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Posts posted by Exotic

  1. Good package deals, I've pretty much got stage 2 on my 04 DE but without velocity stack and been really happy. Just wondered why is it the first 3 gears that get improved throttle response?


    Nissan limit those gears on the stock car.

    Thanks I thought so and am sure I heard this before. Seems a bit silly to do that though considering the 350Z's weight, Nissan should have it 100% all the way in all gears unless it was stupidly powerful. Realised I meant I'm up to stage 3 now with the BERKs which I got second hand on these forums. Definitely glad with those mods not sure if there's anything else I can squeeze out without going F/I.
    • Like 1
  2. Thanks Docwra - that's along the line of what I'm thinking, in that between the remap and now something has happened. A couple of months ago I got an engine flush when I got my oil change and was thinking a bit paranoidly that the flush might be connected as some people don't think it's good to have. Other than that nothing else has been different apart from using Sainsbury's 97 RON.


    The garage knew it was lean as they connected it to a diagnostic computer, unfortunately I didn't get the error code but it doesn't matter as the CEL came back this morning :bang: So I will be taking it back there on Saturday morning, they said they wouldn't charge any extra to look at it again, but I will confirm the error code which Mark said to confirm.

  3. Well I got a diagnostic done cause I wanted to be sure of the issue and it turned out that my engine is running lean, and as a result a drive throttle part had got extremely dirty. So apparently it wasn't the MAF sensor but I got him to give this a clean also. Error has been gone for a few days now and car runs well and no juddering at standstill.


    I got my car tuned last year, is there any info on these Abbey Motorsport dyno sheets to tell me if I was lean?




  4. Thanks for the help guys I will hold off buying any parts until I confirm the issue. With regard to the cleaning spray, will this likely be just a short term fix? I will give this a go as it is a cheap fix. Have checked under the bonnett and everything seems to be okay and nothing loose. So I guess if it's the sensor it would either needs a clean or replacing. Cheers.

  5. berks high flow racing cats you have installed can cause some errors to pop up. Ususally fixed with spacers on the censors. ZMANALEX sells them.


    Okay but the Berk HFCs have been okay when installed about a year and a half ago. Was fitted by Abbey Motorsport and never had the EML come on before, so do I really need to buy spacers on the sensors? Of course there could be a problem with the HFCs but if they are working correctly I don't think I'd need to add anything as they have worked fine before

  6. Thanks for the reply, I was hoping it would be something simple so if it's just a MAF sensor then I feel a bit better. I only use super unleaded although I'll admit with the rising price of petrol I have recently filled up more with Sainsbury's 97 RON Super Unleaded. It was an embarrassing drive home yesterday as I had to keep the engine revved when coming to a stionary position and it usually either stalls or over revs so hard to keep just above 1000 RPM. Naturally people around me thought I was being an idiot. :bang:

  7. Just happened yesterday where at the traffic lights I noticed it just stalled from neutral, and to keep the engine running now I have to rev it above 1000RPM. It doesn't sound right and is kind of coughing and it feels very jerky. On the motorways at higher speeds it is not accelerating as it should and feels very slow (don't think it goes to high revs). Also the EM light is now on, any ideas what the issue is? I thought or hoped it was just a dodgy bit of fuel but I filled up with V-Power yesterday and it is the same. :angry:

  8. :welcome: to the forum, you'll find a heap of info on here as I have through the last couple of years I'm sure. Good questions so I will give you my 2 pence to start off:

    1. For me MPG is usually around 30-32 on motorways at 70-80 MPH and expect it to drop to 20s driving around town

    2. More Cons than Pro's with Imports I think - resale value will be less, speedo will probably be in KPH, square rear number plate, some parts won't be compatible with UK sourced parts I think.

    3. My main concern with earlier models is they have worse interior build/finish mainly but exterior wise not a lot to tell them apart (the front bumper grille and front reflectors can give tell tell signs). But pre March 06 is lower tax bracket.

    4. Genrally cheap to own/service in my experience, generally I don't see Nissan FSH as an advantage some may disagree. Be wary of modding which will be expensive and usually never ends!

    5. I'm sure there are but not too sure, others will probably point out common issues. Clicking rear axle is one I know of which I had but was cheaply fixed.

  9. I know it's not a lot just been used to paying a lot less road tax on previous cars. Interesting note is that cost of ownership has been very cheap APART from petrol given its fairly thirsty and prices keep going up. Servicing is cheap as my last car plus its been bomb proof reliability wise so I am happy. The only real cost has been my modding desires but I blame sites like this for encouraging that :p

  10. I recently got my car tax disc from applying online and noticed I had to pay £270 even though the reminder letter said £260. I keep all my old tax discs and have had my 04 zed since May 2010:


    2010: £245

    2011: £260

    2012: £270

    2013: ???


    So I know car tax will increase with inflation every year but wondered how people with zeds from 06 onwards in the higher tax bracket have neen affected? Is there anyway to predict how much it will be in the next couple of years?

  11. You let Nissan technicians work on your car! :bang:

    Are you a crazy person?

    Generally no honest! There's not one Nissan stamp in my log book but as it doesn't appear to be a common problem I took a leap of faith thinking they would find the root cause more easily. I have the invoice so I am guessing they have to guarantee the work they carried out. Would have tried to fix it myself but I can't just clip of the inside ceiling



  12. Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for the feedback. I went away over Easter and lost this thread. Weird thing is that the squeaking noise seems to have gone now when I got back, although before I left I did apply some WD40 around the crevices of the plaque and plastic surrounds so not sure if this fixed it.


    Not all good news though! I started to get a ticking/tapping noise from the ceiling passenger side. Now I took the car to be looked at by a Nissan dealer and they said they needed to take off the ceiling liner to get to the problem and that it was a 3 hour job. I agreed but since I got the car back it's sadly no different! I will be taking the car back this wkend just really disappointed as the technician who worked on the car was meant to be a GTR technician and I am not completely confident in the work done due to the nature of where the noise is coming from (can't really take the ceiling off). What do you guys think?

  13. I've got this squeaking noise issue with my zed which developed fairly recently, took awhile to pinpoint exactly where it is coming from (for awhile I thought it was my subwoofer/mounts), but confirmed it is definitely the silver Z plaque in the boot. Now I'm not too keen taking all the plastic trim out from that area nor do I even know how easily you can get the plaque off, but when I put pressure on the plaque it squeaks. Anyone else had this issue, it has stated to drive me a bit crazy :wacko: . Will a Nissan dealer sort it out and how much would you reckon it costs to sort out? Cheers

  14. I had this issue when I first bought my Zed, not sure if it's the exact same issue but it used to click from the underside rear particularly when accelerating away from lights from standstill. I tried replacing the drop links and also taking it to a garage to check if anything was touching the zorst but no joy. I then took it to Nissan Bromley and they managed to sort it out, they said something about the splines needing regreasing, was pretty cheap I recall, and the problem was fixed

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