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Posts posted by Ozz

  1. Front or rear or all? If rear, I just ordered standard replacements from GMF, cost about £26 i think without checking. I'd be tempted for better on the front. My local garage fitted for £22.50 so it wasn't worth my time messing about! I have brembo's.

  2. 30mph in 6th is pushing it, any acceleration and the engine labours like buggery which isn't good. It will take it though.


    I used to stick to the old 'one gear for every 10mph' rule and it never saw me wrong. It's one thing to potter around in 6th at 30mph for fuel consumption purposes, but it's bad driving practice as you can then leave yourself in a situation when you really need a quick blast of acceleration to get yourself out of a pickle.


    See now I would agree completely with this, but then why would the manual state it as its produced by the people most familiar with the cars capabilities. I wouldn't normally dream of dropping into 6th that low but perhaps I'll try it. I'm sure my dad used to say it could damage the engine dropping into 5th below 40.

  3. I'm the same! I try to buy models of the cars I've owned in the right colour. I've got an orange 1/18 one by Maisto from ebay, cost about £30 IIRC. Its very good quality, rubber tires, full exhaust, working steering, engine is spot on, only thing is its LDH. I'm also trying to a find a bonnet bulge model to represent my new zed.

  4. I just had a quote for £22 from a decent garage to change just the rear pads on my zed, at that price its not worth my time/effort doing it. If I wanted the discs done too it was 40-50.


    Obviously I supply the parts.

  5. I'd say your car is worth 15k max possibly a little less. With the price of petrol and tax the market is shrinking (IMO) for performance cars.


    Why do you keep talking down the prices of zeds? What do you stand to gain by doing it if you already have one?


    I don't intentionally, but I'm on my second and spent a lot of time looking at them. I am more than happy to be proved wrong, the more money we get for our cars the better. But..i'm also a realist. He asked for opinion on price, i gave it - doesn't mean I'm right.


    I just took a look on Parkers - 2008 58 plate GT spec £14800 but with 30k mileage.

  6. Chris,

    Hes 13 and nearly as big as me, i guess some would argue that child places are just for "Little kids" But until the signs indicate an age limit, then hes a kid and i'm a parent. :thumbs:


    Ps Just want to make it clear I have NEVER parked in a disabled bay


    And only ONCE parked in a parent bay without my kid


    Just dont want to give the wrong impression :D


    13years old? IMO you're abusing the honour system. These spaces are close to store to help parents with very young kids, pushchairs etc.

  7. I think the early (pre 70s) and the latest 2005+ tangs are the nicest looking cars ever made. Unfortunatly inbetween that they made some butt ugly models and thats one of them!

  8. I always check the bonnet/engine to see if she's been started recently. I check the obvious areas for signs of repair/damage (around radiator, lift boot carpet etc). Check with VoSA for last MOT and see if any advisories, DO A HPI check! - also worth noting with some you get 7 days free insurance, I've used it a few times). Check the interior, see if condition matches mileage, check all electrics and of course test drive.


    I say I do all that, it takes discipline and I'm terrible for buying cars off ebay/internet and not checking properly but I've been lucky so far. I got my current zed from autoquake, nearly 14k delivered and taxed from Leeds (I'm in wales) and I bought it over the phone!!! :teeth: She's stunning though.

  9. You said you've looked on ebay, have you done a completed items search? Adverts for sale can be very misleading, PH in particular is often high priced as its free and people just speculate.


    Not having a clue about classic cars I'd probably take the money, seems like a fair offer. I'm sure 5th gear did a feature on them and said they were worth around 2k in good condition - on the road. Or, list on capri websites as stated.

  10. can't fault you for wanting to be your own boss. With your background I'd have through you'd easily gets facilities management type roles. I know someone that runs their own valeting business, and I know someone else who lost everything running a carwash and is still in debt. The person running their own business I believe did struggle through the economic downturn as clean cars is usually one of the first things to go along with gym membership.


    Getting in with the fleets I think can be a good earner but if doing mobile you're really restricted to needing good weather. I believe there can be big insurance costs as well. You've also got to look at your location, who else is doing it etc.


    Good luck - you only live once!

  11. i think wrapping in silver might be better and leave centre bit black like v88 said,what do i wrap with?and wouldnt that be hard on some of the grooves in splitter?


    Now that might be tidy indeed! I'm sure some of the brighter chaps could photoshop it for you.

  12. Carry a fake sheriffs badge in the car and flash it at chavs when they do mature stuff like this :thumbs:


    Once my mate and I were on an A road at night, a road that goes from one to two lanes and back to one at various points. Some silly boys were tailgating and as soon as we hit a two lane section they drove by and flicked the V's and then proceeded to lean out the window and SPIT onto my mates car.


    He remained surprisingly calm, then as they sped up to drive off he reached down to the door pocket and produced a little blue LED torch which had a wrist cord attached. He switched it on, grabbed it by the cord, wound the window down, held it out the window above the car and started spinning it round and round by the cord. I guess from their point of view all they could see were headlights and a flashing blue light on an unmarked car :lol:


    The car ahead then immediately hammered on the brakes, and pulled to a stop by the side of the road. We just drove by and blanked them. They didn't try tailgating us again.


    Illegal, but genuis.


    Did he make siren noises as well? That would be awesome driving past then swing a torch screaming WAH WAH WAH WAH. I had an ex-police MV6 omega once with all the wiring intact in grill, was very tempted to connect it back up! Incidently, one of the cheapest (£300) and nicest car to drive I've ever owned.

  13. I've tried to be a bit softer with the car this week and got 23mpg on the super, so 1mpg better. My journey is half steep hill country lanes and half motorway with lots of traffic. If I drove like miss daisy I could get more, but thats not the point, the point was comparing the two fuels.


    She does feel livelier tho, as I said so I'll prob stick with super.

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