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Posts posted by Harman350z

  1. :repost: ..... Although a really good re-post :thumbs:


    All JDM's registered after 2006 regardless of age has to pay £400+ road tax per year...




    Since this month the rules have changed to manufactured year and older JDM's like mine (2003) has got the benefit of paying tax at £225ish.. Good news at last :teeth:

  2. Quote of the night..

    Sally: 'Ive never cleaned a car in my life'



    Yea there was a little something out in the middle of the road, FORTUNATELY it somehow cleared my front bumper and hit a part of the chassis underneath and no damage reported. :thumbs:

  3. Well, Thanks to sally for organising and picking a lovely place in Shotley to eat after.

    All in all i did a round trip of 140 miles (quater tank) and spent just under £15 on food and drinks, well worth it.

    The day shots are excellent! but my camera just is not good enough for the night shots, some came out ok.


    Photos from the meet are on my facebook album if anyone has facebook:



    I will upload the pictures to a host and add them in the next post. :thumbs:

  4. Its never been done from my memory, but what im saying is its an open market. :thumbs:

    Why not give it a try, if all goes wrong at the worse it could cost you £15 ... ?

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