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Horrible Knock now fixed!!! esp lights always on though


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So I've had a rattle for a month or so now but have been reluctant to change the bushings without knowing if the ball joint is damaged as well.

I have checked the bushing and it certainly looks torn but how could i go about checking the ball joint.

I don't want to just spend money on bushings to still have the same issue, but in the same sense don't want to buy 2 new arms to have only needed the bushings.


Is there any way to get an idea if they are in good nick?




heres a pic of the bushing



Edited by Lurch
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FWIW the ball joints on the compression arm tend to be ok most of the time and I suspect this is so because despite prolonged use of the car with a failed compression bush they have enough freedom of movement due to the coincidental inherent design of the joint.

However the only way to tell would be to remove the whole arm and inspect them. In the FSM it out lines the tolerances that constitute acceptable. Basically there should be NO free play on the vertical axis and there should be some resistance to side to side deflection of the ball joint spindle.

Finally if the boot is torn then the ball joint is fubar as it will leak the grease and fail due to drying out. You cannot replace the ball joint or boot.

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Wow! Thanks for the fast reply


Thats really useful!


Im gonna hav to get on the floor and check that then. removing the arm isn't really an option at the side of the road but ill give it a look and see if i can see anything that looks untoward.



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I've just been through this rigmarole myself lurch, the advice above is sound. You'd be surprised about getting underneath how simple it is to get to actually, but a spare hand will help in getting the suspension cross member out to be able to remove the BA.

Might have trouble getting the nut off the thread of the ball joint...be careful there. A ball joint separator of the wedge or clamp type will help but watch that ball joint boo. Costly mistake to tear!

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So I've had the wheel off and taken a scout around at the ball joint and it looks in good condition. I think I'm just going to have to get the bushings done and fingers crossed that will be the issue resolved!

There is no way i could do it myself and it would cost me as much to buy the tools id need as to just get it done. I don't really have access to a decent jack or anything.


Going to buy the super pro bushes and hope it gets it sorted.


Thanks for the input guys i really appreciate it.

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Best of luck....Im having some superpros fitted to the transverse links which should hopefully be done by now....they seem the way forward!! Cheaper than new arms as well!


I am surprised how many people get them considering the price, they must really be that good.

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yeah the price was off putting to be honest but there not that much more than the standard bushings in reality and I've not faith in them at all... might as well spend a little extra and get your moneys worth

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  • 2 weeks later...



so i took her down to infinity at glasgow and dropped her off, a few hours later i got a call from david who explained that he had been investigating and that the bushes were infact fine. but there was an issue with the steering rack-end and antiroll bar links (i think). he quoted me a price and told me he could have it done the next day so i said go ahead.


I went to pick it up and was told he was still trying to sort something, which seemed odd as they had told me it was finished when they called. turns out david was having a problem with the steering angle sensor after doing an alignment it wouldn't reset. so had both the espoff light and the 'slip' light on on the dash, he tested it to see if it was working ok, which it was and said i could take it home but would need to take it back to get it sorted out at another suitable time. Most importantly though he had stopped the knocking. we aranged to drop it off today and leave it with him.


Now he has had it all day and has asked if i can leave it with them for another day so he can get in touch with nissan about it.

I just want to say how amazing the team at Infinity Glasgow have been with this they have given me a lovely Q50 to use while I get my car back and haven't asked for a penny this time around to get rid of the lights or even for the insurance on the courtesy car.


Anyone any ideas why the steering angle reset wouldn't be working ???






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so picked the car up from infinity today and had a chat with david about what was wrong with it. Apparently using consult3+ to reset it wasn't working, but downgrading to cunsult3 did. so its all fixed and i have my car back and no more knocking!


SO Happy :D

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