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Strange noise at 70 mph


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Possible bearing, they usually drone when loaded, I would check the condition and pressures of the tyres first, get under and look at the inside walls aswell


If not jack it up and check for play in the wheel bearing, grab at 12 and 6 o clock and 3 and 9 o clock and try to tilt the wheel back and forth



the weights missing would only cause steering wheel shake, probably just the position they were in befiore new tyres and a re-balance

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Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Since getting the zed I have always been aware of noise but was sure this was the road noise from the tyres as I had read before purchasing and was just something they all did but this noise literally appeared out of know where after the car had been parked for 4-5 hours and as soon as I joined the motorway.


I have the car booked in at my mechanic on Tuesday as my serpentine belts are getting changed and also my drivers door window refuses to drop when I open the door for no reason and then two hours later it starts working again. Pretty sure that will be a pig of a job to sort out as well ðŸ˜


I will check the tyres tonight if I can and see if the pressures are okay etc ðŸ‘





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