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Posts posted by Shuck

  1. 1. I still think its brilliant. If I want to learn about the technical aspect of cars I'd use the internet. I think a show that is just about reviewing cars wouldn't last long on TV. People would say its too boring.


    2. I loved the one where they went through America and got to Grafitti each others cars. That was a while ago though so a more recent one that tickeld me was where they were in Vietnam on mopeds. Hilarious!

  2. I was under the impression that the lights adjusted themselves. I have no idea where I heard that from though.


    Someone wil be along shortly to help out.......someone that knows what they are talking about!

  3. what the hell is the show desktop button doing in the bottom right hand corner?
    Windows key and M


    I have Windows 7, got it on the prepay price of £45 from Pc World. Its a big step up from XP which was the last OS I used on my old PC.

  4. By gum all this fuss over ACE cafe wondered if we should have a Northern version? :teeth:


    What should we call it?


    TOP cafe, GRAND Cafe, CHAMPION Cafe? :lol:


    We could serve pie and peas, polish up the cobbles outside and wash down the whippet sh** dont want those Nismo's getting muck on them!


    Any good location sugestions?




    Hilarious :lol::lol:


    How about somewhere central like Leeds area? That way its kinda central for people that live in Newcastle, Manchester and those down in Leicester.

  5. Tonight is a special night - the parents are coming over to discuss funding for the wedding next year and which family members to invite. We'll be having chicken wrapped in bacon with melted cheese on top. Its my job to buy the bacon and cheese on the way home.


    Desert will be Banana split and for me and the old man, cheese and biscuits and red wine.


    (we don't normally eat normal food like this, its frozen pizzas or microwave meals)

  6. I've got it, just not installed it yet. PC World delivered it to me on tuesday and I haven't got around to it yet, still running the RC version.


    Just wondering, is it better me installing the 32 bit or 64 bit version? I have 4gb of ram and want something that will work with the lest fuss. Is there really that much of a performance difference?

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