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Posts posted by Millzzz

  1. Mine does the same thing, but when I turn it on I have to turn the sound down and hold the tape or the music comes on really loud. I also have to move the tape around to adjust the quality> Any1 else have this problem?


    Adjust the volume on your iphone.


    I have mine at about 3/4 form max on the phone. Then just adjust the head unit's volume to suit.

    I found that if I had the Phone up max & adjusted the head unit from that, it sounded bad. Likewise if I put the phone volume to low, it sounded crap. I found 3/4 to max was the most pleasing . . .

  2. Mine is an import so dosent always show on comps for sum reason, read the previous posts about two shades of WV2 gunmetal grey but hasnt really helpd much. :headhurt:


    Ah, I had this problem too. Fortunately though, they didn't have PPW in stock at all. Plus it's only 3 little scrapes lol

  3. Doesnt anyone use the F.M transmitters? i must say i havent tried mine with the bose but it works with my other car radios.


    I tried using one of these but I had a couple of problems. One being my radio's still on Japanese bandwidths lol so my "scan" is very limited, secondly I noticed a lot of the sound isn't there. The Bass was almost non existent! So I went for the messier tape adaptor. Just gotta save for a new unit :headhurt:

  4. I have a lump in my throat, that is so sad. Thats a very touching tribute from you


    I appreciate that chilli. I suppose it's what I was intending with this post (Not for anyone to start bawling their eyes out :)). It's really odd, I keep thinking of past encounters with him & how at the time I would never of thought he'd be killed in action.

    One that springs to mind is when on the kenya exercise, our section was attacking a position during a live fire exercise. Between us & the for mentioned position was a large 'bastard bush'. Aptly named due to the nature of the complaints erupting from the bush should anyone stray too close (it has 2" thorns lol). "Ooh you f*&$%^g bastard!" or words to that effect.

    Anyhoo, we had to get through this 'obstacle', me being the new soldier I was, didn't have a clue what to do, all I saw was a big bush that I was NOT going through. Suddenly, Jamie's behind me screaming "GET THROUGH THAT F*&^%$G BUSH!!!!". Through I go with many "Bastard!" & "S&*T THAT HURT!". It wasn't nice but it made a hole for the rest of the section to get through & carry on the attack. That's just the guy he was - inspiring. One minute I wanted to stay where I was & hope someone else would deal with the situation, the next, I was an aggressive killing machine, hell bent on destroying that bloody bush & the paper targets 100m's behind it!


    Thanks for your kind remarks :)

  5. A bit random I know but I felt the need to write this somewhere . . .


    A friend of mine was killed in Afghanistan last Sunday. His name was Jamie Kirkpatrick, a corporal in the Royal Engineers.


    I was a member in his section on Exercise Oak apple in March 2004. He really helped me through that 6 week long infantry exercise in Kenya. Through the debilitating heat & my major inexperience (I'd just finished training at that time), he got over his annoyance of a sprog (derogatory term for new soldiers) constantly asking questions about the army & dragged me through 6 of the hardest yet most satisfying weeks of my army career so far. Without his experience, dedication & patience I have no doubt that not only would I not only of enjoyed the exercise as much as I did but also of become the experienced soldier I am today.


    We both served in Germany together as part of 28 Engineer Regiment, based in Hameln. We shared many beers, laughs, sweat & blood & I'm pretty gutted he's no longer with us.


    He was a cracking soldier & a good mate. I learned a lot from him . . .


    R.I.P Buddy . . . . You'll be sorely missed . . . .


  6. Ok, bit of a rant really.


    I was busy in the office at work when a squaddie came in. I have half an ear on the conversation and he asks who owns the Z parked outside. They point at me and the guy goes, " I've got one of those, but with extras." What the hell is that meant to me??!?!?!?!? Jumped up little oik, He doesnt even know me or my car!


    Something so simple has put me in such a grump!!


    I know what extra's he has..... Atttitde!!!

    Eugh, **** **** **** :rant::angry::rant:


    I would just like to clarify that this wasn't me! Lol

    Don't quite understand how you've gotten so worked up. I suppose it was the way he said it.

    You should of just said it was a sleeper & walked off with a cheeky smile ;) hehe.

  7. Welcome :)


    I bought my Z when I was 23, SOOOO much fun! Spanks the pants off my mates 200SX too hehe, a fact he still doesn't quite agree with :lol:


    I bought my 2002 JDM for £10,000. Even though I overpaid a wee bit, it's a beautiful Z! I was after condition rather than price. Just don't do what I did & get all giggly like a school girl :lol:

  8. Ive got to say, excellent thread. Idiots guide's are exactly what I need! Bit pi**ed off with the previous owner of my z now. Git put 4 different tyre makes on all corners! I've have spun it once too. Really hot then suddenly rained. Just turned into a junction & ended up 90 degrees to the road!

    Nice shiny new yokohama's all round now though :)

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