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Posts posted by s14akw

  1. Neil, everytime I go out on the town in Glasgow I always end up with some psychopath or stalker and mostly they always seem to come from the Airdrie, Drumpellior or Motherwell areas. :scare:


    see i was going to try and defend my home here but why bother lol

  2. im up for coming along, only problem is the mrs doesnt have any i.d lol, not unless polly or vicky would like to pretend that she is their daughter for the evening lol. nich is waitin on her provisional coming i but god knows when it will be here lol

  3. would like to wish all the members a very merry xmas from the mrs and I and thank you all for a great first year on the forum, looking forward to many more hopefully. Hope everyone has a good xmas and gets what they have wished for, so stay safe and will see you all in the new year.



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