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Race Valeting

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Everything posted by Race Valeting

  1. I did 2 of these last year, a sapphire blue 1 the same as this an also a silver/goldy colour XKR. Can't believe how tough the paint is on this though....
  2. bloody hell 1st guess, think I put too many pics and it gave it away.... Yeah a very poorly xk8
  3. Can you guess what car it is? This is booked in for a full correction detail, based over 2-3 days due to the paintwork condition. This is booked in for a full correction 2-3 day detail due to the condition of the paintwork and time it was taking to correct. now a few 50/50's A nice reflection shot of the bonnet finished. More pics and full write up to come when the cars finished. Hope you enjoy and lets see if you can guess what it is. Paul
  4. Hi Matt Just bordering sussex myself and fully mobile too. checkout my site www.racevaleting.co.uk If you need and info of have and Q's give me a shout. Im also a 350z sponsor and offering a discount for details for 350z members checkout this thread http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17119 Atb Paul
  5. I have had 3 Karchers in the past and they kept loosing pressure, last year I bought myself a Kranzle k7/120 not the cheapest at around £350 but worth every penny. solid, compact, quiet and enough power any job. Paul
  6. Thanks for the comments chaps. As for the plates he changed them to the german show surround/plates, not too sure whjy just something a bit different I suppose. Yes the wheels are a bit tricky to say the least but with a good wheel cleaner and selection of brushes makes life so much easier. Paul
  7. Myself and Tim from Envy did start a post with regards to a UK tour happening ready for the show season next year if your interested. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17460&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30 Paul
  8. I prefer the supernatural personally because its a great allround wax given a super finish on all colours. I think its up in my top 3 waxes of late. Paul
  9. Today's job had been booked in for a few weeks now, due to having the neighbours cat use the car as a climbing frame. Set off this morning at 6:45 but got held up on the backroads due to a crash, this held me up a bit and I didn't arrive in Reading until 8:30. Going to be a long hard day with lots to do and to top it off it was BMW paint. On arrival the car wasn't too bad just the usual dirt from this time of the year. Befores: Firstly I tackled the wheel with some AS smartwheels, I left this to work while I cleaned the door boot shuts with some g101 and a swissvax style brush, then back to the wheels also with a selection of brushes and the tyres and arches were cleaned with some g101. Next up was to clean the engine aby, I pre soaked all the engine with some citrus de-greaser and then agitated with a brush and then rinsed on low pressure. Next up was the pre wash stage to help loosen all the dirt, this was done by applying some citrus de-greaser to the lower and left for 5 mins before rinsing. Then out with the snow foam bilt hamber again today and also left to dwell for around 5 mins before rinsing. Then washed using 2bm and a Z sponge and some dodo shampoo, then rinsed and ready for claying. Today was the sonus green clay again and LT as lube. Afters: Then re rinsed and dried using my RV ultimate water guzzler and LT. Out with the makita and megs 83/80 on a 3m pad, I was achieving 80-90 correction with 1 hit per panel and as I had lots too do that was that could be achieved in that time. The car was then given a IPA wipedown and then again I choose for the clearkote vanilla moose hand glaze again applied panel at a time and then buffed. This was topped with some CG 50/50 wax, I applied it to the whole car and then left to cure while I dressed the tyres with some espuma rd50 and the exhaust with megs nxt metal polish. The wax was then buffed off and now onto the interior, this was fully hoovered and then all the plastics/deats cleaned using some g101 and then the leather conditioned with some sonus leather conditioner. Finally the windows were cleaned while the owner was replacing the number plates for german ones with surrounds too. A quick dresss of the engine bay and then a final spritz with some duragloss 951 left the car looking like this. Afters: And heres a few with the standard number plates: Total time taken was 8 1/2 hr 12hrs door/door and 1 pheasent down on the way home to. Haven't checked the van for damage as its too dark but should be ok. Thanks for looking and all comments welsome as per usual. Paul
  10. Today I had booked in 9 mth old white TT 3.2 Roadster for a Dodo Juice Supernatural special winter detail After a chat with the onwer Andy prior to booking the detail, I advised that a winter protection detail would be the best bet for this time of year due to it being white and cleaned once a week. The car is being booked in apr/may time for a full correction due to poor dealership prep and leaving loads of swirls. On arrival the car wasn't to bad just a bit of grime nothing major as its cleaned thoroughly once a week. Befores: Firstly the wheels were cleaned using some AS Smartwheels this was left to soak for a few mins then agitated using a selection of brushes and then rinsed. Next up was to clean the door/boot shuts using some g101 and a swissvax style brush then rinsed using the kranzle. Then the car was pre-soaked using some warm citrus de-greaser on the lowers and left to dwell for 5 mins before rinsing, next up was a foaming using some bilt hamber this again was left to dwell for 5 mins before rinsing. Then out came the 2 buckets with my Z sponge and some Dodo Juice Born 2 be mild shampoo and then thoroughly washed and then rinsed ready for claying. Today the clay bar used was the sonus green and some LT as lube, the car was pretty clean and only some small contaminations removed and a slight bit of overspray from the front wings. Before: After: Then the car was re rinsed and then dried using my RV ulimate water guzzler and some LT as a drying aid. Next stage was the Pre-wax cleansing for this I used the Dodo LP via a foam applicator, 2 panels at a time then buffed off. This was then silky smooth ready for a coat of clearkote vanilla moose hand glaze to be applied, it this stuff dries so fast It was panel at a time today then buffed. This was finally topped off with a coat of Dodo Supernatural this was left to cure for 20 mins while I dressed the tyres with some espuma rd-50, cleaned the windows with my glass cloth and some megs glass cleaner. The interior was the fully hoovered and then all plastics and leather cleaned using some mild g101 and a mf, the leather was then conditioned using some sonus leather conditioner. Finally the wax was buffed off and the exhausts cleaned, and the a final inspection and a quick going over with some duragloss 951 to give it that extra bling. Now the afters: Finally I would like to thank Andy for supplying me with coffee all day and for the chat stopping me from getting board. Total time taken was 6 1/2 hrs. Thanks for looking Paul
  11. I just spray the IPA on a clean mf and gentle wipe the surface. The IPA helps to remove the oils from the polishes and helps prep the paintwork ready for LSP.
  12. I think its got about 26k on the clocks. The car is in and out of bodyshops all the time having mods done etc, but I think It has deffinatly seen a few car washes too. It was a very hard days graft but the results speak for themselves. Paul
  13. Finally getting round to doing a write up for this the last detail of 2008. And what a stunner it was a TT Show car, going to be used as a JL Audio demo car and also a feature coming up in Redline too. Arrived yesterday morning at around 7:30, the TT was brought out the garage to start the washing. Firstly the wheels were sprayed with some smart wheels and the tyres with some g101 this was left for 5 mins and then agitated using some envy brushes/EZ Detail brush. Next up was some citrus de-greaser this was sprayed to all the lowers and left for a few mins before rinsing off, then all the shuts were cleaned using some g101 too. Then out came a snowfoam mix of some g101 to help remove the old protection, this was lef to dwell for 5 mins before rinsing. Then the car was washed using some Dodo born to be mild shampoo and a z sponge. The car was then clayed using some sonus green and some last touch as lube. Before a quick final wash and drying using my Race Valeting Ultimate Water Guzzler Drying towel and some megs final inspection as a drying aid. Then the car was taken in the garage ready for correction. Its was looking very sorry for its self really, with some bad swirling and scratches. Out came the Makita and my pad/polish collection, I firstly started if with 3 blobs of megs 83 and 1 blob of megs 80 on a megs polishing pad. This was working magic on such tough paint, 2x passes at 600 to spread 2x passes at 900 4x passes at 1500 to break the polish down 4x passes at 2000 acheiving correction here 3x passes at 1200 2x passes at 600 refining the finish. 50/50 corrected After 7 hrs machining, then IPA'd and then LP Lite followed by 2x coats of Dodo Supernatural it was looking like this. The tyres were dressed using espuma rd-50 and the exhuasted polished using some megs nxt. Then the interior was hoovered and the dashed cleaned and the seats cleaned/conditioned and all the glass was cleaned. The engine bay was also cleaned and dressed. After 11hrs I was well shattered and happy to be in my nice warm van heading home Thanks for reading Paul.
  14. I am currently offering a special winter discount for a winter protection detail. I AM ABLE TRAVEL WITHIN 40 MILES OF PO8,AND CAN TRAVEL FURTHER AT A COST OF 30P PER MILE EACH WAY. Includes the following: Winter protection detail. Vehicle pre-rinsed using a citrus pre-cleaner, Vehicle then snowfoamed to remove any dirt particles, Alloys cleaned using ph neutral cleaners, Arches & door shuts cleansed and protected, 2 bucket wash method using a ph neutral shampoo, Dried using plush drying towels and drying aid, Paintwork clayed to remove bonded contaminents, Paintwork cleaner fluid or glaze applied by hand to enhance gloss, and to help the LSP bond correctly to the paintwork. 1 coat of long life sealant or wax applied to paintwork and door shuts, Sealant applied to alloys, Protective dressing applied to exterior trim, Glass cleaned & sealant applied to all exterior windows, Inner door rubbers treated with a protective dressing, Tyres dressing applied, A final wipedown to the paintwork with a gloss enhancing spray sealant. Time required 3-5 hrs approx. You can also add a interior detail for £40 and eingine bay for £30 if booked with the protection detail. I am also offering a half price 2nd winter protection booked at the same address for the same day too. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A CORRECTION DETAIL BUT A PROTECTION giving your vehicle a nice protective layer against the elements. Anymore info just PM me Regards Paul
  15. Thanks Martin, We'll keep this thread and list going until prior the next show season then. If anybody wants their detail done sooner, feel free to let me know and we can get something arranged. Paul
  16. My thoughts to Peter. Mix the paint lacquer first then apply and then the rub back and polish. Paul
  17. Right then chaps, if theres no major rush do you think leaving the post open until jan/feb time would be better? Just thought most people would want there cars prepped/waxed up ready the the winter. Paul
  18. Right chaps 8 days left to add you name to the list. As for all the members already on there would it be better before or after christmas?? Regards Paul
  19. Right chaps been speaking with Tim and we said we'll leave this thread open until the end of november to see if any others add their details to the tour. Then we will plan out our dates and route etc. All members on the list will be contacted via pm to get address/phone numbers etc for contact. Thanks Paul & Tim
  20. Aslong as the weathers fine, I have gennie and water tank in the van Add yourself to the list Pingu2 with what you want doing. Cheers Paul
  21. Thanks Martin, As it stands at the minute we can do your car first on the way through to the midlands. Just hope a few more people add themselves. Paul
  22. so how many definates have we got so far then guys?? Paul & Tim
  23. It sure does Just hope we get a good few people interested to make it worth while doing as the prices will have to cover b&b and fuel etc too. Looking forward to seeing the interest in this though. Paul
  24. Hi Ian Just guaging interest at the mo to see how many people would be interested in the tour and the services. See when is as good time with everyone on here really. As your only up the road in London we could come to you in the new year anyway to detail your car Ian if thats more convenient. Regards Paul
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