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Posts posted by Tay

  1. I've seen one of these too and didn't like it so much. Looks like a nice car and the leather interior is nice but as a package it doesn't hit the mark.


    The other thing that is missing is that it needs tail pipes on the right hand side. It has the cutouts for them and just makes it looks like you haven't taken the option.

  2. I'm with o2 (Broadband and mobile business) and no issues and you at least get to speak with someone on our island, unlike when Talk Talk who took over Tiscali Pipex, both of whom were a pain with the Indian call centres.


    For me its not so much the cost but advice when needed and you can speak to someone who has some commonsense and and you not trying to decipher the broken English being read off a screen.... :dry:



    Come on Colin, thats a bit of a generalisation. They are not all that bad I agree that Talk Talk CS are pretty bad from the experience i had but Dell sales and customer support for example are indian call centre based and their English is fine.


    I've had enough bad experiences of off-shore call centres that I will opt, wherever possible, for a supplier who does not use their 'services'. Period.


    Fair enough i suppose...

  3. I've had 2 snotty nosed kids knock at my door the past 2 days trying to get me to "sign up for free Talk Talk broadband" and "we've just rewired your village" and "so you're happy to pay for your broadband blah blah blah?".............Look, cold callers, F*** off! BT works fine, especially on Xbox Live when I'm humping Husky around numerous MW2 maps! :p



    Yep had that a few months ago, I said forget free I wouldn't move to talk talk if they were paying me...The look on their faces....

  4. I'm with o2 (Broadband and mobile business) and no issues and you at least get to speak with someone on our island, unlike when Talk Talk who took over Tiscali Pipex, both of whom were a pain with the Indian call centres.


    For me its not so much the cost but advice when needed and you can speak to someone who has some commonsense and and you not trying to decipher the broken English being read off a screen.... :dry:



    Come on Colin, thats a bit of a generalisation. They are not all that bad I agree that Talk Talk CS are pretty bad from the experience i had but Dell sales and customer support for example are indian call centre based and their English is fine.

  5. I had a terrible experience from them. Signed up in January 08, March 08 called them to see what was happening, they said the order was stuck in the system and they will sort it out. Ok


    End of March, nothing, called them again. They said the order is stuck in the system and they'll get it sorted ASAP and call me with an update. (this was a Thursday afternoon) Heard nothing and Monday morning get a call from a friend on the mobile asking me why my landline is dead.


    Called the gits at talk talk, they said it's nothing to do with them and that BT have done something, so i called BT. BT said that TT have taken over the line and it's nothing to do with them. Called TT again, they again said BT. Called BT who told me that TT definitely have the line but it's lacking a phone number allocated to it. Called TT with this information and they said no, thats wrong. The week passes, no dial tone and no broadband (as you will appreciate I was fecked off at this point)


    Called BT over that weekend and asked them if they can sort it out by taking over the line, they said yes if they take over the line they can have it sorted by Monday morning. Fine BT you do that...


    Monday comes and everything is back to how it was, phone working and i'm able to use my old broadband connection. So I call TT and tell them that i'm not progressing with the order. I get a CC rep telling me i'm outside of the cancellation period but i say as service hasn't resumed i should be able to cancel so cancel, get cut off at that point, called back and asked for disconnections, again cut off. Called back and again cut off. I thought how rubbish and called the following morning, spoke to a supervisor and complained about the day before and get the name of the supervisor + a cancellation ref number.


    Later in the week i can't create a broadband connection (router just would not connect) and raise a call with my internet provider. 2days pass and the broadband provider are ready to send an engineer as they can't find the cause of the problem. One morning a friend calls me on my mobile and says everytime he calls my landline the answerphone picks up after one ring. I thought thats weird and give it a call and sure enough 1 ring and an answerphone picks up with a recorded voice i don't recognise. I call BT to ask them if they've changed their answerphone and they tell me "you're with Talk Talk sir, you have been for the last 2 days"


    WHAT the ****???

    (the other thing was i opted to change number when i signed up so they should never have ported my old number over when they took over the line)


    So I call TT to cancel (didn't want them to be my provider after all the hassle i'd had). I talk to a CCrep and he put's me through to cancellations at which point i get cut off. Ring back and ask for cancellations and get cut off. Ring back again and get cut off as soon as i ask for cancellations.


    I was fuming at this point. So call BT and ask them to take over my line. They say no probs and tell me it will take a few days. as the line is currently active. No problem, I also ask them to put a block on it so that it cannot be taken over by anyone else as i will never again move. They say that it's not possible but they will add a note to the account saying that i wish for the line to remain with BT and not to allow anyone to take it over.


    The chap at BT opened up an ofcom complaint for me at the same time as i'd explained everything to him when i called and he said i should open up a complaint. I also call by internet provider to close the call and cancel the engineer visit. I explain the situation to them and they just laughed, with a thanks for letting us know.


    So, BT take over my line and i get an bill from Talk Talk.


    They had tried to charge me line rental from January (when i originally signed up) to the end of April. I looked at it and thought you're havin a laugh. Sat on the bill cause i just couldn't be bothered to deal with it at the time.


    Get a call a few months later from Talk Talk chasing payment. (I should have hung up a few times but thought it's not the geezers fault who's calling me) I explained the situation to the geezer and he said he'd look into it and call me. I was hoping never to get a call like my experience when chasing them before but no they want money so get a call the same afternoon.


    I'm told that they have waived the line rental for January - March but they want the week i was with them and have to pay till the end of the month plus the connection charge and the few calls i made. I reply with, no what you should be saying is that the bill is cancelled as i cancelled the order before you processed and was unaware you were the provider when i made the phone calls.


    He argues so i say, I'm not arguing about it. Take me to court and i'm happy for a judge to sort it out as i strongly feel i'm right!. Why should i pay for something i was unaware i had as i cancelled before you processed the order???


    A month later a debt collection agency add £50 to the bill and send me a letter demanding payment. I call them straight away and ask them if they are aware that i'm in dispute with TT? They ask for all correspondence so I email it all off to them. I get a letter 2 days later from them saying case closed.


    I think wow, thats the end of it but no...


    a month later another letter comes through from another debt collection agency, demanding payment and threatening to take me to court. I get intouch and they are very rude, telling me i have to pay up as the debt has been sold on to them. I try to explain my case and they don't care. They re-iterate the same thing 'you have to pay so pay up or else' I say fine, I'm happy for a judge to sort it out so send me the court date and we can deal with it there...


    At this point i call the CAB and they tell me about a SW consumer hotline. I call them and they say don't worry it's scare tactics. They go on to give me some very useful advice. They give me the contact details to the MD of the Carphone warehouse and say i should phone his office.


    I call and speak to his PA, I explain the situation to her, after listening she apologises and asks for an email. I email and i kid you not in less that one hour she calls me to apologise and tells me that I owe them nothing.

    I thank her for sorting it out and she asks me to reply to an email she's sent confirming that I will not be pursuing them any further and that the matter has been resolved to my satisfaction. I reply and job done.


    I will never ever ever be signing up with Talk Talk, even if they monopolise the broadband market and the government turn a blind eye cause they're getting back handers from them like they are from tesco!


    I was so annoyed by them that i've even found myself avoiding the carphone warehouse, even when they've had a decent phone deal.

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