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Purchased a 15 registration from the DVLA this morning, nightmare.


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Absolutely horrendous trying to get on the DVLA site from 0830 this morning think it took me almost 90 mins or so to get on there but managed it in the end and purchased the following:


AN15 MOZ or A N15MO Z for £399 which actually looks like it says NISMO not like some registrations I have seen people asking silly money for.


Just have to make sure that I get myself another 370Z Nismo next year or will have to sell it but should be worth more than I paid, fingers crossed. AN15 SAN wasn't available though :) With there being the 15 in it there is just so many more options available like TH15 BMW, or DOG, or even NOB ;)

Edited by Turboextreme
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Its because they have shut down most of the regional offices and have employed yet another computer system which apparantly doesnt work. Insider info, being living in the area, you get to know such things.


Could be worse...could be the CSA. lol dont get me started on that !!!!!!!

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CSA now that was a joke. Thing was the DVLA site was down for maintenance till 0830 this morning and then switched it on then and it got smashed with all these companies buying plates for profit which I can guarantee accounted for most of their sales today.


What happens to the revenue from plate sales? I will have to check this out.

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