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Posts posted by ThyJones

  1. Thanks for all the info guys, much appreciated.


    I dont need to work it out to the exact penny really, just trying to get close. My astra was highly tuned at to be honest it seems like ill be getting better miles out of the 350z than my astra lol so it should be ok, and I know the feeling about mods, spent £6k on engine work on my coupe, and that was working to the idea that I wasnt going to touch it, so god knows what ill be doing if I get a Zed.


    Ill most likely be having a loan for the majority of the money, but i already had a loan which has finished, so theres not much difference in all honesty. I've still got access to my other car(vectra) so umming and arring if to keep that as well and just use the Zed for "fun".


    Thanks again!!

  2. Hi Guys, not trying to be too obtrusive here, i'm just trying to sort out a budget for what I think its going to cost me if getting a 350z. I know there will be many different factors and each will be different, but on a rough basis, what does your 350z cost you a month?


    No point including insurance really as this is too generic, but ive budget per month figures around:


    Road tax = £17.08 pm

    Service costs = £20.83 pm on the basis of £250 approx service per year

    MOT = £8.33 pm

    Insurance (no point mentioning really)

    Petrol = unsure..


    Theres bound to be wear and tear on wheels etc, oil and so forth, can't think of what else im missing?


    I've been trying to work out petrol but am struggling, i do approx 20miles per day to/from work, and then the odd mile here and there, so im saying 150 miles per week.


    Do the above figures seem realistic?



  3. well, im pretty much convinced now :)


    Went to see a few yesterday, went to one place who had one in stock, by the time I got there it had gone :( so went miles to another place, same problem.. so either they were fibbing or it was a coincidence, but I was only looking anyway and will probably buy private.


    On the drive to the 2nd dealers I considered having a roadster, saw a red one up close, and it look stunning with the top down, but wasnt too keen with the top up, but each to their own.


    So.. been revising quotes today for insurance, its managable :) so I think the search will begin wooooot!


    Im torn between black and silver at the moment, like the blue colour but ive had a blue car last and fancy a change. Silver is winning for me at the moment.


    Are the rays alloys an optional extra on the 350z's? and also, you know on the consoles, whats behind the flap, is it sat nav, or again is that an optional extra?


    Hopefully be joining you all soon

  4. Thanks for all the helpful advice, and pics lol :)


    I'm seriously considering it, i've been looking at cars for a few weeks/months and came up with a short list:


    BMW 320D M Sport < nice, high miles for what I can afford, but good mileage, but 5 doors

    Volkswagen Golf R32 < nice

    Nissan 350Z GT < nice

    Astra VXR < not a fan


    Obviously everyone here is going to say 350z, and to be honest thats probably my best choice, for looks, and general all round coolness.


    My only issue now is insurance, although its unlikely to be much difference from my astra, and then the difference between post 06 etc for the tax. Going to do a few costings in the next few days and come up with a final choice :)


    One final thing, I dont know if im being blind, but I can't see the mileage for services, anyone know the different intervals? this may help in my search :)


    Thanks again

  5. Hi Guys.


    Found this forum with great ease so thought i'd sign up, got a few questions as i'm thinking of buying a 350z, so if anyone could give me some advice I would be much appreciated.


    I've done a bit of research over the last few days, but am getting mixed opinions and mixed feedback about various subjects which are going to help determine if i go down the 350z route.


    Anyway, bit of background info on me, i'm from staffordshire, and I used to drive an vauxhall astra coupe turbo with a fair amount of engine mods, which was running at 300bhp and 360lb torque. I sold this about a week ago, so am looking for another toy.



    anyway, my questions and thoughts.


    I'm thinking about buying a black 350z(no specific car yet), but I do like the look of the GT models, so all my searching has been based around them.


    My concerns is the the space, 2 seats and it looks like a small ish boot, the 2 seats I can manage with, because I've got another car for the time being plus my gf has a decent car with 5 seats so can use that, how much actual boot space is there? I've just taken up golf so need to be able to get the clubs in ;)


    Secondly, the fuel, im assuming keep it on v power, which I did with my astra, but whats the general fuel consumption, getting people saying its from anywhere from 16mpg to 36mpg, just looking more info, as the petrol costs are so high at the moment, but I only do 20miles per day for work, so i cant see it being too much.


    Is there anything I need to be aware about when looking at the GT models, anything specifically go wrong with this model, and what are the service intervals? I've read somewhere that the big service is circa £500, can anyone confirm please?


    Finally, whats the tax like on these for 6 months/12 months?


    Sorry for all the questions, just trying to make the right decision..

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