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Posts posted by Cragus

  1. My mate was a tornado pilot with the RAF and now flies for Logan air. He got trained for the most part by the RAF but still had to jump through some hoops to fly commercially and I don't think it was cheap. He managed to get a job relatively quickly due to his background but told me that jobs in the UK are pretty few and far between.


    On the other hand if you are open minded about where you will work I think there are more options available. One of his mates is based in Dubai and is the pilot of a private jet for some mega rich businessman. They were recently advertising in his work for pilots to fly sea otters ferrying people to the Maldives too.


    All depends what you are prepared and want to do.

  2. Hey guys, thanks ever so much for all the responses! I'll definitely check out Chipsaway first and then if need be contact some body shops. It was in a wee side street in Portobello in Edinburgh so sadly there's no CCTV. Parking is an absolute nightmare so I'm guessing it was either I stole someone's space (as they see it) or it was some daft little kid.


    Absolutely gutting though that's for sure and even worse to hear so many folk here have had similar experiences!


    Absolute taunts - there is no need for this kind of @*!#. Pure jealousy on their part but it doesn't help that you have waste your time and money to put it right! I think many of us have been their mate. I had some cretin hack a Tommy kaira badge off my bootlid which was freshly painted leaving not only a score but a little ding too.


    Again sorry to hear this and hope it is fixed with minimum fuss!

  3. What about this I don't know if this is true or not?




    Yes it is true. Tony Blair passed this little number on the sly.

    That actually appears to be outrageous, what's the reasoning/justification (if any) behind it?


    I believe that the marine borders were moved 60 miles North from Berwick-Upon-Tweed to Carnoustie. Something to do with the waters then being outwith Scottish jurisdiction and therefore fishing, oil and mineral rights being outwith too. The legislation passed or rather seemed to bypass the democratic process.

  4. Yes it is true. Tony Blair passed this little number on the sly.


    Wow, see I'm always skeptical as sometimes you will get the odd person who just hates the english and will say stuff like that. I can't beleive no one kicked up a stink?


    They did - Scottish fisherman kicked up at the time about their fishing boundaries and an e-petition was initiated. I don't know how much it was in the media though.

  5. Cragus

    I think RTB is playing the devil's advocate a weeny bit !



    I think RTB is playing the devil's advocate a weeny bit !


    Not very well. lol


    He doesn't need to play devil's advocate and if he is going to, at least do a little homework. Read back in this thread and see what most Scottish members are saying about the matter. I can't see many 'anti union' remarks. If you are going to cry like a little b1tch, I mean play devil's advocate at least wait for people to make remarks that provide the opportunity to make counter arguments. My own initial post made it clear that I think we are better together and that all countries put something good into the melting pot of what makes Britain great.. Also, Devil's Advocate takes a stance that they don't necessarily agree with - not entirely sure that RT doesn't actually believe the stuff he is spouting.


    Not been on in a while - have to say I have missed this place! :lol:

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