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Posts posted by kris

  1. Does it not depend what ones.

    I was looking at a set for over £500

    Nissan 350 Brake Pads


    If you would like to select a different model you can return to the

    Nissan page.

    350 Z Year: 02>

    Coupe Front Axle Thickness (mm): 18.0, Braking System: BRE RS19 Yellow (Ceramic Based) £-2.40 RS4-2 Blue (Carbon Based) £258.25 RS4-4 Orange (Carbon Based) £258.25 RS29 Yellow (Ceramic Based) £322.81 Rear Axle Thickness (mm): 16.5, Braking System: BRE RS4-2 Blue (Carbon Based) £164.48 RS4-2-1 Black (Carbon Based) £164.48 RS14 Black (Ceramic Based) £181.19 RS5 Blue (Ceramic Based) £181.19 RS15 Grey (Ceramic Based) £186.62 RS19 Yellow (Ceramic Based) £205.63 RS29 Yellow (Ceramic Based) £205.63


    Ah I see, if they are a different model then my bad.


    However I'm not too sure from the pics which series these are?

  2. Is that to me? Lol if so, I didn't lol as was a bit pi**ed off as got producer for nothing...fair enough it was for something more serious that made car dangerous to drive..but side light bulb? 2 min job to replace...but all hussle of going to the garage to get it checked and stamped n then returning producer back...meh! Lol


    Better than a fine or points though ;)

  3. When I had my celica I had it in bodyshop and one of the jobs was to smooth out holes in from bumper made by screws for number plate, and I had my number plate attached l(with suction cups) to the front left corner of windscreen(by tax disc) ones police were driving past as I was getting into my car in a public car park. They stopped for a chat and a quick check...asked about number plate if it was blocking my view-n it wasn't blocking it that much, then they got all their books and manuals out from the boot of their car-but after looking thru them for good 10minutes-they couldn't find anything that said it was illegal, wished me a good day and let me go!

    Also a friend of mine, about 2 years ago, asked VOSA bloke at one of cruises about having number plate in the window and he said as far as its displayed on the front of the car, it's fully visible and as vertical as possible (as possible...so I guess it don't have to be fully vertical) its fine!

    My other mate has American style tilted number plate bracket-he got told off n told to change it, as cameras wouldn't pick it up.

    So long story short - as far as its fully visible it will be fine :)


    Think you've been given some duff info there Vlad


    I've researched this numerous times and spoken to quite a few traffic cops over the years who all come back saying that it has to be on the most front part of the car


    Putting it in the window may be making it visible, but is illegal - I think the cops just give a bit of discretion when it comes to that from my experience though


    quite possibly I been given duff info... been reseaching myself and couldn't find any def. answers :(

    But as kris sad above - if you dont go over the top with it or do anything stupid - dont think coppers will give you any trouble... but at same time all depends on the copper(s)... as some of them are n*bs!


    It's all about attitude really, the new style 'producers' have vehicle rectification notices on them aswell, meaning an officer can issue you a ticket stating you need to get the plate sorted out, then you take it the the garage which stamps the form to say the work has been carried out, you then produce this form at the station. Alot better way of dealing than dishing out fines for what is really a small offence!


    But yes, unfortunately some officers (usually traffic) can be a bit anal to say the least.

  4. 'As vertical as possible' is correct, so in your window is breaking the regs.


    As long as people aren't stupid with it ie. put the plate flush with the bottom lip and facing upwards (which I have seen alot of MR2 owners do!) then the police shouldn't give you hassle. If your doing something silly your just giving them the excuse to turn your car over. There's nothing about it being centralised as already mentioned.

  5. When I went from the s2k to the 350 my premium went down by £450. However my tax is now over £450 a year and lower mpg so it's all relative. Even though there's not an awful lot difference in book mpg figures I found that because of the s2ks big rev range it was easier to get even better mpg if you drove it steadily.


    The S2k is fun but I feel more at home in the zed. Just drive them both :)

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