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Little Miss

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Posts posted by Little Miss

  1. yep defently the crank sensor gone, im booked in under warrenty but cant get me in until Monday - so im out of the wales run with my car! got room booked which i cant cancel so may well come up with a mate and say hi


    unless they are only 20 quid and someone can get hold of it and its easy to fit!




    Take it another garage!!!!

  2. Dont normally take the z to work, but decided as its so nice to cruise in the sunshine! however half way to work I lost all performance, dont think ive blown a turbo but could be just a pipe clip come off as there seems to be no pressure in the system.


    if its something big i wont be able to come wales :( unless you want me to follow in the fiesta! lol


    will check it out tonight :angry:



    Is that your way of getting out of us girls showing up your drving skills :lol:

  3. saw a hot chick in a z on the m6 last week, and wondered if she was borrowing it or if it was hers. any female z owners on here!


    Bl**dy cheek. There always has to be someone like you who cant face the fact that females can own a Z :rant:


    We dont all spend our money on nails & shoes you know!!!!!!!



    hey so there is!! wasn't debating the fact you can own one. didnt mean it to offend! but will check your parking skills out ;) lol


    i gotta huge drive way so parkings easy and always take 2 spaces at Asda :lol:

  4. Little Miss(Charlie) and Tilly(Linda) are members and zed owners and both drive the coolest colour going...............Ultra Yellow


    Has Tilly changed or sprayed her her car then - she hasn't updated her Avatar if that the case ;)


    she keeps dreaming about the car in the very front of her avatar............. :teeth: .


    Why would she be dreaming of a fairlady when she's got a proper Z :lol:

  5. Little Miss(Charlie) and Tilly(Linda) are members and zed owners and both drive the coolest colour going...............Ultra Yellow and both will bein Wales :teeth: Any of you going Wales want to argue that point? Nah did not think so ;):lol:


    Can always rely on you to set people straight :D

  6. saw a hot chick in a z on the m6 last week, and wondered if she was borrowing it or if it was hers. any female z owners on here!


    Bl**dy cheek. There always has to be someone like you who cant face the fact that females can own a Z :rant:


    We dont all spend our money on nails & shoes you know!!!!!!!

  7. Some of you know that my alloys were refurbed the wong colour :angry: by Nissan Sunwin and i'm having to fight them to get them replaced.


    So, if anyone has GT4 alloys can you send me pictures of what they should be like as i'm complaning to Nissan HQ and need a comparrison.


    Ta :thumbs:

  8. slightly off topic but what is the difference between an apartment and a flat?


    I'm intrigued.....



    A flat's for common people :lol:


    Think apartments tend to be what they call new builds, more trendy. Only let classy people have one B)


    My nan had a flat, but it was council. - see for common people

  9. Cheers buddy, its a new build so just had the valuation done and agreed so there was no banding before.


    Im going to get everyone to sign a petition in the building too as my friend said he has spoken to others and they are all saying the same. i will then go have a look at similar properties. :thumbs:



    I reckon they pull letters out of a hat !!!


    My apartment is a band C yet my old 3 bed house down the road is a band B.

  10. my g/f and i are off to chimay in belgium to go drag racing............ :)


    her dad drag races a NOS honda nsx which he is competing... :thumbs:


    i managed to book a crossing from dover to france for.................







    £34 return......................... BARGAIN.............!! :yahoo:



    Can i buy a hat yet??

  11. Does anyone on here know or have access to how to band a property for council tax?


    Its a one bed apartment and been banded up as C




    Think your self lucky , mines 1 bed apartment in the midlands and thats band C too!!!!


    You can protest against but you have to get everyone with an apartment in your block to all complian, then they will review. Thats what i'm doing as mines a new build and Stafford Council have lost the plot

  12. I know we're meeting up at Chester on May 11th but are any convoys being arranged en-route to Chester?


    I live in between Newcastle under Lyme and Market Drayton so I could either go to Chester up the A41 via Whitchurch or up the M6/M56.


    Could join convoy or start a Staffs convoy ay Keele Services or Truck Stop south of Whitchurch at the junction of the A41/A49 at 08.00 - 08.15. No worries if no can do, will just meet up with everyone at Chester.


    By the way, how many roadsters are going. I know roadsters will be outnumbered by the coupes but if the weather is kind to us I know who will have the bigger grins :teeth:B)


    Me and Maccaman are driving from Stafford, would go past Jct 15 on M6 if your that end.


    Not sure yet whether to travel up M6 or get off at Jct 16 of M6 and head for Chester that way????

  13. I have heard that by adding a lady driver to your policy it can reduce the cost - however, I have just done a quote for myself which came out at £607 - then I added my husband who has 3 points for speeding and it came down to £450! What's that all about?



    Is your husband older than you?


    It often works that if you put someone else on who is older and has been drving a few years that the premium drops.


    Its cause they think you'll be driving it less and therefore reduces their risk of having to pay out

  14. if he leaves his lambo at mine he can borrow my Zed but only if he drives it carefully! ;)


    Lambo was sold ages ago :cry:


    Suppose there was no point in you keeping a car that you couldn't handle



    Maybe get one of those new Hybrid cars - would suit you down to the ground :D

  15. Sorry Im confused, stuey is having a threesome on the tenth, His G.F is gonna be watching, Louis is not happy, Little Miss is climbing through the window, then walks in gixxer with his double decker wearing a cravat..


    man Im in for one serious messed up dream tonight, its like a porn movie gone wrong!! :headhurt::headhurt:


    PMSL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


    il have a video camera running especially for you jay.....!! :lol:


    Make sure you have one of those 2 minute long tape's stuey ;):lol:



    PMSL :lol::lol::lol: and thats including foreplay :lol::lol::lol::lol:


    As much as i luv ya Stuey, think u'd have a heart attack before 30 secs was up if you were really propositioned on 10th by all 3 of us :lol:

  16. I know I don't actually need to explain why i'm not going but i will anyway.


    1. look at the list and see how many people are actually driving there alone.


    2. then look how many driving alone are female


    3. then consider that my hubbie's not interested, I don't have anybody else who would drive with me either.


    4. then ask yourself if my hubbie (although not interested) would want me to drive over 190 miles on my own to meet people I only know from the internet. Even if he didn't mind me doing that I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be happy about me staying over so I'd have to drive back again alone.


    I'm sure you're all lovely and would make me feel really welcome etc etc and I know I'd enjoy it but put yourself in my/your wife's/girlfriends/ shoes and ask yourself it you think it would be ok? Just so you know I'm not actually being negative or anti-social - I realise I'm missing out and it is really crap when you don't have a partner who will do this kind of thing with you.



    Hiya Nixy


    I'm dragging one of my mates along, she came in October isnt into cars at all but really enjoyed herself. We'd never met anyone from the site before then either.


    You could always stop over with us?

  17. im a plus 1 now too.......................... and for the carvery................. add me in mods.............





    so, Sonia's tells me!!! - Where was my phone call :rant:


    Spill the beans ;)


    ooh trouble in paradise ?





    Will be when i get my hands on him!!!

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