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Posts posted by Gilly199

  1. For anybody living in Weston-super-Mare (and a few others) it's gotta be:




    Raffaele: Prawns, spicy sausage and mozzarella cheese, topped with an egg.


    Normally £11.95 but £4.95 at lunhctime!!!!!!




    egggggggggggg??? :blink:


    Dam i know we pride ourselfs on fresh stuff including chicken but thats a little OTT for freshness. :lol:

  2. Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:24 pm Reply with quote


    I started to brush the snow off the car tonight, been three days and because its melting thought i would take off the bulk.




    i looked at mine yesterday and thought, tomoro i can go for a drive. :thumbs:

    then this morning there was another 2" of snow :rant:


    but come the summer we will be saying how great the snow was


    It looked like it was gonna start today again but was only teasing :teeth:

    Ment to say been three days since any snow fall BTW.


    Mind you just learned both cars are due insurance next month and the polo tax AND the polo MOT. Think i may go out and put the snow back on the Zed :byebye:

  3. I started to brush the snow off the car tonight, been three days and because its melting thought i would take off the bulk.


    No i never brushed the pain with my mums path brush :lol: just thinned the snow and let the rest melt. But i have just buried it even worse with the snow from the car :headhurt:

  4. waiting for the bandwagon to roll on by...


    i found this where i was looking about for inspiration and rally like it, have to be very chosey about which kit and colour will work ect think in black this looks the tits...

    kinda shapes the headlight like an s2000 IMO




    oo oo me likey long time.


    anyone know if these are a custom job or are they available???

  5. Own concotion of BBQ base, ripped up pepperoni, onion, green peppers, ripped up mushroom, smokey bacon and the king of all toppings sweet chilli peppers. Had a long time to experiment :scare:


    Oh as for discount codes, emm. . . . . 50% off :p or free :p:p:p

  6. I eat these nearly every day and go to the gym 5 times a week for a 45 minute workout, and love it. Happy days :thumbs::thumbs:


    ah you are a follower of this religion also, good man :teeth:


    If this is a religion does that make me God :teeth:


    Working for these monkeys might have its perks after all :king:


    BTW man, dominator base. :headhurt: liquid cheese is minging :yuck:

  7. Kr-evolution (creatine) = Fantastic stuff, no need for "off" months and clear difference when none available

    caffine = the single best thing i have ever taken before a workout 150 - 200 mg half hour before :evil:

    protein = pretty self explanitory.


    tue, chest and Bi's

    wed, shoulders and tri's

    thursday, back and traps


    Fit my abs in which ever day im not fooked after main workout.


    After listening to alot of prev posts here im thinking of starting to train my legs on mondays.

  8. Loving this pic (stolen from PH)


    This would be a bit more manly to ride....





    lmao i had to look twice at that pic, love it.


    Apart from the fact the jag looks like its being abused that set up just does not look stable at all. Sorry but he is coming off that thing, jags gonna bite him in the ass.

  9. I was wondering how long it would take before pics were gonna start appearing :lol:


    so how long before we can have a - show us your six pack - thread then? :lol:


    Im soo proud of my 6 pack i keep it covered under a soft protective layer :teeth:

  10. I do ABS everyday too, it recovers so fast you can get away with it :thumbs:




    ABS are like any other muscle (becuase they are a muscle) if you train the correctly (asumming 3-4 set and 10 or reps) then you shouldnt train them again with a couple of days....I would be willing to guess you are not doing them correctly..


    Ditto, done correctly you'r abs should be sore for a day or two.


    Rest is very important and much needed.

  11. Speaking of the gym i had a hard session today after 1 month off due to xmas and one thing or another, did chest and tri's i now cant drive :(

    Gotta love the burn, Back and bi's 2mow cant wait :D


    As for forarms, tbh i dont really do alot with them but when i do i get an olympic bar the hold it in my hands palms down(like holding a bike handle bar, about 4 inches apart then kneel down next to a bench, put my wrists and forearms on the edge of the bench and raise and lower the bar using my wrists, sometimes i let the bar roll down towards my finge tips, then roll it back up then raise, just to increase the burn for extra measure. Often feels like it isnt doing much but after 2 sets of 10 :scare:


    Also find my shoulders often hurt after being on the track for a long time so mayb add some shoulder stuff in there too :thumbs:




    I know the feeling, as the Gym i train at is a "back street" private gym the only parking is outside the main door down an alley way or the main street. As i had to abandon the Zed on the main road i came out half way to move her closer to the safety of the main door. Having just completed a few sets of 21's (and the girls watching from the bus stop) i jumped in and stared driving.

    Was ment to turn left down the alley but went straight forward :scare::scare:


    So i ended up looking like a flapping idiot infront of the girls trying to turn the wheel :blush:


    chest and bi's FTW :evil:



    p.s. awesome site btw narcotix

  12. cheers pal glad you like it : )


    Just remember what i said about fitment! also i didn't get mine from this seller so it may not be exactly the same! just don't want you to get one then blame me if your not happy lol good luck with it and let us know how you get on :thumbs:


    No no lol, dont worry about that. know its all my own risk.


    might want to look up the Xo2 on my350z , quite afew on there have it and seem happy wiht it .


    I tried a search on here for Xo2 but got nothing at all. On google i can only find one's that look like the one i started with but the pics i found of yours look like a K2 :wacko:

  13. Did anyone watch the Top Gear season finale tonight..the Lexus LFA :cloud9:B)


    Not sure about the price though £350k :scare: 9 years in the making and Lexus has not thought about economic recession :wacko:


    It was lovely, but I cant see it selling at that price...


    I love it

    I love it

    I love it

    I love it

    I love it

    I love it


    I do believe that is my new fav car ever, it is sooooo sexy

  14. lol, i remember that , dont worry though i have the work memory when it comes to remembering names, cars and number plates i can do :lol:


    Yea same here, working for a rental company i can rattle off hundreds of regestrations and tell you the car/van its tagged to (sad i know, ex used to hate driving with me "thats one of mine" :blush: )


    I was completely stumped all day as to how the hell you knew my name :lol:

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