am also going to link it to the house lights so that when armed and broken it will turn all of the house lights on, might deter them if they think someone's at home and heard them. Will probably set a large floodlight and maybe an audible alarm too. Don't think cameras are all that much use to be honest, and that's coming from me who sometimes installs them professionally! It's fine at daytime but night time with hoods and masks its worthless.

  9. That's sickening.


    Get a couple of Rottweilers to live in the front yard.


    The police really can't do anything...? On the second video you can see one of them put their hands down on the wall... Would be worth a check for fingerprints. I'd say they were 18-22yrs old too... They're too big for kids. That might sway the police too...


    CSI Portsmouth were out last night doing all that, but doubt it'll return anything worthwhile


  10. You might remember my last thread where my dads house was attacked by two thugs with CO2 pistols and smashed the windows of a dodge ram, a van and a jag. Well they came back again last night and have now progressed to smashing up the house.


    They have smashed a dummy CCTV camera, three lanterns, the bay windows, the gate intercom, every window on a FRIENDS truck and every window Plus bodywork of my step mums new audi convertible. Luckily they left my dads brand new dodge ram alone.


    The police can't do anything again, it all points to one person but we can't prove it! We don't know why or what we have done other than we suspect that they are trying to scare my dad into selling as they want the land for development, really can't see why else it would be.


    As usual attack is on video but police can't do anything so we've uploaded to YouTube and are going to the news on Monday. Don't expect it will catch them but it may put them off doing it again if thy see it. Who knows.




    I feel really sorry for my dad he's just trying to live his life and run his business we dont need any of this!!

  11. The first meet I went down to ( Port Solent ) one chap was doing the round doing the penny trick on those that had this problem. Good tip to know :thumbs:


    I think that was me :yahoo::lol: or at least I did do two cars at a Port Solent meet last year, might have been a different meet!


    I used rubber tap washers as there is less chance of damaging anything that way :thumbs: likelyhood of damaging with the penny is low, but better safe than sorry.

  12. Having driven the car a bit with the new exhaust I can now safely say :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:


    Sounds incredible and I swear it's a bit faster, maybe imagining it but either way I'm not complaining.


    Easily the best money spent on the car. :thumbs:

  13. Hmmmm it did feel that the plug wouldn't go on properly when I was doing it but I was sure it was the right way around and couldn't seem to get it to go on the other way. I will try again in a bit, or tomorrow and see if I have some more luck with it.


    Is the controller only turning on when engine on a normal thing though? as I assume the pedal plugs won't affect when it receives power?

  14. Recently got a d1 spec throttle controller in a group buy but I'm having some issues making it work.


    There's only three things to plug in so not sure how I'm going wrong, but when all connected up the D1 spec controller does not receive power until the engine has been started. it also cuts out the throttle completely meaning I can't set it up or do anything. The plugs are connected the correct way around etc, no bent pins or anything.


    Once I remove the D1 spec the car works perfectly as normal again (although I do now have a warning light on the dash all of a sudden which I need to find out what it is)


    Any ideas?

  15. Standard sunset orange rear spoiler, removed by a bodyshop.


    Excellent condition with the exception of a tiny scratch as per picture. I'm sure a touch up stick would render it invisbile. Pictures don't really show how good the spoiler is :wacko: but you get the idea!


    Was only removed due to fitting a Nismo style spoiler.


    Hope the post it note is big enough for the name rule :lol:


    Thinking £50 + £10 P&P (or collect from Portsmouth) sound fair?

  16. Looks great!! Just had my Nismo style spoiler fitted as well. I love the black badge on the back of yours, they don't look right on other colours, but perfect on the black zed :thumbs::thumbs:


    Did you realise you were crouching next to Wall-E when taking pictures of your bumper? :lol:





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