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Posts posted by Rubber

  1. I've had the windows tinted in my last car - just a meduim tint on all windows. I want to get something similar on the Zed.


    However, I like the look of the black roof and the limo tinit on the back - it looks great. Whats the visibility like out the back with a tint that dark especially at night? (I know it affected my rearward vision on just a medium tint.)



  2. I've had the windows tinted in my last car - just a meduim tint on all windows. I want to get something similar on the Zed.


    However, I like the look of the black roof and the limo tinit on the back - it looks great. Whats the visibility like out the back with a tint that dark especially at night? (I know it affected my rearward vision on just a medium tint.)



  3. What sort of paperwork do you need to fill out for this - car registration form with DVLA etc?


    Do the insurance company increase premiums. Having a wrap would probably protect the car from scudd and scrapes so should reduce the insurance but I'm sure thy'll somehow make a case to increase it!!




    P.S. Car looks sweet!

  4. Ok so I'm not going mad then - these posts did exist!!!


    I'm still interested to know what people think about the legality of this? Surely no insurance company would insure a Cat C car that has been modified to put seats in the boot?!!!!


    What if someone bought it and put their kid in the back? If they had an accident it probably wouldn't end well...



  5. Am I going crazy???!!


    I saw a post this morning about a 350Z on ebay with back seats. There were a couple of comments on the post and I left a comment also with regard to the legality/safety of putting back seats in a 350Z.


    I logged in a couple of hours later and went to "view your posts" to see what people thought and there was no record of my post. Furthermore I cannot find the original post?


    Then later today someone posted up the ebay link again. There was a single comment saying that it was a repost. However, this post seems to have disappeared as well?


    Am I missing something here?

  6. Sorry bud, no idea how much it is new. Mine had been on Alex's car prior to him selling it to me.


    I did have a look online to see what they are worth and got some US prices but you need to factor in all the import duty etc on that. I got a good deal in the end from the Zman :thumbs:

  7. Hi there - I have the RS*R exhaust and HKS Y-pipe. I picked it up second hand from Zmanalex - he should be able to tell you where to get it.


    (FYI - I haven't heard the K1 but I think the RS*R is bloody loud! I have tried it without the bungs and the sound is immense but is too much on the motorway! Bungs in, and the sound is good and you can live with it day to day!)



  8. I'm in a similar situation (I was the person who had talked to Cragus about another non-delivery)


    Payment taken for a Cosworth panel filter on 18th April.


    About 3 weeks later and no sign of it I called Gaz. Apparently it was on back order, although the money was taken up front and there was no mention of this on the website.


    After a couple of phone calls to find out what was going on he "looked up the system" and informed me that it was sent on 20th May. Still no sign of it.


    That's 32 days to send the item and a further 17 days awaiting delivery. I paid via Paypal on my credit card. Cost was £35 (incl delivery) so not the end of the world but is there any way I can claim this back?


    Bit of an impulse buy while surfing the net - Alex I'll be calling you in future ;)



  9. I was walking along the other day when one of these went past me at full throttle - amazing sound B)


    I gotta say that I do fancy somthing like this :blush: The way I see it, the way petrol prices and carbon emissions taxes are going you're just not going to legally (or economically) drive a car like this in the future! In 20 years time you can tell people "I remember I used to drive a 6L car and got a 12 mpg average....." priceless!!!!


    I do admire the comfort these have over the Zed but I'm not so sure about those looks - bit of a trade off!

  10. Hi all,


    Had a bit of an incident in my car park this morning :doh:


    There are a couple of reserved parking spaces that have those metal bollards that you can put up. I was using one of these spaces to get some purchase on a 3-point-turn. Basically I drive over it (which I haven't tried before) but alas the Zed is too low to clear one of these damn things :( Its not even lowered! Bit of a scraping sound followed by more horrible scraping as I gingerly reversed off it! Don't you hate it when that happens!


    Anyway I had a look at the damage and it appears that the metal bit of the bollard pointing up scraped the drivers side about 6 inches in from the edge. Looks like I have broken two of the spring clips on the undersideside - no big beal I suppose. However, the panel gap has also opened up on the outside of the drivers headlight. Looking at the Wiki for the bumper removal it looks like I have probably damaged the "bumper side bracket" (no 9).




    It will be next weekend before I have a go at fixing this. What do you suggest? Take the bumper off and bend the bracket back into shape or get a new bracket??? Do I need to take the whole bumper off? Any consumables that I should buy in advance eg clips etc?


    Hopefully there should be some pics attached below...


    Thanks - Chris




    Here is the nut hanging down underneath - I'm sure we can get this back in with some new spring clips.




    Excuse the flys all over the bumper! Just had a mad burn all over Aberdeenshire on the Saturday in the nice weather! :thumbs:



  11. When people talk about coilovers being adjustable - do they actaully adjust them? Fine if you do track days and you want to stiffen the car up but what about ordinary road use? The last Tein set I had I just set them up as per the manufacturer reccommendation and that was it...

  12. Why not install an obvious video camera outside your house looking down on the car? (Is that legal if the car is on the street rather than a driveway?). Cost of the camera would easily cover the potential cost of any damage plus it would put anyone else off looking around the car.

  13. Does it count as good service if they initally installed them the wrong way round?!!!!! Good to see there was no issue rectifying...


    Now that they are the right way round what do you think of them? I had Tein coilovers in my Celica and the ride was a lot "firmer"! Cornering was great but at the sacrifice of general comfort...

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