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Posts posted by mattbowey

  1. i think it looks alright tbh, think white has been overplayed a bit now though.


    why would someone spend 4.5k getting a show car sprayed at the start of show season then sell it a week later?


    also, it has a ps2 custom fitted... backwards b******d


    i never think cos i know the car aint goin anywhere on a lift


    wow, could my english be any worse there.....



    i never think because i know the car isn't going anywhere on a lift


    i feel better now

  3. makes no difference about the handbrake if you are just doing pads.


    just wait till you have done them all then hit the brakes a few times. saves jumping in and out the car as much. not gonna risk brake fluid going anywhere unless you disconnect any hoses


    good luck

  4. the outside A pillar piece, mine has minor damage that can be repaired but ideally i am after an undamaged one.




    EDIT** might have helped to mention it's the passenger side one i am after :doh: **

  5. DIY....If the tech is "worried" dont take it there FFS. :lol:


    I and Doodyrev have fitted 4 cat-back exhausts in our ownership of our zeds and its a piece of cake, 2 bolts hold the back box on and a couple of rubber hangers which are a pig to get back on, apart from that EASY......


    Bring it to us, we will do it for a few sheets. :thumbs:


    PS its not a gasket as such, its an O ring gasket. :thumbs:


    i personally think the rubber hangars are more of a pain to get off than get one. i have removed 3 standard systems from zeds and they were a pain, getting them back on was easy, bit of fairy liquid to lube it up and you're away!

  6. If my PC goes tits up then I'm very comfortable digging around in the registry and all the fiddly bits to sort it out. If my Mac ever did the same I wouldn't have a clue where to start as the entire file structure and program is completely different. I'm not saying that it's any more difficult to learn as I suspect it's not, it's just what I've grown up with and what I'm used to.


    For me, a PC makes the simple things more complicated than they need to be at time, whereas on a Mac the complicated stuff becomes an absolute impossibility to sort out. That's the real downsides to both units, although Win7 is about as perfect an OS as I've ever used and makes the call for OSX much less urgent. Still needs tidying up though.


    my issue with win7 is they have made some things too simple. i guess thats just because i know how to do things the old way.


    for example. the control panel was so much easier to navigate when everything was there in front of you. i know you can change it to the old style but it's still not the same

  7. got to wonder, if the set up cost 1500 then they must have been pretty cheap 20" rims.


    plus he only has pics of the rear left. the rest curbed?


    they seem cheap enough though if youwere to go for them.


    and yes, you probably would need your arches rolled

  8. Oh marvellous, another fanboi thread. :yawn:

    Sorry Dan... just wanted some help with my OS :blush:


    ok, i will back down. :surrender: i admit i do not have a lot of experience with macs. but when i have used them i have found them more frustrating than intuitive. lets put that to lack of experience. :surrender:


    sorry for the hijack ranting.


    good luck sorting your OS problems. :thumbs:

  9. I have a Mac and use a PC at work and have to say the operating systems on the Mac are light years ahead of PCs from a general use point of view...the amount of times I spend recovering work on PCs or sitting watching it catch up on itself are ridiculous.

    People who bitch about Mac's have never used one properly.


    I have to switch between the two... I have an iMac for me.. a MacbookPro for work... but I have to RDP (cord) onto PC's... they are awful :yuck:


    have they figured out how to put 2 buttons on the mouse yet?


    i have used them, used to have to use them at school and used my bro's when i was visiting him. all i can say is muh. nothing blew me away like all mac bummers claim they do


    also, 3 of my tutors at college, all in the IT department, got macbookpros and then installed windows 7 on it. so... ummm... what else to say

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