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Posts posted by alessandro

  1. the overlay only goes on the top of the dash, not down the sides so just looks "stuck on".






    Good point,

    I had a better look at the picture and could look cheap which is the last thing I want.

    Still like the idea of a logo to cover the panel

  2. :lol:


    Yes I'm afetr the cover with the Z on it, I have seen it on e-bay for around £ 90 but I can register for some reason.

    Any idea on how I can source it in another way?

  3. amersham is that near oxford, if so i might know somewhere that would do it for you, they build and race prep lotus race cars for the elise trophy and he's a mate of mine



    How come that most of you here have cool jobs or friends with cool jobs.... I'm not jealus :p

    I'll give it a go my self, it will look even better if I do it.



    ANDY you have a PM

  4. The most powerful car I ever driven before the Z was a Golf GTI MK4 and last time I came to MK it was my first time on the wet with the Z, take it easy and you'll be fine.

    Can't wait to be able to drive beauty propelly on roundabouts...... :drive1 , not yet dho

  5. Welcome :)


    Not selling my Z but for that kind of money you can find an 03 04 with around 50K miles or less.

    From dealers you get warranty and higher prices, from here you get much bettter cars and well looked after, I bought my 03 JDM 50K miles for 10K and the car doesn't have a scracth.

    I'm sure someone will be along soon with more infos


    Good Luck

  6. Perfect,


    I was looking for someone reccomended around here, how much would you charge for a "check up"? I bought my Z 2 weeks ago and the P2 it's not due for another 2K miles but I want someone to give her a good look around for any potential issues oil levels etc...

  7. Why not come over next Saturday (12th September). We have a BBQ in the afternoon and mini mod day. We can get those badges swapped over then and you can meet some of the other members at the same time. Sarah :)



    On Saturday I have to go to a wedding of one of my girlfriend's friend which I don't even know!!! B##@cks!!!!!!!!

    Anyway save some ribs for Fri 18th and I''bring the beer



    By the way, anyone advice / votes on what I should do? :D

  8. Hi there,


    When I first got my Z I had big mod plans for it but to be onest I just love it the way she is, so I decided to start little by little with minor works and see how it goes. ( Ok truth is little money and too many dreams )

    My first mini mod was to replace the OEM arial with a 9cm alluminium one ( look good but doesn't bloody work ) , now, second step will be to remove the front and rear aftermarket doughnut Z logo which I think sould by easy and replace the back one with the Tommy Kaira red Z and leave the front with no logo ( I think ).

    And if it fit and looks ok, stick another Tommy Kaira Z on top of the original Z on the strut bar.

    I think I will leave the Z logos on top of the indicator where they are.

    The only problem I have is that I also want to remove the 350Z logo and I don't think that will come out that easily. Any idea? Or it's better if a professional does it?

    I'll buy the badges from Envy in Surrey,if I ask nicely would they remove my 350Z logo? please............................. :)

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