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Posts posted by AndWood

  1. I hope my 3 copies don't get delayed by the bloody postal strike :angry: This is the only problem of having 3 Xbox's when a good game comes out me and my two boy's all have to have a copy and to add insult to injury 2 of the 3 Xbox live accounts run out in the next 3 weeks :surrender:

  2. My bits turned up this morning just as I was cleaning the car, postman even comented that I look after my car as I always seem to be cleaning it :blush: I did not have the balls to tell him he was delivering more cleaning stuff :lol: I used the Red Mist and was very impressed with the results. Thanks Tim

  3. Don't do it :thumbdown: we have two kids and made the same move as you but then it turned out that we only used the wife’s car for going out and my 4 seater was only ever driven by me going to and from work so we both decided that we should have one fun car and the family mobile and that’s when we bought the Z. When you find out you are having you first child it makes you want to start nesting and make everything ready for the arrival so don’t make any quick decisions wait until he or she is born and if it is not working change it then.

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