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Posts posted by doc.usy

  1. hi all- i never really knew there was another club- ignorance maybe- just googled and signed up to the first 1 that came up? anyways that subscription has now expired!


    Im from glasgow- bought a brand new Z in sept last year- black

    didnt really modify it but looked after it- kept it shiny always and used the expensive petrol always!


    Then about 3/4 months ago it was bloacking my brothers car in the drive coz i had work the next morning and he had to go get something from a mates so he took my car- cut a long story short- wrapped my car round a pole at a roundabout and now its pretty much deemed a write off (took the insurance 4 months to tell me that btw) anyways, they have offered me a settlement and said i could have the car back for about 10k. now i dont know wether to take it or not and just go get a new 1- or just leave it altogether and get somet different! (had semi deiceded on an audi but not ordered anything yet)


    so help..? thoughts?


    also how can i push the insurance for more money? should they be offering me the value of the vehicle as it stood when the accident happened or now? it has been 4 months! over that now a think and its still going on...meanwhile finance company is rinsing me...


    cheers all

  2. its a standard black Z thats in the bodyshop (courtesy of my brother and a round about!) and been deemed a write off! insurance said i could have it back for 10k...still mulling over it since i have wheels and a kit fot lying in the garage!


    to buy back or not is the question!

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