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Posts posted by srobrien

  1. Thanks for the info Alex although this name change has put me off slightly I hope it doesn't mean I'll be sharing a track with some dude in a £900 corsa not caring a shite if he runs into the back of me, at least with Hot Marques I would imagine it would be more civilized.


    Think I'm home on the 12th of Feb so might book it for then before everyone cottons on that its back to a free for all.



  2. cor i go away for 8 hours and come back to mayhem :lol:



    i am a bit of a fat boy :blush: so that seems to have seal the deal for the M3 :blush::lol:



    i never started this thread, and wasn't looking for people to tell me what to get, i have pretty much worked out what i want, and spoken to the people whos opinions i hold in high regard; but it is nice to hear peoples thoughts and left field suggestions. as it gives me more things to test drive :teeth:


    one question about beemers though; i know indicators were optional on alot of models but were they a standard OEM fit for the M3 ?


    No, optional extra they are not usually fitted though as there are BMW lanes on most motorways so we don't need to change that often.

  3. Rich you seem like a really sound guy.......please don't get an M3 and make me hate you and the rest of your buttreeming, brace wearing bretheren.....and no I don't care how good it is to drive.


    Just don't....

    please don't.....

    For the love it all that is green and good in the world don't.....


    don't worry, husky is giving me the same amount of grief for the same decision :lol:


    I will too :bang:


    whatever level of grief you lot think you are giving him it is in no way comparable to the nightmare he has had with me recently about this :lol::evil::bangin::boxing:



    rich, whatever you buy its going to suck, i know this, your in the mood for a boring car that sucks. If you buy something interesting i will eat my chair while sitting on it.


    Lets face it I think alot of folk on here have rose tinted glasses on, don't get me wrong the 350z is a fantastic car and I loved owning it but I hardly think it's exciting, its too heavy, the build quality is questionable, its not THAT fast, styling is different but not ground breaking. Like I said I loved it through all the negative points but would never suggest it's more exciting that any other fast car..because it's just not.



  4. I like the rasp from the M3. I also think that the CSL is just awesome. The interior is so special and the noise..... semi inducing!

    if i can stretch to a CSL i will


    DO IT!! They are awesome!

    Don't listen to the negative comments on here about the M, I had my reservations at first with the image of the BM and thought I was jap through and through but in terms of power vs usability you can't beat the big beemers. I absolutly love my m3, sheer joy to drive and there isn't much on the road that can challenge it. The only jap car I would swap my m for is the GTR and I can't afford to remortgage everytime I need a new set of rears.

    I would get out there and drive one (after the snow clears), try the SMG and manual, I was amazed at how easy the SMG was to drive but the gear changes can get quite agressive so may not be your cup of tea. The CSL has the SMGII which is a totally different beast, absolutly unbelievable gear changes, it's one of these must try before you die cars.



  5. I took out insurance for one track day Ross - it cost £70 for 4hrs insurance and the excess was £1500- and the small print states that you're only covered for 'impact' - so if you bin it of your own accord into the kitty litter or tyre wall you're not covered.

    This was with Richard Eger - now Reiss- http://www.reis.co.uk/ - who seems to be the most recommended and used on the forums :thumbs:

    TBH - you'd only ever claim on track day insurance if you'd had a total loss- in which case you'd prolly not be in a fit state to drive again anyway :lol:

    As Alex says - what will be will be :shrug:

    But HM days are pretty tame and everyone gives each other a wide berth and are courteous and 'relatively' well behaved


    Sweet, I am really looking forward to it, I only have 3/4mm's left on the PS2's so I will have to drive canny till then :lol:



  6. According to the Knockhill website the next HM isn't till 5th April so will need to see how that ties in with my time at home. Who do you get your track day insurance with?




    I personally do not bother, what will be will be. :lol:


    Vik has done this before so she will advise :thumbs:


    And no one will insure Neil so no point in asking him :lol:


    :lol: I was thinking that as well, if I have a crash you can all help me push it out onto the road :lol:



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