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Anyone got any answers to this problem????


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i think he took it the wrong way... :surrender:


tbh never thought about it....i always keep it on outside temp when it says 0 or below cos that could mean black ice... ;)


anyway, i really think outside temp is very helpful when freezing cold...especially if you dont want to wreck the ecu!!! you should ALL know it by now! that gauge is directly connected to it!!!!! :drunk:

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I'm lost here. Is this thread for real or what? I mean, I can see that the replies on this page clearly aren't, but I don't actually see the original question being serious at all: Surely no-one actually expects that temperature indicator to be 100% correct to the outside temp? I have no idea where the sensor is, but given that on every other vehicle I've been in they will all report different outside temps regardless of what the weatherman says I fail to see what the problem is?


It's just a guide, and a pointless one at that. Stick your head out of the window and find out what the temperature is, don't rely on a bloody gauge in a car!



Take a chill pill dude! :bang:

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