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Posts posted by ThyJones

  1. true, but where i live is all little roads until you get out onto the main roads, and i had a bump last year at < 5mph due to snow, and im a little worried now I have a zed lol.


    If it gives you a little grip then i'm thinking it may be worth it if its only to just get out of the smaller roads and onto the mains..

  2. Hi there.


    My keyfob was working fine at about 11pm on the monday night, tuesday morning it didn't. Used my spare key and drove to work then at lunch time i went to nissan. They took my key from me, and changed the battery, at a charge of £8ish. It still didn't work, so the chap came out, tried it, confirmed it didnt work, went back inside, did some stuff and tried again, said it still wouldnt work. He then said he'd take it round the back to sort it, but i'd ran out of time and had to be in a meeting.


    Took it back today, told them what happened, spoke to the same chap, and he said I will have to pay the £86 charge to recode it. I said "so every time my battery runs out in my keyfob i need to pay £86", he said not every time, sometimes if you don't change it quick enough then that happens. I said, well you(at nissan) changed it for me, i didnt ask you to, you took the key off me, and never once said this could happen..


    I've said i'll speak to the manager on Monday, as i'm not impressed. Anyone else had this problem, or is it fixable any other way than paying £86?



  3. cheers for the reply,


    what i mean is though, the whole handle is now totally seperate from the door car, the bottom part is in tack, and it came out with the handle, the top part of the handle appears to be left in the door card, get me?

  4. Hi there.


    I just pulled my door shut using the interior passenger side door handle, and it snapped.


    The bottom of the handle is in tact, the top half is still stuck in the door. Any tips on getting this bit of plastic out, i tried pliers squezing the two sides together yet it didnt work, and was wondering if there was a screw or something else stopping it working?



  5. Hi Guys,


    I know this is a common problem, seen the FAQ, and the following info:



    Rear axle clicking noise. Sounds like something left underneath. Usually does it when shifting from reverse to forward or initial load when moving off. This is caused by the driveshafts. Due to the work involved make sure the price reflects this if the car is not covered under warranty. You can read the bulletin at http://www350z-tech.com/zwiki/service:t ... _Rear_Axle

    Gearchange can get a bit notchy in 4th and 6th if thrashed or neglected.




    I cant get the link to work, anyone else got a link?


    My car is covered by warranty, didnt hear the noise on test, but hear it again now and again... whats actually involved in sorting this problem out, and how much is the cost likely to be?


    As mentioned, under warranty, but interested nethertheless.


    Thanks :)

  6. I think my mind is pretty much made up, I used to go through 3 sets a tyres a year in my coupe as it would just eat the rubber and there were never ending costs..


    regarding that £1200 work, whats that for if you don't mind me asking?


    Also, say I buy/can find an unmodded totally standard Zed, are there a few certain things that should be done first (theres always a few little tweaks here and there).. obviously i wont be able to spend thousands on it straight away, but is there any mods that improve *anything* and don't break the bank? (i've been trying to spot common problems, improvements but haven't come up with many).

  7. ive seen a few nice models for sale actually, for similar prices, the thing that drew me to this one was, its from a garage so in theory theres more comeback, it had the full rac inspection which you can probably get anyway? and full service history.


    I don't want to waste money for the sake of it, so If i can find a private car with similar attributes then i'd go for that

  8. Mine's costing around £600 per month, including petrol/insurance/loan and averaging out annual tax/services/consumable costs.


    Personally I'd rather condition myself to the expense now in preparation for even pricier cars in the future!! :lol:


    If 2004 models with mileage like the PH link are still going for that price, I don't need to worry about depreciation for a while either!! :thumbs:


    Do you think that the price is too high for that then?


    I've been looking for a few weeks now and pricing are ranging, ideally I want less than 60k Miles..

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