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Posts posted by Jammy007

  1. Who's the best people to speak to regarding which version of the disk they ship out?


    Currys (I promise the Dell system is cheap and is actually alot cheaper than from Dell itself) just said that they don't see why it wouldn't be 64-bit. So basically fobbed me off. Dell said they can't help as I'm not purchasing it from them. Is there a contact for microsoft?


    I'm assuming I'll only need the product key for windows, so in the future (when I upgrade the ram to over 4gb) can I just get my hands on a "friends" version of Windows 7 - 64 bit and put my product key in?

  2. If I purchase a desktop which is supplied Windows Vista 32-bit but it has an offer on for a free upgrade to Windows 7. Can you install Windows 7 64-bit onto the machine via this upgrade disk that is sent out by Microsoft.


    Don't want to purchase the system if it required me purchasing another windows 7 retail OS.


    Does that make sense?

  3. I'll not comment on that joke Andrew!


    Haven't long had the internet back up and running.


    Northside bridge has disappeared, its a huge bridge aswell. (The one they keep showing on the news) Had myself a walk down this morning and was shocked.


    Its starting to grate on me when everyone says we're stuck. To be fair its causing disruption to the roads but there's more than 2 roads in and out of Workington.


    They're expecting the bridge with the railway line to go down next & possibly another couple of bridges (one being broughton & the other the big one just up from northside bridge by seaton roundabout).


    The damage the river has caused is unreal though and I'm just pleased I live a few miles away from the river and right at the top of a bloody big hill

  4. I've recently purchased a fire from House of Fire in Bradford. Ordered over the phone on 16/10/09 and took delivery of it on 27/10/09.


    As the house is under going major renovations I didn't open the box until 05/11/09 and when myself, the builder & the gas safe (corgi) engineer opened it there was alot of damage to the rear of the fire. This damage has not been done in the house as its been under the stairs with the door closed.


    Gazco aren't willing to do anything as they are saying that the fire left their factory in mint condition. House of fire tried to claim the courier has caused the damage and they won't take responsibility as it is over 48 hours of delivery.


    So basically House of fire said the only option that is left is that they can try and arrange with Gazco to collect the fire and repair it at my cost.


    Stupid I know but I paid on the debit card as they wanted to add 7.5% surcharge for paying by Credit Card. Fire costs £1270 so that would have been £95! (obviously wish I'd paid it now).


    Surely I have some leg to stand on here?


    Been in touch with consumer direct who say I'm still covered under the sale of goods act as it is not fit for purpose. I now have to send a letter to the company and they have 14 days to respond.


    Does anyone have any experience of this type of palava or know how long it takes for consumer direct / trading standards to sort it all out?!


    Shops a country mile away from me aswell, as I'm from Cumbria.


    Anyone help or offer advice?

  5. You can get a courier (next day) for around £30.00 off ebay for a set of 4 alloy wheels with tyres. Company is called paisley freight. They've also got their own website which is paisleyfreight.com


    I've used in the past for a set of alloy wheels that I won on ebay.


    Delivery ended up arriving in something like a whiteline courier van.

  6. Caught the nearside front alloy on a kerb y.day (must have been half asleep). Its about a third of the way around the rim. It was the softest touch ever but made a nice scrape mark around the lip only.


    Took it to a local garage, they said the cheapest & easiest way is to just concentrate on the lip. prepare it, mask it off, small bit of spray, laquer it. Just local to the marks unless he's thinking of doing the lip right round.


    Saves me getting a full refurb done as there's nothing wrong with the rays at all apart from this


    Do people have any comments about it or possible pitfalls?

  7. I don't know if its me or the car.


    When starting the car after its been left a few hours to cool down or first thing in the morning, it seems to take a second longer to start than it usually would.


    If I knock the engine off and restart after a small pause, the car starts fine with no problems what so ever.


    Voltmeter needle is sitting where it should, no warning lights.


    Just worried somethings on the way out

    The three things I've read it could be are:

    Battery (will carry out the tip about starting it with the lights on when I go out after work)

    Starter Motor

    Starter Motor Solenoid


    Anyone got any idea's what it'll be?


    How much are we talking for the starter motor or the solenoid out of curiosity and are they easily replaced by someone with limited skills?

  8. Where's the cheapest place for a HPI check done?


    My friend at works after one. Doesn't have to be all singing, all dancing as long as it shows up accident damage etc and is reliable.

  9. No one has got a spare sheet or half sheet of megs unigrit wet & dry 3000 lying about have they?


    No one round here sells it (smallest they go to is 2000).


    Will pay for it just don't fancy paying £4 postage that most sites want. Especially when it'll just fit in an envelope

  10. http://www.paints4u.com/pdffiles/smguide.pdf


    Is this a similar thing to the Langka you mentioned previously M13KYF?


    Don't have a local chipsaway (rang them earlier) but roughly how much do they charge for something like this? Or would they want to just touch up over the rust?


    And I'm assuming that it doesn't need primer on before the basecoat?


    If using Langka, then I've read its better getting a paint thats pre-mixed with laquer so there isn't another coat to go on once you've got it smooth?

  11. I've got a very small stone chip on the roof of the my zed (Azure Blue Colour B17). This chip has ever so slightly started to rust. The stone chip is that small that I'm not worried about that but I am worried about the rust.


    I've been to the local bodyshops and they all say either touch it up yourself or we can spray the whole roof. Now as the spot is about the size of a match head, a full respray is a bit of an overkill.


    I was hoping they'd tell me that they could scrape it back to bare metal using a very fine tool then use a very minute touch up.


    What would you all suggest as I don't really fancy just painting over the rust as all I would be doing is hiding the problem.


    I've been given a website called paints4u.com which do have a B17 for the Nissan but I noticed that the colour sample they show on the website for Azure Blue B17 looks almost navy but the colour says its "electric blue". Has anyone ordered from these before?


    They also do two different types of touch up. One is just a 100ml pot of touch up and a 30ml pot of G3 compound.


    They say the G3 compound is for blending in the new and old paintwork, i'm assuming this is just a very fine cutting compound similar to t-cut or scratch-x?

    The touch up is also mixed with laquer (if a laquer isn't ordered seperately). Is this the best way, or is it better having two seperate pots.


    The second pack they do is a 30ml touch up pot & 30ml clear laquer pot.



    Which is the best one to consider purchasing? My other option is to get a Nissan touch up kit for £5.99 from holdcroft which when I've looked at the picture says "touch up set with rust eraser"..... does this mean its supposed to painted on top of the rust?


    One last question, should I be using a primer if I scrape back to metal?


    Sorry for all the questions but need to get this sorted asap


    Thanks in advance,



  12. Cash saving, depending on what price it goes for, is nearly half price!! So decent savings to be had.


    Thanks for the tip rich but i'll be getting a corgi registered fitter to install it. Its the only way to get the warranty to kick in. Gas pipes are definately something I don't touch.

  13. I will be collecting the fire in person any way but if its cash on collection or bank transfer then I won't be able to claim money back if the fire doesn't work. Hence why I was thinking of paypal as an option. Can submit a claim once I'm home and have had the appliance tested.


    Its not like a car that I can have a good look over thats why I'm so cautious. I can check its cosmetically ok but can't see it working and won't know it works until about 2-3 weeks down the line once the chimney has been prepared and all plastering is done.


    If all that makes sense? :wacko:

  14. I'm considering buying a gas fire on ebay for the new house. Its collection only obviously but luckily for me its only in Ulverston which is only about a couple of hours away.


    So what are my options to pay for the item. It says on the advert paypal only (or obviously cash on collection) but actually how safe is it. We're talking nearly a grand here so I'm just a little wary.


    At least if I collect it then I'll know where the seller lives if anything does go wrong but just wondering what comeback I have with paypal if I get the fire installed and it doesn't work / goes t!ts up!!


    Anyone give me some advice please?

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