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Posts posted by kingbiscuit

  1. Who was slagging off mod choices??


    Sarnie no longer as a yellow zed


    Doesnt really matter as it was an alchohol fueled mood swing of mine.

    Booze always gets me into trouble. Usually with the police :lol:


    Whats sarnie driving now? I thought he didnt have his Lambo anymore

  2. That rocks


    Must give bigphil a call


    But i bet my **** is still bigger than yours



    I dont really hate yellow cars but I'm willing to go with it.


    I was just pi**ed off at people jumping in and slagging off other peoples mod choices. So I decided to lay down some hate of my own and sarnies yellow car was the closest thing to slag off (poor sarnie)


    P.S. Mine's tiny but my nads are the size of bagpipes

  3. OK


    You've been hounding me for weeks to finish the photoshop work on your car and I've finally completed them.


    I think the mods you plan on getting are a little OTT but I hope I've achieved the look you were after.


    Hope the final results work out well for you :p



  4. LOL u dont mince your words like m8...i dont think the b pillar things is true.....but made ma laugh nevertheless


    I only asked if the nismo wheels were coming to UK. Instead I get a load of messages saying what people hate.


    I thought it was time for people to know what I hate. :rant:

    I've been kind and not let people know what I thought about their cars but it seems like its a hatefest on people choices. :lol:

  5. I have a crazy idea, buy some aftermarket Volks, Works, rotas, £100 halford chrome jobbies if your bored of seeing the same wheels.


    There is plenty of choice out there if you step away from the nismo


    Unfortunately aftermarket wheels and aftermarket bodykits tend to devalue your car. Thats why nismo is a safe bet.


    I know when I was was looking for my Zed I totally disregarded a few good cars cos they had veilside version chav kits on them.


    I didnt mind nismo upgrades as they are oem.


    The LMGT4s are probably what I will go with. Everyone loves to jump in and say how shite they think stuff is when its only their opinion.


    In my opinion every set of volks are sh*te and putting a carbon b pillar on your car is a sure fire way of saying I am a chav. Also anyone who lists a Z boot mat, Z floor mats and a luggage net as a mod is a n*b and anyone who buys a yellow car has a small c*ck :boxing:

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