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Posts posted by HaydnH

  1. i'm not too fussed about being ANPR'ed while i'm pootling around town.


    what does concern me is if two ANPR cameras 30 miles apart on the M40 start logging that everyone is doing that 30 mile journey in 20 minutes, and automatically issues half the people driving on the motorway that day a speeding ticket.


    I doubt that would happen, considering they weren't designed for that purpose it would probably cost far too much to calibrate accurately enough to satisfy the court... I hope.

    • Like 1
  2. @HaydnH what squonker are you using


    I'm using the Firebox 50W Squonker: http://www.ivapour-elixir.co.uk/firebox-squonker-50w.html


    Considering it comes with the mod, atty and a LG battery for <£70 I think it's quite reasonably priced. A lot of people comment on the weight of it, but I don't mind that, feels nice in hand and not too heavy in a pocket. My only down side would be the replacement squonker bottles, out of the box a lot of them let air in at the top so don't squonk, just let air out (easy to fix with a little tape around the metal tube) or have excess plastic inside the nozzle making it hard to squonk (also easy to fix with a small screwdriver to bore it out).. hardly a big issue considering you're rebuilding coils etc more often than replacing the bottle though.

  3. I think the negativity has been just as bad on both sides, tbh. It's terrible politics either way, as both camps have far more positive things to promote instead. Doesn't make the headlines though. :(



    True, I quite like the comment on BBC: Sometimes this debate can feel a little like "my plague of frogs is worse than your plague of frogs".

  4. I like to stay above 0.2 ohm on my single cell mechs, always use decent high drain batteries such as Samsung 25r or Sony vtc4 or vtc5, an ohm meter is also a good to have


    Oddly enough they're the exact 2 batteries (vtc4 & Samsung) I'm using! I'd say an Ohm meter is a must have for mech mods! Although you can use a non-mech mod that has an ohm meter rather than buying a specific one.


    Something you didn't mention is to make sure the mech mod is vented (most are today, even the cheap clones), in the worst case scenario of the battery venting you don't want a pipe bomb in your pocket!

    • Like 1
  5. Again though, where is Corbyn? Where is Sturgeon? Their silence is pitiful.


    Sturgeon's been quite vocal: http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=sturgeon&filter=news&suggid=


    I actually agree with her points on the negative campaigning, it's really putting me off voting to stay! If all the remain camp can do is try and scare us out of our wits with completely outrageous arguments it makes me feel there's some ulterior motive that they're hiding for staying.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi All,


    As some of you may be aware, in July I’ll be signing my life away and getting married! My fiancée & I do quite a bit of volunteering (well, she volunteers… I get roped in) for Creative Youth, a not for profit charity that aims to enable young people to realise their potential through the arts. As part of our wedding we shall be aiming to raise money for the charity through an auction and other events on the day, even our wedding isn’t all about us!


    If you’d like to help us raise money for a good cause, please donate here:




    You can read more about the charity here:







  7. I'm starting to edge toward leave. I don't think the economy will be effected too much either way, but the more I learn about how the people in power in the EU aren't actually voted for the more I think we should leave and regain some democracy.

    • Like 1
  8. Anybody on Mechanical mods yet?


    Be good to discuss with someone who has done all the research :lol: I've done lots, but need some more before I go out and buy one.


    I used to only use mech mods, switched to a squonker a while ago now though. There's a lot of scare mongering around regarding them but I wouldn't worry *too* much, just make sure you understand the lowest resistance you can go to based on the max amp drain of the battery at 4.2V (which is a fully charged battery) and stay safely above that. Also inspect your coils regularly to ensure they're not creating a short.


    I used to love my copper black Stingray with a derringer RDA, so small and a great vape.

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  9. I take it you're sure you actually need one? When I used to get my car serviced at Nissan they gave me a free AC top up one year, strangely enough the next year my condenser had UV fluid "all over it" and "needed replacing" as it "must be leaking", 4 years later it's still working fine.

  10. I finished Uncharted 4 the other day with my total time being somewhere in the region of 13 hours.


    Really? I haven't played any of the uncharted games so know nothing about them, is there much online for it? I'd expect 60-100 hours of game play (solo/online combined) for a game to be worth it. Think I'm about 70 hours in to Dark Souls 3 atm and almost finished.

  11. Qualifying is fine it doesn't need faffing around with. Fastest cars get to the front, that's the way it should be.


    I couldn't agree more. I pretty much went off formula one about the time brawn won and all the double/blown diffuser fiasco. If the rules are there at the start of the season and someone finds a novel way around the rules that gives them an advantage then fair play to them. If you really have to make a mid-season decision on whether or not something's legal don't take half a bloody season making that decision.

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