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Posts posted by ace

  1. I bought my roadster about 3 weeks ago on Friday and have had the roof down every day since then, I'm well getting my moneys worth in this weather :teeth: I love the car and it's been the best car I have owned and Iv'e had a few in my time. So go for it there not as common as the coupe! since owning mine I have not seen another on the road yet.

  2. always report it to the police even just to get a crime number if you may go down the insurance route but you never know this person could have been stopped by the police for a broken light or something so theres a possiblility he may get caught.

  3. you right it is a modified GT4 probably why it's not sold it's also overpriced! When I was looking I viewed another that's been on ebay and pistonheads for £12000 a very nice chap selling it and I also drove it but something was putting me off it I'm sure it had been bottom half resprayed although done professionally it was a shade off the rest of the car.

  4. three weeks ago a scrote walked along the middle of the road and keyed my Vivaro van plus the hole street then went round the corner and done the rest to the bottom of the road in total must have been 80 to a 100 cars :rant: its gone so deep I need a full side respray :evil:

  5. Well yesterday I picked up my new car I got insurance with Chris Knott who gave me a very good quote as nobody would mirror my 20+ years trouble free bonus from my van so started with no bonus just some forum member discount. :thumbs:


    got a train from London to Hull and picked up the car I didn't fancy just jumping on the M1 and bringing it back so drove to Skegness on the A roads then to Grantham and picked up the A14 onto the M11. This has been the best drive of my life the A roads were quite so could drive the car spritley on some parts and the car drove better when pushed to my amazement it just loved it.

    I had another Z'ed (bronze) chase me on the A14 I think just to say hello before he turned off which was nice :wave: then set the cruise on the M11 turned the sounds up and had a comfortable drive to my house.

    I must say these cars have to be one of the best all rounders for a sports car it has everything from the speed to the comfort. :teeth:

    next will be an order for some detailing products.

  6. Ok, I need to get insurance on the car before I pick it up is there a recommended company you guys can point me at I'll only be covering about 5000 per annum so a specialist might do :)


    Ace, feel free to call my company on 0208 3645500, please mention your membership of this club!


    called the company today gave them all my details the chap asked me what the best quote I had was, I told him then he just said 'we cannot get near that' I asked what the quote is and he would not tell me :shrug: he just kept saying we cannot get near that then rang off :rant:


    then 1/2 hour later somebody from the same company 'Sky' called me selling liability insurance because I'm self empolyed well you guys know where you can go!

  7. not got the car yet and things are'nt looking rosey, the road tax will be due beginning of September and she's in the £435 bracket :scare: I don't mind she's going to be worth it but called around many brokers today including Chris Knott and cannot use my no claims bonus on this vehicle as I already use it on my van, so with over 20 years no claims and clean license I may have to insure the car from scratch with no bonus surely that cannot be right :shrug:

  8. Ok, I need to get insurance on the car before I pick it up is there a recommended company you guys can point me at I'll only be covering about 5000 per annum so a specialist might do :)

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