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Everything posted by Vale

  1. Hahahahah your avatar rocks Nixy
  2. I told him you put me onto him, he seems a real genuine lad, he was really chuffed about been mentioned on here, Top bloke
  3. Defo up of that Nixy i just got back from another drive around lol cant stop myself..... So glad i am at work tomorrow, early drive out, lunch time drive back...and then an afternoon of Drive drive drive hahahah I put fifty quid in it at tea time and half has gone already computer is telling me i am up to 28mpg though !!! cool. My Wolf Focus only did 21mpg !!!! I am well chuffed
  4. Yer mate. Here are its stats so you can tell me what you think value wise. 54reg GT with sat nav, blue tooth and all the usual extras. 6 months waranty with Jaguar left and 1 month from Prestige Performance 6 months T&T Fully refurbished alloys....Faultless !!! (I did check lol) 2 Brand new rear tyres. Almost new disks all round, no wear. 47k miles with FNSH £12200 I is well happy so i guess thats all that matters eh. any ideas about the slight drive train whurring noise ?
  5. Cheers mate, because i took today off to get it i have to work tomorrow unless the meet is on sunday ? Otherwise i will defo come to the next one
  6. Hahahahahaha I am back from a long long drive in the country in my ZED !!!!!! I got it peeps, and it is AWESOME I keep looking out the window to belive i really have one hahah all hail the mighty Z Jeezzzz i dont know what to do with myself, i got a really good deal from this young chap called Matthew from prestige performance, he is a top bloke and has some proper nice motors in. Infact i cant big him up enough. Thanks Mat if your reading. The car overall is pretty much mint, it has had paint work but it has been done proffesionally and its a spot on job, i would of been proud to turn it out been an ex sprayer myself. Cant see why it has had a part respray but ther are zero prodution marks and no evidence of new panles or bolt/screw tampering. So maybe it was coined or just stone chipped, either way it looks fantastic and a plus point is its got an extra layer pf paint now so double protection, the interior is spotless too, infact its AWESOME !!!!! lol There is only one niggle i have and its probably nothing but the drive train sounds a little noisy when idle, infact if i press the clutch the noise stops so i guess its either the noise from the prop i am sat over or maybe a dry release bearing. The clutch has loads of bite so that isnt a problem, maybe its me. Does anyone else have a slight noise at idle and in neutral ? Other then that i just need to get some miles in it to smooth my gear changes. AWESOME !!!!!!! glad to part of the family. Thanks so, so much for everything peeps. Vale. P.S. nearlly forgot to mention its AWESOME !!!!!!
  7. On the pics Rich its GM, but i can get it put back black no problem, its just why its GM that i will be investigating..... MMmmmmm chrome ????? would i be a ****er getting silvered ? lol be honest.
  8. Thought so, its clear of HPI damage so i guess someone paid extra to have the stone chips removed....or its a slight bump that didnt get claimed for and just repaired at own cost ? i know what and where to look for in that case. Still, it looks a nice clean motor. Fingers crossed Cheers.
  9. Thanks again, One last question, as i said i do have a good eye for a paint job !!! correct me if i am wrong but has the bumper got a standard black grill or should it be colour coded too as this one is ? It is GM (lol) so could be nothing, just a repainted stone chipped bumper and the slack arsed spray guy just forgot to mask up ! right ?
  10. Cool...good tips peeps. i used to paint cars so i can tell a paint job from 10 feet "REALLY!!!" i am a bit of a funny f+@%er when it come to paint hahaha i Worked for a company called Brooklands Motor Co building 289 AC Cobra's Anyway, yes you are right, i am excited and will probably buy it at the asking price but i will be sure to give it a good eyeballing and if it aint right........ there is always another one isnt there Thanks again peeps, i dont know any of you, and yet i am over whelmed by all your positive and kind help. You rock Vale.
  11. What did you say ?? hahahaha you calling me slow yer, i just checked the car out and its 4 green lights at car check, hehehehe its got my name all over it Is there anything i need to know about a car that has done 47k ? it has a FNSH and it does look mint from the pics, its had 3 owners. Anything in particular to look for ? Jeeezzzzz i am well excited, thanks peeps
  12. Nice !!!!! just called him, am off to look at that tomorrow Thanks mate, i will post back to let you know how i get on. P.S. fancy missing your link, no wonder i cant find a Z
  13. Ha ha ha yet you may all laugh at me of course gun metal lol Still, i searched the listings i am blind to an 04 in selby !? need a link please
  14. Hey, what a GM ? lol i am new to this Z family and i am only going on what looks good to me and the spec too. Please link me the GM thing so i can take a ganders mate
  15. I have done a search here but i must be missing what im looking for. I want a silver or sunburst 04 GT with the Ray wheels. Must be pretty mint or there'a'bouts. Have i missed any ? Cheers peeps.
  16. hahahahahahah dont think he will let me have that for 12k though
  17. Thanks peeps, i will try a search on a nissan site. Am up un Sunny Hull (not) and am wanting a coupe, GT on an 04 if you see one about please let me know Cheers.
  18. Hi all, Thanks for reading, its really just an idea for 350z sale searches i need. I constantly look here :- This site, PistonHeads, Autotrader and Ebay For 3 weeks i have looked and looked for a car and i have missed 3 really good chances so i was wondering, is there anywhere else you can think of for me to keep checking on aswell as the above ? Regards, Vale.
  19. Aahhhhhh wierd but it feels like a weight has been lifted your all right though, its funny how something doesnt feel right sometimes. Again, thank you all so much for helping me see the light Kindest regards, Vale.
  20. Bollocks........ i will leave it. Thanks everyone. It just didnt feel right Appreciated Vale.
  21. Jeeezzzz, here is how the fone call went. One guy has given this "mate" a cheque for a deposit but if i turn up tomorrow with cash i can have it as the other supposed buyer is waiting for a loan confirmation. This "mate" will take me to the owners house where the car is (as per log book) and let me look it over etc before sheeling out, i am meeting this "mate at his house not his place of work ! Car check said it is clear but i am just worried that the car could be reposessed by someone ? I dont know what to do now Cheers
  22. Hi all, hope someone can advice me asap. I have seen a 350z for sale on auto trader and the guy that owns it is off shore and his mate is selling it for him, i have HPI'd it and it is clear but my issue is if the owner isnt there to sigh the log book can this guy still sell me it ? He says he is a trader and will fill the trader side of the log book in and sign it there ar something ? The deal all looks legit apart from this, am i worrying about nothing or should i walk away ! Thanks peeps, Vale.
  23. Hi all, hope someone might be able to advice me. I am looking at buying a z at the weekend, it looks imaculate on the pics and i am assured it is via fone. Only problem is the previous owner has screwed and stuck a shitty moblie fone holder to the sat nav cover !!!! Is it a major job to replace this cover and anyone got any ideas what sort of cash it would be ? Thanks for any help. Vale.
  24. Hi Sarnie, 04 is just around my budget for the newest car i can afford, i dont want an older one nor do i want a newer one, i am sure that after 55reg the tax doubles too, and pre 55 is still £210 i belive.
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