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Clutch Life


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So, having just bought my z yesterday, I have read a few articles on when the clutch will need replacing. From what I can gather, it depends on how hard the car has been driven and maybe a little luck, but when it needs doing, its pretty costly.


Mt car has 42k miles, has not had clutch replaced, and seems fine to me, but what is the best way of checking it? I assume to leave handbrake on and try to pull away? Worried I am going to get a hefty bill straight away!





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You will know when its on its way out as you will feel it slipping. Its crucial that once this happens you get it sorted asap as it will lower the chance you need a flywheel also. I shouldnt worry yourself that its not had it done yet, as you said it a bit of luck really. I wouldnt go putting any extra strain on it just to test.

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Two ways to test it:


1. Stick it in 6th when pootling along (30-40MPH) and floor it. If the revs rise quicker than the speed then its on its way out (it will be obvious)

2. Put the handbrake on and put it in gear. Let the clutch out. If it stalls you're ok, if it doesnt, erm, time for a new clutch, now! Not sure i Like the sounds of this method though, prefer the one above.

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