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red bull kart fight 2012 competition


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let me tell you a short story, then i will get to the point of my thread (i did do a albeit very quick search and im pretty confident its not a repost)


So a few years ago now (about 2 or 3) i had a Astra VXRacing edition, and vauxhall held there first VXR powere events and one of these were Go-Karting (at varuious locations around the uk)


it was a 2 1/2 hour endurance race for teams of 4 people (up to a max of 12 teams) and me and my mates entered at manchester, we were in the lead until the last 3 minutes and our clutch broke!! :rant: we ended up in 3rd place, so i came up with a cunning plan to do another event but go to the AM session as it would be alot quieter and less teams so we booked in for the event in thruxton (with a slightly different 4 man team only 2 originals) we turned up and there were 12 teams again! (i was gutted as i thought we would have had an easier time) then we had our briefing and we were told strauight away by dougie (VXR promotions manager) that there were 12 teams but 8 were for charity and were not allowed to win and take part in the grand finale at silverstone! :) (i was back on the top of the world and feeling very good!)


our team had a look around and a chat with our competion (the other 3 none charity teams) we all got back and had a bit of a natter and we had come to the conclusion that it was in the bag, (1 team were a 4 man team all over 50, 1 team was a bunch of girls, and the 3rd team were a bunch of guys that were all carrying abit of weight (if you know what i mean))


so off we went we did our qaulifying laps and we were in 1st place! get in there, we decided i would go first as i was pretty good with the cold tyres and getting out of the car rather than getting in it, the race started and i was gone...... in my 40 mins i built up a 3 lap lead which i was very happy with, we changed drivers at the end of his 40 mins we were on the same lap as 2nd place (the 4 old guys) our 3rd driver (my bro) got in and when he came in we were 1 lap ahead again (well in bro!) and our final driver got in we were confident we had it in the bag as our last driver is abit of a pro (without a licence) but the old guys kept on catching us, we had everything crosed on the very last lap the old guys got past and won we were gutted :bang: we could not believe it!


after we had the presentations for the medals and a few people (dougie) had done a speach to say thanks to everyone for turning up we chatted to the old guys again and it turns out they were all ex-pro go-kart racers for a number of years :evil: i saw this as cheating but let it slip by




Anyway back on topic,


i received a inbox messaged on faceache from my mate (driver 4) with a link http://www.redbull.com/cs/Satellite/en_ ... 3196041866 asking if me and a few of our mates had seen or heard about this and would we be up for doing it? i am well up for it and just thought i would spread the word, even if you only have a look and your not interested i bet someone you know would be :)


heres the link again : http://www.redbull.com/cs/Satellite/en_ ... 3196041866


has anyone heard of this already? maybe see a few zeds wherever we end up going? prob around the midlands/stoke/manchester

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