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Posts posted by TiN

  1. Hi there,


    Not really offering any contacts or jobs I'm afraid, but just wondering if you had a good covering letter to complement your applications (and CV)? And if at all possible, don't use the links on the job ad to make the application - try to send an email directly to the recruiter/agency. I know for sure that Reed make a hash of your covering letter etc when you submit through their site.


    Also, what do you mean by "Recruitment Consultant Optimised"? I've seen a CV that has been chopped and put together by an agency, and IMO I wasn't impressed (but then again, it was specific to the agency, and for the accounting industry, so I'm not really in any position to comment too much). Back to the point of "Recruitment Consultant Optimised" - and no disrespect to recruiters in general, but from my experience, most of them are just glorified sales people. Plus, you really should tweak your CV (and covering letter) for each individual application, so that it matches the job description almost perfectly.


    I think the general concensus of "making an effort" and the cliche of "selling yourself" does apply - from personal experience, unless you hassle the recruitment agencies and make it known that you're perfect for the job, they'll just be distracted by other, perhaps more shiny applications.


    Good luck!


    PS. sl114 - tell me more...;)

  2. So are you doing the test, or the CBT? Cos the CBT is only training (albeit of the "Compulsory Basic" variety)...but either way, best of luck, and I'm sure you'll be fine.


    Had my bike license almost 5 years now...but haven't ridden a bike for a while...but it was great while it lasted!

  3. That may be true, but I have test driven both types back to back, and I can't say that I noticed any real difference in performance overall, except that the gear changes are so fast and smooth on the tiptronic that it is hard to beat on a manual for us mere mortals. :)


    Yeah, sorry, I wasn't trying to sound cool or anything - of course on the Zed 20hp may not be that noticable in normal driving...I'm speaking from the experience of driving a car with almost 50% less power...:(



  4. The question is, why do you want to leave your current job?


    I don't feel that I'm "overpaid" as such (that would be silly ;)), but that I can be oh-so-much-better-value-for-money, but there is currently no provision for me to fulfill that. Also, there's two other guys here in the same role, except they're at least 3 years my senior (in terms of their time in the role), so I can actually "see myself" in several years' time! (And it's not as bright as I would like). Sure, on paper it'd look impressive, and I'm sure that I'll be able to use it to get a fairly well-paid (and similarly mundane) job in the future - but I want to build a network and generally be a much more dynamic environment.


    In a way, I've answered my own query, but if I wasn't this weak, I wouldn't be asking!


    Thanks for the opinions so far guys - keep 'em coming!

  5. mugwump - some great points there, thanks! Certainly a few things to be thrown into the mix if I manage to get an offer.


    I think that throwing myself forward as a candidate won't have any detrimental effects at this stage, but it's good (and yet frustrating) to get a good gathering of opinions and experiences. :)

  6. You seem to be saying it's "either or"; I would check for other job opportunities first to see if you can command the same or better income with improved prospects.


    Yeah, I know what you're saying - it almost seems defeatest in some respects, but if I'm realistic, it could be a great (and rare) opportunity in this area (South West).


    I think that I've just been spoilt with my current job - in some respect, I reckon that I got favourtism because I did a temping stint for them a few years ago (and I've got the natural charisma to get along with everyone ;)).


    Oh well, still waiting to see if I've got a second interview first, then I'll start dreaming again. :p


    Thanks. :)

  7. It's the weigh up between money and career progression...and I'm a bit torn, frankly.


    Basically, I'm at a fairly small IT company at the moment, but the money isn't bad considering my previous experience and my actual workload. The company's clientelle/business is fairly secure, but also pretty mundane, so (with no direct disrespect) it's not as if I'm dealing with high-profile clients etc, and doing anything exciting.


    Now, I've recently applied for a bigger company that generally offers a more exciting role (with travel) and bigger clients, and (based on the ad that I applied for) more money. However, despite feeling that the interview went well, I got the feedback that my experiences do not meet my salary "expectations" (I never specifically demanded any figure, but I did suggest that I'd be looking to at least match my current income). Fair enough, but he then went on to suggest that I join the more junior entry point (not an offer, but an indication that if I were to progress with the next stage, it would be my best offer).


    I have no inferiority complex, and so won't have a problem with effectively starting from the bottom (I'm hardly at the top of my tree now), but the salary range of the junior role is going to be £4k-£7k less than what I'm on now. There is, however, the chance to get a raise and a "car allowance" of about £5k after 6 months, depending on my performance, so that's not so bad. Plus, it offers the challenges and training that I'm lacking now, and generally gives me a brighter view of the future.


    With all that said - my wife recently got sacked (which I'm gonna be sure to get as much out of as possible, because it was all handled a bit dodgily), and is currently job hunting, so it might not be the best time for me to be going off and taking chances...or is it?


    Help please. :scare:

  8. I haven't really seen it yet, but caught glimpses of it when walking around the streets of HK earlier in the year (they were selling the DVD...by broadcasting it... :dry: ). I'm a fan of Jay Chow's music, but less so his acting (especially in Initial D)...and I wasn't a fan of 'Daggers, Hero etc either...


    The wife wants to see it on the big screen purely to bask in the awesomeness of the Forbidden City, and to convince me to take us to Beijing again at some point... :surrender:

  9. As for Butler's accent, I don't think I've ever heard anyone put on a Greek accent in a Greek mythology movie. If Michael Caine had played the part, King Leonidas would've been a cockney. :lol:


    Nah, just in the bit before he said "Red Sauce on Pasta" (;)), he Scottish accent came out...at other times, it was quite English. It would have been amusing if they all tried to speak in a Greek accent. :p

  10. R34 (do I really want a car that is quite old, and also new version coming out soon but prob be overpriced for what you get)


    There's gonna be a new Skyline GT-R, but not a "new R34" ;) A Bayside blue R34 looks nice, and for the amount of money to spend, you can probably get one with 600-900 horses under the hood. But as has been mentioned - if something goes bang, you can expect to shell out a lot of money to fix it. My local garage recently fixed one up, and the total bills (almost purely for labour) were over £10k, plus sourcing parts won't be that easy.


    Also, if you're worried about being "spotted" in the Cayman, then probably best to stay away from the skyline too...personally, I rarely expect Porka (from the old-skool Grand Theft Auto days...) drivers to rag their cars though...


    Mazda RX7 (not bad after 70,000 mile need new engine rebuild but could keep my runaround car and use this on weekend. But too old a car)


    I love the Veilside bodykit (the latest one), but they can look pretty fugly IMO, especially from the rear. With that said, you can get a decent and tuned one for under £10k, and just spend the rest on tyres, engines, and petrol! :p


    Supra (everything that can be done has been done, too old)


    Personally don't like the looks, and they definately look dated. But again, tuning potential is high, is probably more reliable than the Skyline. More of a car that I would buy though (i.e. as a poor person).

  11. Yeah, cool movie...all the head and limb chopping was stylishly done. B)


    Tho I'm surprised that they allowed Gerald Butlers Scottish accent to creep through (and remain in the cut).

  12. Right, I have just sorted my phone out!!!



    Samsung E900

    1200 x-net mins

    300 texts

    £55 per month





    A FREE PS3 :yahoo::yahoo:


    Nice, but was the phone free as well? Cos I know that dialaphone are "giving away" PS3s, but you'll need to pay for the phone...


    I was gonna suggest something "hot" like an N95 or 8800, and then flogging it on Ebay - that'll pay for the first third of the years' line rental...

  13. Thanks for the replies guys, some good pointers there. ;)


    GC350z - I know what you mean mate, but I think that's always the danger of mixing business with pleasure, so to speak...and why I'm reluctant to take on major requests from friends and family. But hang in there dude, and stand your ground dammit! ...draft out a spec, and use it as the foundation of the "contract"...I know it's easier said that done, but the nightmare will just continue otherwise.


    And as for getting a good accountant - if I could afford that, I wouldn't need to moonlight! (or just moon, for Zedrush's sake. :p)





  14. Ello all,


    Just after a bit of advice in general, and maybe some specific stuff to do with taxes etc, if you would be so kind. :blush:


    Basically, I'm in full-time employment, but I've just started to take on a bit of out-of-hours web development work for a startup, where I will be paid on a job-by-job basis. This is potentially seen as a bit of a long-term relationship, where the company can't really afford to employ anyone full-time at this time, but has work to be done, which suits me fine.


    The guy just came out to meet me for a coffee, so it all seems pretty genuine and good...just waiting for the first set of instructions to be sent to me, and then it begins!


    Is anyone in a similar position? Any personal thoughts on it?


    And in terms of tax - does it mean that I'll need to be classified as self-employed? (and if so...what do I do!?)...and perhaps more importantly, do I need to inform my full-time employer - because even though it's not breaking any rules in my contract, the director didn't seem too keen on my contract work when I was interviewed for this job...





  15. That's pretty much the same router that I've got at the moment.


    But just to clarify on the jargon (well not really)...but the reason why your current internet connection may not be classifed as "always on" is because it relies on your PC be powered on and connected to your ADSL modem. If you keep your PC on 24/7 and set your connection to not drop (even it will occasionally), then your connection will be "always on".


    Having an ADSL router will mean that it's your router that is connected to the broadband connection, and not your PC, and that it's easier/possible for other devices to make use of the internet connection at the same time.


    Again, the router can be setup to not timeout and disconnect, and to attempt to reconnect automatically if you do lose your connection, thusly creating the illusion that you have an "always on" connection.


    Wireless doesn't really have any direct relation to the internet - it just means that if you happen to have a wireless ADSL router installed, and some wireless device to talk to it, then you can possibly make use of the internet through that router. If your router is not connected to the internet (for whatever reason), then you should still be able to access other elements of your local network (depending on how you've set it up).


    So when you get your router, there will be two main parts to configure (or only one if you don't actually need wireless) - the connection details and credentials for the broadband connection, and the connect settings (and security levels) for the wireless connection.


    Good luck. :)



  16. But the thing is - isn't fuel efficiency and emissions two very different things? I remember how I failed to get more than 27mpg from a Honda Jazz, when my mum would be getting 45mpg, so it's more about the driving than the technology...


    Looks like everyone needs to buy a hybrid...and move to San Francisco...(if you don't watch South Park, you won't understand... ;) )

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