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Posts posted by Dene8

  1. Reduced as much as it hurts . Now to get me another zed


    Slightly more interested now the price has dropped, be interested to see if it drops further still.............. :snack:

  2. Well I thought this series has been shocking! Really fake and clutching at straws! I mean what the hell was last night with the 5k "British sport cars" all about!? Pointless tasks and at the end, all that could be said was British cars are rubbish, always have been but at least we had fun driving to Blackpool with garden accessories strapped to our cars!? I remember when TG had good points to make, now they are just trying to entertain with predictability and scripted fakeness!


    The only good things about this whole series had to be, the Ferrari last night (gorgeous) and last weeks episode where it was genuinely good due to interesting stars, awesome Bugati and the tribute at the end!


    If that's how they plan to carry on doing top gear, I think it's best left to rest!


    Totally agree with you chris............. & why did it feel like the 'series' was only about 4 episodes long.......? :thumbdown:

  3. Have you tried doing it ??


    Bloody hard :surrender:


    Just.................. on my way to the loo, came close to face planting........ :wacko:


    I'll give it a go for real in a little warm up match i'm playing in tonight........ i'll report back with the level of fail.

  4. I still can't actually see how he does it :wacko:


    Run up and body shape sugest he's gonna leather it with his right foot and on his approach he extends his last stride with the left leg so that it kicks the ball when the keeper and everyone else still thinks there's a swing of the right leg to come......... very clever......... :#1:

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