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Posts posted by chrisjones6699

  1. I'll let you know when Nissan have replied to my letter from Trading Standards! :lol:


    I'll be honest with you guys. When I haven't got my Zed (in the garage or im away with work) I feel like selling up! But when I get it back and I look at it, I get that tingling feeling in my nuts! :lol::lol: Know what I mean? :shrug:

  2. OK so as the title says, I scraped my alloys very badly so i'll tell the story and then my recommendation! :thumbs:


    Last month i had to change my two rear tires so, stupidly, I took my zed to my local garage for them to change the tires. To say they damaged my wheels would be an understatement! They had tool marks on them, scratches on the inside of the alloys etc! They where a mess! So after i pointed out the damage, they apologized and took the wheel to "refurb"........3 weeks later!!!!! I had them back and they were worse off than before! No damage but a ridiculous paint match!! nowhere near the original color! (Oh and to insult to injury, they had chipped the front left alloy and denied doing it!!)

    I didnt have to time to take my zed back as i had to get to London for work. Whilst in London, on my way to the job I was due to start, I went through one of those streets that have those insane bollards to stop HGV's going through. Now if you know these stupid things, you know how narrow they are and when i drove through it......I managed to scrape the front and rear right alloys ALL THE WAY AROUND!!!! After I wiped the tears away, I inspected the damage and it wasn't pretty! I have treated these alloys like my new born children and I knew that I couldnt take them back to the garage that originally damaged them so I had to pay to get them done! :scare:


    My brother recommended the guys that touched up his alloys and when we got there, i showed the lovely polish gentleman my wheels and what the garage had done to them before i mangled them and asked him if he could fix them? He replied "ummm maybe" My brother laughed and said he was being modest.


    I had my Zed back the same day and I swear that they just took my alloys out of the wrapping!!! They look incredible! The guy was being VERY modest!!! I only asked them to to the right two wheels but they done every wheel, cleaned my car inside and out and they charged me for two wheels and £5 for cleaning my Zed!! The total cost.......£115!! Unreal!!! :scare:


    If anyone needs to get their alloys done, take it to Posh Wash in the Kensington NCP!!!


    Ps, I should of known he was being modest after seeing the Aston's, Maserati's and Porsche's sat there waiting for the alloys to be done!! :blush:

  3. Thanks you very much guys!! Some very nice comments there! :teeth: Thanks for the advice too!


    Biscuit, thanks for pointing me in 123-reg, very handy! I think I have a couple of names in mind, a few people said that CJPhotography sounds professional and simple. I like 23Photography (23 has been a very significant number for my family over the years) too but I've still not made my mind up and I'm still open for suggestions :wacko: This is hard work! Jonesthephotographer is available too! Cheers Dave! :lol:


    Stew, I'm glad you said that about my landscapes and Wildlife because when I first started taking photographs, these where the two subjects I wanted to specialize in! :)


    I haven't been out with my camera for a while though due to work so I would like to get out and expand other subjects. Cars being one of them!!


    Jenni was the :cloud9: in reference to the Lambo or my brother?? :lol:


    Hey hey SpursmadDave!!! No innuendos??? Very disappointing! :lol:

  4. the site is looking good considering you did it on a mac :p


    whats the crack with night shifts for the forestry commission. do you guard the trees from angry beavers or something?


    Hahaha!! Have you been on the FC site to see my job description!? Thats exactly what i'm doing! :lol: I'm looking after the machinery that they use to "harvest" the tree's. Apparently, in Wales, youths tend to smash them up and nick fuel! Its a pretty sole destroying job BUT its a job! and i get to watch lots and lots of box sets!! :teeth:


    Thanks for the lovely comment Matt mate! You're pretty limited with the mac software (and my lack of web designing ability!! :lol: )

  5. Hello all!! Apologies for my lack of forum activity! I started a new job with the forestry commission and its constant 14 hour night shifts with (believe it or not) no signal for my dongle!! :(


    I'm looking to build a web site with my Photos and I would like to get some feed back with name idea's, site suggestions etc....


    I've made a very basic site with my mac so I know that it looks a bit cack.




    Cheers guys!

  6. If you find yourself behind 2 lorries overtaking each other on a dual carriageway with one going 2mph faster than the other :rant: Just sit in front of the lorry on the next hill and slow him right down and laugh as he tries to make 15 gear changes to avoid stalling :lol: Oh and don't tell any of my 300 or so drivers I said that ;)


    (this is particularly effective on the A303)


    Why have i never thought of this!!! Genius! :lol:

  7. My favorite is when I was driving from Weymouth to Wales early hours so it was very dark through the country lanes (NSL60mph) and i came up behind someone driving 45mph (no one in front of them) so i decided to over take and continue my journey at the speed limit! I over took him and he obviously didn't like this and put his full beams on! That really really annoyed me because i had done nothing wrong and what he did was dangerous! So i slowed right down to 5mph and strangely enough, off went the beams and he backed off! I hate tossers like that! and the road seems full of them these days! :rant:

  8. Well I got my zed back from Nissan yesterday and its really surprising what mentioning trading standards and tell them that you are going to record the conversation for trading standards will do for your cause! :lol: They were very helpful and they said they will do anything to help me out!!


    This is the best part is that they put my zed back up on the ramp to show me how my exhaust is rubbing on the propshaft! So, annoyingly, everything that i thought was wrong with my zed was down my exhaust rubbing and not the gear box and not the prop shaft! Got to get ANOTHER blueflame fitted now!!!!!!!

  9. don't let them turn them, its a temporary fix probably enough to get you out of the warranty period and then its your problem, not theirs. tell them if they are doing the warranty work you expect replacement parts. there is a bulletin on it and nissan should know that it needs replacment parts to fix the problem permanently.


    i hate nissan too; to a point where i refuse to ever buy antother car of theirs; i refuse to line the pockets of a bunch of inbred retards; who couldn't find their own c0cks in a pi$$ing competition.


    their sales services is shocking to say the least and the majority of their machanics couldn't tell the difference between an alloy wheel and a steering wheel. i also dealt with nissan uk; who are so far up their won ar$e i'm suprised their still in business. biggest bunch of loop whole finding, excuse making lying thieving twunts.


    i've dealt with toyota and honda both have always been great, regardless of which branch i go and see. when visiting BMW i've been made to feel almost like royalty, as if nothing is too much. even peugeot have always been pretty good.



    chris i don't envy you; what i would say is try Falcon perofrmance i know they have done warranty work and have an outstanding service record. its a bit of a hike, but you know you'll get treated like a proper customer, and it couldn't be in better hands.


    Cheers Biscuit mate, I'll make sure they understand that I know that turning them will only be a temporary fix!


    It was Lee from Falcon that helped me with my warranty stuff in the first place and he went out of his way to phone nissan to find out what had been done to my gear box, what warranty i had etc. He was awesome but at the time, he had his hands full and couldnt take my work on :(


    I'm not expecting much from Nissan but hopefully, they will deliver this time! HA! :wacko:

  10. totally feel for you m8. nissan customer service is the worst ever!!!


    if it makes you feel any better last 2 times i visited nissan-halshaw in hull the courtesy car they gave me was a micra with full logos all over from £5999 and that. i said no i am not advertising you. get me a taxi! and never going there again either from now on. or any nissan. thanks.

    thats for a 2 year old Zed that cost me a bit over 33k!!!


    for a 5 year old maserati that cost me 31k, JCT600 in leeds would send a bmw 320d mpack (1 year old) with a driver in hull, pick my car up from work and leave me the courtesy car. the opposite if i couldnt bother driving to leeds to pick the maser up! once they came and met me at the car park of the pub i was at the time sipping a pint!!!!!


    as for the mechanics at nissan i wont comment. i got paid £1500 of them for messing up with my brakes last time!!!


    A superb example on how bad Nissan is!! I cant understand how Nissan get away with such bad service?????

  11. Cheers Dave, I hope we can get it sorted because I really dont want to see my wheels......I mean Zed go! :lol:


    John mate, they were nice enough to lube the clutch (but i expect a bill for that!) so all that is left is the prop shaft and the clicky rear axle. They did explain to me what they were going to try and do but all i heard was blah blah blah we're a bunch of robbing bast@rds blah blah blah! I did pick out something about turning something 180 degrees so that it would start a new wear pattern! I cant say for sure what they were talking about but i assume that they were talking about the prop shaft?

  12. Because I've tried to get outside help and the general consensus is that no one wants to touch warranty work because warranty companies pay less then what garages charge and its a right pain in the arse for them to go through. Believe me, I have looked into it and my easiest option was going back to the original garage as they dont need to contact the warranty company before looking at what the problem is. Its a really sh!t catch 22! The last thing i wanted to do was drive a 170 miles to be fed a load of bol*ocks....yet again!! :(

  13. I've really just about had enough of Nissan and the following events have pushed me over the edge and I'm seriously thinking about selling up.


    I drove my 350 to Ilkeston last Wednesday to drop it off for the warranty work to be carried out. I drove 170 miles and It took me nearly 4 hours of motorway driving to get there. What "courtesy car" did they give me to drive back to Wales in..........


    THIS!!! A 1.0l f*@*ing Pixo!!!! :rant:



    "Never mind" i thought, "at least the work will finally be done"! Just to remind you guys, the issues i have with the Zed are, Scrapping gearbox/prop shaft, clicking axle and creaking clutch.


    Thursday, they phoned me and this is what they had to say....


    Them- "Everything you have mentioned to be wrong is correct, the thing is, we dont think the warranty company will pay out because they may put it down to wear and tear and not class it as failed parts. The scrapping noise you mentioned is due to the "aftermarket" exhaust YOU have put on"


    Me- "Ahhh no! That scrapping noise has been there since the very first day I had the car! If you look at your records, you will see that what i am saying is correct!"


    Them- "Well I can only tell you about what we have found today. We're looking at about £1100 worth of work. I know that we said we will have your car for 3 days but the warranty company want to come and look at the parts themselves.....they can't come out til next Tuesday or Wednesday"


    Obviously there was more said in our conversation but I thought I would just highlight the main parts.


    I'm gonna put myself out here and guess that they will not do the work so I will have my Zed back with nothing being done to it. I'm going to write an in depth letter about everything that has happened from day one with that garage and I will send it to, The manager of Ilkeston Nissan, Nissan UK, Trading standards and Watch dog. I'm sick to death of how sh*t Nissan have been from day one and they have finally broke me. I cant handle much more and I will probably end up selling and getting something less of an arse ache.


    I Love my 350 so much and its such a shame that Nissan customer service is so pathetic! I dont think I've heard one person say how "it was a pleasure to buy my car from Nissan" or "the after care was amazing!". Whilst i was waiting for my "courtesy car", the woman behind the desk was an absolute joy!! The phone went and she answered it, put them on hold and turned to the manager and said quite rudely "This isnt even our problem!!" Now call me old fashioned but thats not a good way to talk in front of a customer! Even my girlfriend walked away from the desk and later said, how she spoke in front of us was unreal!



  14. I spent a little time in S Korea and it was very similar looking! Amazing! I seriously want to go to Japan though! Anyone up for a road trip? :lol: Singapore was unreal though! Anyone who hasn't been, needs to go! So clean, so friendly and the cars there are incredible!




    :( I want to go traveling again! :(

  15. It's a stupid idea. Does it look pretty? Well yes, it certainly does. Can you leave it in your pocket in the gym and run your finger over the clicky wheel to change tracks? No, you bloody well can't.


    Congrats Apple, you've finally made a product more useless than the previous edition. :thumbdown:


    If you have headphones with the mic, you can skip tracks with the button on the cord! :thumbs:


    Why would you want it in your pocket anyway? :shrug: I'd want that little beauty on display! :lol:

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