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Posts posted by Jed

  1. I'd be interested in a quote....


    I can't see that my wheels will cope with dropping 30mm (or claimed 27mm) with 25mm rear and 20mm front spacers :blink:


    Therefore I think some arch rolling may be required?


    Ide be intrested in how you turn out too with the drop? Im still running 20mm n 25mm spacers with the new wheels n they sit fine. but im fancying a 25-30mm drop n think ill have to remove the spacers or get them rolled?

  2. Selling the Z, The Super Charger kit, the Rota alloys, remortgaging my house and changing to an interest only option, using all my savings and getting an epic loan to fund....


    ....an ATPL (Air Transport Pilots License). These are what the pilots that take you on holiday hold and although they're on mega pay, they usually all got there via rich mummy and daddy. I'm stumping up the cash myself.... all of roughly £120,000 including a type rating. :scare:


    The next few years of my life are going to be poo, but I'll return with either a GTR or a Z that's been on a heavy diet and twin turbo'd in a few years


    Good luck Cookbot n it will be well worth it. I financed myself to be a (HST) High Speed technical train Driver at a cost just over £70'000 (That was 7 years ago) and i havnt looked back since!

  3. I did a full dry fit on mine and used a strong gaffer tape to hold it in place whilst i marked the holes for securing it. There were a few places that were slightly off so i used some flat fiberglass sheet on the outerside to get the angle right and once dried a marker to mark out the lines. then after removing re-inforced that and filled and smoothed. One of the side skirts i had to heat at the leading end using a paint stripper heat gun to lay flat so i could secure it too. but in fairness it was only on the rear bumper where it meets the arch that it was out and i was pleasantly pleased with the fit. the process took me 3 days in total before i was happy. may be not a lot of help but thats how i found it!

  4. I had all mine done last Aug at Xpresstints at Shipley nr bradford/leeds at a cost of £235


    The best thin is to have the rear and both quarters black as that isnt a problem at all and your pass and drivers is down to varying options and as someone has already pointed out the legal level is 75% and is hardly noticable. the next tint down is a fine if stopped n questioned of up to £60. Any further shade darker is points on your licence. I opted for the fine shade as i think its worth the risk and to this date i have had no problems including been stopped and it not even been mentioned.


    Here are my side tints and this is one shade darker than legal and a fine if a cop has had a bad day.So a risk you take.



  5. I quite like the Polish Ebay one...


    Bit more subtle than some...



    Thats the one i bought n in the dry fit pics on my car. its an excellent fit with no mods re fitting and came in the grey primer. Though it needed flattening before re-spray.



    You got yours fitted yet Jed? I've got mine in the shed and keep putting it against the car to decide if I should fit it or not! :lol:


    Car still down at body shop been fitted n sprayed. but its getting fitted!

  6. I quite like the Polish Ebay one...


    Bit more subtle than some...




    Thats the one i bought n in the dry fit pics on my car. its an excellent fit with no mods re fitting and came in the grey primer. Though it needed flattening before re-spray.

  7. WOW now that is unique. Good on ya bud..... I am really looking forward to seeing it all finished. So when do you get her back?


    Hoping about another week.


    The Colour looks more pink than its going to be. The base paints are silver, then, blue n lastly the pink. will make it more a magenty Pearl n nowt like the nurrish wheel fiasco.

  8. Decided to go for a complete colour change and de-badge. Whole top of car metallic black n rest Pearl Purple. Including the interior clock n audio dash trim.


    So after changing my mind so many times n upsetting the body shop, the original 2 wks has extended to 4 weeks now n im missing her sooo much!


    Anyway the pink Cherry went out of the windown n its Pearl Metallic Purple now n black


    So its gone from my normal




    the dry fit






    To the re-strip down





    Including interior trim





    The Prep & undercoat




    The start of the re-spray as per today friday 25th which has included a full strip inside and out and complete colour change including under chassis and interior trim.





    The Rest of car now Purple n awaiting Laquering





    Some of the Interior trim & Under Bonnet Stuff to match.




    Still have to fit the Spoiler next Friday when im off work and put some of the interior in. But other than that, here she is!









    Still some bits to do but im having to do it every 7 days n only got back of hol last wk.

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