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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. My plenum spacer is from Horsham,Fast delivery and good advice.

    Get t mapped though if you have de cats as fuelling will be dangerously lean!




    found mind runs rich ?


    I agree, your mind is very rich :p

  2. I feel uncomfortable around gays (on the most part), does that make me homophobic, no, i can categorically tell you i am not, each to their own and fill your boots. If you have not had exposure to gays or negros in any degree of course their appearance or way of life may make you feel uncomfortable imho. But actively be prejudice against them, lol, i have far better things to do with my time.


    She was no way discriminating about Negros (which isnt a race by the way), just she felt uncomfortable, perfectly plausible and perfectly rational for an old woman who probably didnt see a black fella until she was our age ;) You want to see it as racist, so you will and you will draw your own conclusions from an innocent comment and we will once again be arguing opinions.


    You and Ekona are right though, i am sure there are some black sheep (is that racist?) in Ukip and hopefully as the party gathers strength and popularity they will root these people out and become far more credible, i could hardly see that old dear out at a BNP rally though.


    See I'm confused about that one, I've got no idea why someones orientation or skin colour would make you uncomfortable... If however a Mountain Lion came along and wanted to ask questions about your political agenda or sit with you at the pub then I agree, time to feel uncomfortable.


    Sadly I am not eloquent enough to explain It then, or you just see It differently. I was just trying to perhaps offer a view from how she feels. I dont feel uncomfortable around negros, but do gays, just suggesting it doesnt automatically make you predujice to not feel comfortable around certain groups, but as Ekona mentions, they are both sensitive subjects, i have been called to rights before on here for comments made about Louis Spence.


    Would you feel comfortable If you wandered Into a pikey campsite for example?


    How about someone that you have known for ages who 'comes out' would it change your relationship with them?


    I take it you also wouldn't feel uncomfortable around lesbians (good looking ones obviously) :lol:


    Not having a dig, my best mate is probably the most homophobic guy I know, doesn't make him a bad person he is a family man through and through and he wouldn't be my best mate if he was a bigot... funnily enough his favourite band are Queen, but try and tell him that Freddie was a gay icon and he will argue till he is blue in the face, according to him Freddie never came out and nobody knew he was gay until after he died :headhurt:

  3. Jag XKR-S?

    Might be a bit over the £40K budget still Stu I'd guess ~ had a look after me, SMD and ATTAK Z were chatting about them & they were around $45K+ used.


    Personally I'd go for the GTR especially as I've heard prices for them seem to be going up rather than down for the most part so could be a good investment. ;)


    Lucky to find one for £40k, you could get a mint XKR for that though :thumbs:


    I agree get a GTR and get it serviced at KaizerMotors (unless you live gazillions of miles away)

    • Like 1
  4. It's not bad at all.


    However, and I don't know if anyone else has found this, but on Xbone once you have the wheel connected there's no way of accessing the menu system, as it requires you to use the trigger buttons which the wheel doesn't have (paddles act as RB/LB). This means that 4/5 of the general options are out of reach, and even worse than that is that I can't get to the geo/damping menus so all the cars handle like buses! Silly, silly move methinks. I tried using a controller but that refuses to do anything when you have a wheel plugged in.



    Other than that, it's rock hard. The R500 was awful around Donny, but the Ginetta GT3 was much better round Spa. I binned the R18 out of Eau Rouge and wrote it off :lol:


    Luckily my wheel has all he buttons my controller has :thumbs:


    Will probably pick up a copy tomorrow morning :drive1



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  5. Had mismatched tyres on the MX-5 although it is a much less powerful and much lighter car you could definitely feel it in the corners, especially with no TC etc. never bothered to change them as it was only really a commuter car for my missus



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  6. Makes me glad I don't have a Zed anymore, luckily there are more Zed owners that cherish their car and their own and others safety, but there do seem to be more and more bellends...



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  7. I have had issues with my XFS but I bought at the bottom of the market, one of the first ones made in fact, easy to find negatives for any marque or model.


    I have been in a GTR and an F-type briefly and I can honestly say neither felt poorly put together at all :shrug:



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  8. I did a 750 mile round trip to Scotland in one of these... I can assure you it doesn't get boring. If you get tired of the noise, you can stick it back into normal mode and it's like sitting in your living room.


    Also had the AWD at Goodwood the other day. Even with that horrific rain, it is just astounding what it's capable of.


    Good to know about that switch.... I like a quiet car for road trips


    Lovely sound, but surely it would get annoying on a long road trip or constant cruising.


    Also a shame that the build quality is questionable!!


    What's led you to believe the build quality is questionable, chap?


    Number of things:-

    • An ex-GTR owner that bought one and then gave it back after a week or so
    • Jaguar Land Rover......
    • Having had a new Range Rover, the thing spent more time back at the dealer than at my house
    • Seen quite a few on the roadside and on the back of flatbeds

    Quite a few posts about issues






    Mainly, it comes down to my personal experience with LRJ as a company (that includes the individual franchise and LRJ UK).... the sales service is great, follow-up service is shocking and after-sales was just appalling.


    A 5 month old recall for America :yawn:





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  9. Glad it worked, sometimes the easiest or simplest thing works best ;)


    I consider myself a PS Guru, have had every single one since the first, I used to chip and repair PS2 & 2's back in the day too, happy days :)



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    great fix! B)

    I have all 4 ps setup in my living room, gonna go home play cod right now I think. :teeth:


    I'm not really in to retro gaming, each console has substantially bettered the previous one, I have tried emulators but get bored after a couple of minutes...

  10. I would put the game save on a memory stick and reinstall the game too



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    How would that help Dave?


    Sorry not 100% computer savvy so just wondered.


    In theory it shouldn't, but... you never know, updates can sometimes cause all sorts of issues, just a simple enough thing to try so thought I would mention it



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  11. Thanks for the reply Fodder. :)


    Ok so what I've done now is added my PS3 IP address to the router DMZ ~ I now have Nat Type 2 but "open" instead of "moderate" which it used to be.


    Went onto the "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" game and tried to play "Kill Confirmed" from the standard playlists but it still says; no games found. :angry::thumbdown:



    I don't think it's an issue with PSN or the COD game otherwise I'd be able to find news about it online. I've obviously tried the easiest things first like resetting the router and checking all my settings.


    Not sure what "port forwarding" is but if it helps I'm willing to try it or would it help if I got an ethernet cable and just plugged that in instead of using wireless connection?

    Any pointers appreciated. :thumbs:


    Wired is always better than wireless :thumbs:

  12. I watched last night because hot hatches were my era.


    Imho i think the show could potentially be really good, but, would much prefer to see more of the work going on than Phillip Glenister being surly and miserable and seemingly devoid of any interest.


    The last series was much better, it's not terrible but like you say could do with a bit more 'hands-on' detail

  13. Reviews seem to be a unanimous success, class leading. Seems jaguar have got it right again


    Yep they will sell a fair few, I still think it is underwhelming in terms of looks though :dry:


    Now if they make a 2 door version...



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  14. But that isnt health tourism is it, if they are paying into the system ;)


    Should i get some of my ni back because i havent used the national health system in years?


    Of course it is, just in reverse! :p


    And the ni question, possibly yes, if you are a non smoker and non drinker like myself then why should I pay the same ni as someone who smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish :shrug:


    At the end of the day the NHS is what it is I guess

    But that isnt health tourism is it, if they are paying into the system ;)


    Should i get some of my ni back because i havent used the national health system in years?


    Of course it is, just in reverse! :p


    And the ni question, possibly yes, if you are a non smoker and non drinker like myself then why should I pay the same ni as someone who smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish :shrug:


    At the end of the day the NHS is what it is I guess


    So nothing like it then, health tourism is tourist travel for the purpose of healthcare :)


    What about fat people, why arent they subject to huge duties to compensate for their drain on the nhs.


    Anyway, doesnt really matter, you cant even be bothered to vote so cant bother you that much :)


    Nope won't be voting and really couldn't give a toss who wins as it will make feck all difference to anything really... all as bad as each other :headhurt:


    Surely someone that lives and works in the UK (whatever nationality) that visits a foreign country for health care is classed as a 'tourist' :shrug:


    What about a UK national who lives and works abroad coming home for treatment?


    Not a case of not being bothered to vote, it isn't mandatory so I choose not to :D as I don't vote I don't complain about anything political really apart from in general, same with religion...


    I actually think the health tourism issue is valid although not really a huge drain I would think, and I think most would agree immigration needs a shake up as well as the welfare state, but none of the parties will have the funds or the balls to tackle any of those areas properly...


    Anyway I will leave you all to it, play nicely, hopefully this thread will stay polite and courteous :)

  15. But that isnt health tourism is it, if they are paying into the system ;)


    Should i get some of my ni back because i havent used the national health system in years?


    Of course it is, just in reverse! :p


    And the ni question, possibly yes, if you are a non smoker and non drinker like myself then why should I pay the same ni as someone who smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish :shrug:


    At the end of the day the NHS is what it is I guess

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