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Posts posted by Spen



    Still havent fitted mine as it was doing the same and didnt want to break it... :lol:





    if you can't get your finger in try a small screwdriver in from the top , the right side of the clip is exactly the same as the left and should only need a little persuasion. Just that you'll have to do it blind but it will soon pop off :thumbs:


    I had a torch down there as well ! :teeth:

  2. Arrived and fitted, thanks martin :thumbs:



    I had to prise the other side of the black clip (under the pedal) with my finger as it was having none of it with just the left side removed.


    Soon popped off then anyway and the new pedal went straight on ;)

  3. I work in IT and also own a renault 5 gt turbo aswell as the Z.


    I'd always done the simple oil change/brake pads etc on my renault and my 205 before that but then decided one day to buy a spare renault engine and rebuild it with a higher lift cam and better parts etc.


    An engine build is a great way of learning. It's not difficult, get yourself a haynes for the car in question and have a crack at it. (really you'll only use the haynes when your putting it back together, timing it up and to check torque settings)

    The feeling you get when you've done it all and fire it up for the first time is unreal. To think that you had the barebones of it in your hands...conrods, bearings etc and to then see it running is just awesome :yahoo:



    You get to know the car inside out and then like with me I was able to do things like take off the carb & turbo in half an hour and another half an hour and the head is off etc. The only problem is you become very attached to the car and like me now struggle to part with it! :p

    A 205 or a mini would be a nice project because they are easy to work on. The R5 is a bit of a pig to get to stuff. You find yourself having to remove 1000 hoses before you can do anything!


    You can't beat jumping in a nippy old car on a sunny weekend and going for a blast around some twistys feeling every bump and with everything rattling (including teeth) :lol:



    I say go for it, take your time with everything and enjoy it!

  4. OK here's the scenario


    User : Hi, our printer is not working.

    IT Support: What is wrong with it?

    User : Mouse is jammed..

    IT Support: Mouse? Printers don't have a mouse you fool!

    User: Mmmmm??.. Oh really?... I will send a picture!!




    Just to confirm, the mouse is alive and was released after opening the cartridge!



















    Had someone email this to me today, working in IT myself I've lost count the number of times I've had silly jams to clear and cartridges to replace. This would certainly make it more interesting!!



    Anyone else found mice in funny places!??? :lol:

  5. I got the clicking/buzzing noise in the snow with the TC both on and off.


    I was thinking it's perhaps something in the diff making the noise as opposed to the TC.


    No idea really but it's completely normal and nothing to worry about from what I can tell.

  6. That sucks mate, perhaps see if they'll sort it for you before you take it apart yourself though?


    I have a small chip on mine in my line of site and thought oh well.. when I get the chance £75 excess and a new screen but having seen these pics now I'm actually quite scared. I didnt realise things had to be took off like that!



  7. I stopped playing Counter strike source when I got MW2 for my PS3 (I know I'll still go back to it), rank 69 now (played a fair bit but not over the top) and I'm fed up with being put on servers with people ranked 50-60 on prestige mode. I think they must live on the game and it makes it pretty hard and annoying.



    I've Pre-ordered and really looking forward to Bad Company 2!! Going to need a lot more teamwork in that game than just run and gun like mw2.

  8. "Only" -3/4 degrees here today and a little bit of snow on our street so finally able to use my little baby :blush:

    The amount of snow we've had here is nothing in comparison to the rest of the UK :surrender: just 1-2 inches. The top photo is from today and the black and white one from the week before christmas.





  9. I looked into these some time ago. Apparently without a lot of fiddling it will foul up with the diff on UK cars.


    The other problem has already been mentioned about the rusting. The welds aren't the best either and some people have had them snap.


    There was at one point a seller on ebay doing them and on a lot of occassions they were going for anything from £50 to £200 (due to people being put off by fitment probs)

    I suppose at that price if it only lasted 2/3 years and is a bit of a pain to fit its worth a punt if you like the sound.

  10. What really gets me (maybe I'm just turning into a moaning old man?)


    When the cars covered in lovely soft snow, you see the kids in the street going along the walls and the ground with their gloves.......


    Then, straight onto the bonnet of you're pride and joy with their grit covered gloves :yuck:




    I took my car to work in the snow before christmas and it wasn't too bad. Even got a chance to have a play in the works car park.

    Z is at home today though. Only a slight incline on my road but it's mega icey and I remember last year not being able to move away from the kerb because of the camber. Decided to not even attempt it this time.


    Got to remember as well. It's not just whether you can drive it in the snow. It's all the other numptys on the road who don't leave enough time for braking etc!

  11. It's only a 200mb download as well B)



    One thing I'm not liking with this time trial demo is being forced to have the traction control on in the standard 370.

    I still really hate the engine sounds in this game. They have never been able to get them to sound right over the years. Might as well be driving sewing machines and hair dryers around the track :drive1

  12. I did wonder why my aircon light randomly came on in the colder weather when I turn the heater and fan up.


    Still always turn it off just because I can imagine it still saps a little power and decreases mpg even when its not having to cool the air??

  13. Yeah I'm just jealous because I payed full whack :teeth: On a different note, the game will ask you if you want to skip the "disturbing levels" when fired up.


    Get ready for it to be in the news tonight because the airport level is quite controversial..... :wacko:

  14. I find it disgusting that the supermarkets are doing it for around £25/26


    I thought the developers got a good whack of what we pay for games but clearly if the supermarkets can still make a profit at £25 :yuck::angry:


    Makes a mockery of pre-ordering. I only did that because I remember when GTA4 came out I had problems getting a copy

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