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Posts posted by Dene8

  1. well I think we can pay at the gate for entry, but if where on a stand I think they have tickets for a reduced price? I got confused to lol



    Payment thread HERE on JNE...


    £7.50 to gain entry and have the car on the stand and extra monies if you have any +1's :thumbs:


    Signed up to get my car on, now i just need to know what time to turn up and where to go...... :surrender:

  2. The answer from Fifa when it was looked at before was that the mistakes made by the ref who is a human making a deicison is part of the game and that's why they didn't want to use the cameras for decisions


    It makes a joke of the whole sport, all other sports have it. Tennis have it to see whether the ball was in or out. Rugby have it. Why not football?


    I thought they ruled against it because it was impossible to implement it throughout all of football. The rules for football are universal and can be applied everywhere, however if they introduced goal mouth technology it would only be practical in terms of monies to use it in the top tiers of football.

  3. **UPDATE** Aparently the gates open at 9am on Sunday for this, so shall we meet at DFS at 9am? then wonder over and join the que? if there is one or two of us maybe we should try and Join Jester on the JNE stand? how would that go down?


    I'd be well up for jumping on the JNE stand, just had a read through the JNE thread but I'm left a tad confused as to how to get on the stand or indeed how to make payment..... Help me Kev :lol:

  4. My plan is to get a new one and have a play with the knackered one once it's out, then hey presto.... a spare!


    How do I find performancenissanparts on Ebay? I'm seraching but it's not pulling up any hits?



    >>CLICK ME<<


    They're listed as right sided or left sided to keep things simple ;)

  5. Do you have to engage the Clutch on Uk cars before starting the engine ???


    One of my mates was messing about and got in my car, went to start it but nothing happened as he didnt engage clutch....


    Its an anti theft device for retards :#1:


    JDM FTW :yahoo:


    I've been called countless times by garages, valets and the like asking how do they start the car when it's been left with them.... :lol:

  6. The thing that makes me laugh about the new Budget is that all public sector workers are on a pay freeze. But with myself being in the army i could have a young junior soldier around the age of 18 getting paid less than 20k for serving on the front line in afgan. While you can have a couple who cant get of there fat ass and get a job and all they do is produce kids who in turn will produce more kids, get paid more that the soldier.


    The government needs to cut benefits for kids altogether if you cant afford to have them then dont and im sure i may upet a few people by saying it, but then you would not have 16 year old slags having kids trying to look cool, when they suddenly realise they cant afford it and dont get money off the government for them.


    I've a friend/acquaintance who literally lives off his 3 kids....... and he does well by it too... makes me so :rant:


    Be interesting to see what happens to his cushty life when they reach 'flying the nest’ age

  7. :lol::lol::lol: I will soon, I have been meaning to for a long time etc - but just researching this topic this morning I have come across some horrible stats about smoking - it might be the incentive I needed! :scare:


    There's plenty of help out there........ your ciggie tax in part will fund the NHS to help you quit :lol::thumbs:

  8. actually they did an experiment that a 2 litre diesel engine produces less harmful pollution than 3 cigarettes being smoked, check out Dr Giovanni Invernizzi research on google
    What about a de-cat'd 3.5L V6 :blush::lol:


    :lol::lol::lol: Was a fun debate though :lol::lol::lol:


  9. you are worried about inhaling an occasional wiff of tobacco as you are walking down the street? so you think tax should be raised to make everyone give up - on that basis the same street you are walking down has far more dangerous car fumes which you are inhaling - so should the government make petrol £10 per litre to make people give up driving??


    I'm not trying to be self-righteous about cigarette smoke invading my life, when my driving habits are clearly much more polluting and dangerous than anyone's smoking habit will ever be.


    But the burning of fossil fuels is something that in the present we can't live without, the world depends on the burning of fossil fuels, it doesn’t however rely on the smoking of tobacco....


    Anyway, the budget talk has digressed into a smoker tax war....... :lol:

  10. Smoking is a personal choice - the fact that you don't like it doesn't mean it should be overtaxed. Also the argument about passive smoking in now invalid as its against the law to smoke indoors in public places.


    A choice I didn't make but yet with the new laws in place I still inhale dirty smoke filled air on a daily basis, whether I’m walking down the street or leaving a pub/shop....... all the ban has done has sent smokers to the doorways which in turn means I’ve got to walk through them to get where I’m going..... I was also raised in household where both parents smoked... passive smoking still occurs, maybe to a lesser degree but to think it’s been eradicated due to the new laws is very naïve.


    If the tax was raised to an even higher level, then it would no doubt prompt existing smokers to kick the habit and stop anyone from ever starting in the first place.... and that can only be a good thing.


    Anyone who starts smoking in today's modern age in nothing short of stupid imo.......

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