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Posts posted by sally

  1. Shocking. I parked in the old B&Q car park when i went to watch 007 and when i came back some nugget had parked so close i had to clamber in through the passenger side. He left inches!


    I was super P****d so i left a note on his windscreen telling him that any decent gent would take a girl to dinner before they tried to get so close! :boxing:


    Its just so unnessesary!

  2. I have come to the conclusion as to why possibly the Zed ended up with the name Nigel.




    It's quick...perhaps like Nigel Mansell?



    Yep, That was the reason. I also have a 4x4 called Fred. Though Nigel could keep him company!


    I will get some pictures this weekend after a wash, clay, wax and polish!


    Its a 56 plate, Azure blue, Gt Pack, And sooooo hansome!

  3. Brought a Z yesterday!!!!!


    Sorry but i though i may as well be straight to the point!


    I would like to thank the Recession, allowing my dream car to become reachable!!!


    Shes beautiful and i cant stop staring at her!! I have to keep peeking out of the window!


    Looking forward to out fast future together!!


    Hopefully i will find a local meet and visit you guys!


    Sally and Nigel (yes, i know its a daft name for a car but i like it!)

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