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Posts posted by Walbertonio

  1. Some great stories and pictures there, damn shame what happened to that Cobra. :scare:


    Only a little history, but here it is anyway. Don't have pic's handy, so googled some similar. Started off with a £350 purchase of this powerhouse :p , a Daewoo Espero:


    http://www.tucarro.com.co/daewoo-TCMOD- ... go-826.jpg


    Ran pretty well for a year before a few issues with ABS and suspension convinced me to buy something else:


    http://www.find14u.co.uk/A1autos/client ... 0_2038.JPG


    Current car, probably paid over the odds for it by a margin, but it has been rock solid so far - leaving me free to save up for a 350z, in the not too distant future... :thumbs:

  2. Apologies for dragging this post up again, but I wonder if anyone could help with a little query? Looking ahead, I'm trying to work out if I could get a 350 into my back yard which has a fairly steep ramp (don't have dimensions to hand, sorry, will grab 'em tomorrow). I've found measurements for wheelbase (2650mm) but the only hint on standard spec ride height I found from searching was 108mm in NZ - are UK cars the same or different, does anyone know, as a post from searching seemed to hint that 350's sold in Australia had a different ride height? Is this the right measurement I should be looking for? I understand it might be the oil pan which is the absolute lowest point on the underside?


    Our back lane is a little on the narrow side, and while we can fit a Focus & A4 in there fine, I'm having some doubts the rear end will clear the ramp on the turn, and of course if the underside behind the front wheels will clear it too. Any help with those measurements appreciated. :headhurt:

  3. It's a strange old season so far, no denying. Think the sport is definitely suffering for over-governance; for me, give the cars a maximum width, limit them to a single tank of fuel with no pit stops, none of this kers rubbish, everything else is fair play - get back to some proper racing. :thumbs:

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