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Posts posted by sally

  1. They are contracted in as i have rang a few farmers to see if it was them!!!


    I hope when i bring the car into work tomorrow to get the chip filled i dont encounter any more problems. For now, he is tucked away in the garage, out of harms way!


    On a plus note - Alex has sorted me out with a compressor so i can be ice cold!!! Brrrrr!


    Stupid onion farmers.

  2. OK, Thursday wasnt a good day for me and the Z.


    Things seem to come in threes so by the end of the day i was ready to punch someone.


    On the way to work a pidgeon thought it was clever so land in the road. There was a lorry coming the other way so when he took off, he aimed at my car. So i get pidgeon squidge down the side of my car.


    Then the air con guy looks at my car, Needs £1049+ of parts.


    Finally, on the was home a prat in a tractor pulls out of a field with a trailer then floors it. He covers my car with mud and stones, chipping my bumper, bonnet and windscreen!!


    Its not very often i get angry but i could have taken the drivers head off i was so angry!


    Its days like that i am glad i have another vehicle to use that isnt mine!!O

  3. I didnt even try to get of the driveway, Luckinly i have a 4x4 so i was the model employee and made nit into work each day!


    Now i have moved i live at the top of a hill so there is no chance of me even trying to take it out in the snow or ice! He will be snug in the garage away from the idiots that still want to drive as fast as they can.

  4. Hello All,


    I have just had Nigels air con serviced as it wasnt getting cold and the reason is i need a compressor. I rang the stealers for a price, They want £1042 + VAT trade price!!!!!!! :yuck:


    So, Anyone know of a place selling second hand parts or imported compressors?


    I guess if it had a pug or a ford i could pop down the local scrappy but we are in the elite vehicle category!!!!!



    Thank you for your help, A slightly moist and umcomfortable Sally!

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