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Posts posted by dunker

  1. Well being that I spend most of my time operating out of the keevil area i will look to see if anyone is tracking next time i am that way.


    unfortunately it is normally in hours of darkenss and we are supposed to avoid Keevil when the airfield is booked for MSE.


    Maybe I will get them on my radar and try some tracking?? :D

  2. Well the other night at KFC I created such interest that the duty manager gave me a free "Avalanche" ice cream, unless of course he just fancied me??? :blush:



    But today was great, turned up at Thruxton to get some info and a super car experience day was happening.


    The amount of people who were one second drooling over a Ferrari and Aston Martin suddenly shot their attention to my Zed!!



  3. I just used it to check some car tax prices and was gobsmacked to see that a BMW M6 with a 5l engine was £100 cheaper!!1


    Just proves that this latest tax hike is ballsed up...


    Average milage for a performance car is in the region of 6-8k per year, as opposed to a little 1.4 Nova that whizzes around town constantly, popping to the corner shop and back etc etc racking up 15k miles....


    surely the annual pollution would then be less from my "gas guzzling" machine, which costs me more in petrol as well...


    There is no respite...

  4. well having ordered mine a month ago I finally got mine today...was awake at four this morning with anticipation!!!!


    It is everything i dreamed it would be...


    would be interested to know what you paid for yours Jimbo... :thumbs:

  5. I sourced my Z through Nissan select, available through the Nissan website.


    Got a 5 month old GT with a thousand miles on the clock for 26k. Could sell it tomorrow for a grand profit.


    Right now though they have zero stock so they are in much demand!!


    Check daily though as they are always adding.

  6. Don't forget that alot of the young lads working in these tyre outlets weren't the sharpest tools in the box.


    I had one drop the ratchet gun onto my newly sprayed bonnet but didn't realise until a day or so later but was in no position then to demand corrective action.


    Only way is to be on site and watch with eagle eyes.

    I know some outfits will actually fit on location.


    Its jst as annoying when mechanics don't put wing covers over the car when working inside your engine bay.

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