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Posts posted by Danny350z

  1. Someone decided my rear tyres were lacking screws, so helpfully added some on my behalf. It's a shame this anonymous modder didn't leave his contact details so I could personally thank him for upgrading my car in this way. He also tried to give me some go faster stripes down one side of the car but didn't really do a very good job of that. I'm lucky I guess. I don't like go faster stripes.


    So, I need two new rears (the tread was getting low anyway), Toyos and Falkens seem to get the best vote from what I see here but where's the best place to get them at a good price?


    Mytyres don't seem to show them (they have Eagle F1's though).


    I have 18" Rays btw.

  2. As someone who very seriously considered this car when I was looking to buy I'll reiterate what has been said here.


    The high mileage and the fact it wasn't a GT put me off for the very reasons you're having now; selling it on at a later date.


    It's a perfect colour (the one I really wanted) and it looks great with the Nismo kit (I never noticed it only had the standard Rays though) but I wanted the leather, the heated seats, etc and the mileage was a bit high for my liking for the price.


    IF the mileage had been a bit more average and it was a GT, I'd have snapped it up.

  3. Mileage 23k FNSH with 4 brand new bridgestone tyres.The guy needed it sold quick because he had orderd a new car from Nissan.


    Doesn't make sense, why didn't he just part ex it? I'm pretty sre they wouldn't have offered him less than what he sold it for.


    I had my clicky axle fixed last week even though the car is out of warranty... however, 'clicky axle' has been replaced by 'annoying squeak' that's developed since they 'fixed' it and now I get constant squeaking when braking and moving slowly.

  4. So last Friday and Satrday my 350z was in having the rear clicky axle fixed.


    Since I've got it back I'm now getting an annoying squeak whenever I brake (and I have a feeling they're not as responsive as they were before they went in) and it's been gradually getting louder and louder each day.


    I assumed brakes were worn but the pads were only replaced 2000miles ago and it seemed a bit of a coincidence that it was fine before the rear axle went in to be fixed and now it's started squeaking afterwards.


    Took it back to the dealer and they said it was just because they'd applied brake cleaner when they did the axle and it would need some time to bed in and the squeaking to stop. But as I said, it's just gotten progressively louder and on top of that, it continues briefly after I stop braking.


    Have they buggered something up whilst fixing the axle?

  5. A guy from Nissan is coming to look at mine on Tuesday.


    Typical though, when I took it to the dealer it wouldn't do the clicking when they checked it. Then they put it up on the ramp and afterwards said they'd get back to me.


    That's when they called and said someone from Nissan was coming to look. Should I be worried, seems a bit extreme considering clicky axle is a well known fault

  6. ....................... dunno, i might be , ive had itnow for 6months and im starting to look at other cars on the market , ive already been in bmw to look at nearly used m5's or the new 3 series coupe , ive been to audi to try and get a test drive on a new rs4 - impossible by the way , theyll only give me a go in a bog standard a4


    i think im starting to lose interest in the car i was drooling over only alf a year ago , ive stopped cleaning it by hand and just drive in to the local valet place, i dont really care where i park it nowadays , the shite interior which i was happy to live with only a short while ago -is now starting to make the zed not a very good place to sit in.


    then the final straw came , i booked the car in to fix/tighten the handbrake cable-and i was excited about what car they would lend me, i knew it was going to be slower than the z , but i was still exited about driving a new car :scare::scare::scare::scare::scare::scare:




    the zed was my first car ever , and i dont know if this hapens with all owners of their cars or am i just the odd one out ?!?!?


    Wait, what, you had a brand new 350z as your first car?


    How old are you? Were you just slow getting into this driving lark or did your father buy your car for you or soemthing?


    No disrespect but I do wonder, anyone who works hard and pays that kind of money for a car really wouldn't be bored after just 6 months.



    yes was my first car , im 25 now though and have spent the last 7 years busting my ass at uni- and my job now pays alooooooooooooooot


    Then how can you be bored? Most peoples first car is a piece of crap; a 1.1corsa or fiesta or the like. You went straight into a 300bhp, RWD sports car, most people would give their right arm to be as lucky as you. Surely as your first car which you've worked hard to pay for you should be a lot more appreciative? Or is that just me?

  7. As well as 'popping bubblewrap' another way to describe it would be those clackers you'd put on your bike spokes as a kid?


    Christ, dealer is really going to think I'm taking the **** if I turn up again and this time say "rear axle is clicking now mate"

  8. ....................... dunno, i might be , ive had itnow for 6months and im starting to look at other cars on the market , ive already been in bmw to look at nearly used m5's or the new 3 series coupe , ive been to audi to try and get a test drive on a new rs4 - impossible by the way , theyll only give me a go in a bog standard a4


    i think im starting to lose interest in the car i was drooling over only alf a year ago , ive stopped cleaning it by hand and just drive in to the local valet place, i dont really care where i park it nowadays , the shite interior which i was happy to live with only a short while ago -is now starting to make the zed not a very good place to sit in.


    then the final straw came , i booked the car in to fix/tighten the handbrake cable-and i was excited about what car they would lend me, i knew it was going to be slower than the z , but i was still exited about driving a new car :scare::scare::scare::scare::scare::scare:




    the zed was my first car ever , and i dont know if this hapens with all owners of their cars or am i just the odd one out ?!?!?


    Wait, what, you had a brand new 350z as your first car?


    How old are you? Were you just slow getting into this driving lark or did your father buy your car for you or soemthing?


    No disrespect but I do wonder, anyone who works hard and pays that kind of money for a car really wouldn't be bored after just 6 months.

  9. Would "popping bubblewrap" be a way to describe the noise associated with clicking axle syndrome?


    Because I get that more or less all the time when setting off, I always put it down to loose gravel on the road but now I'm not so sure.

  10. I'll take a photo of mine tomorrow. Mine seems considerably higher than the brake. It's kind of uncomfortable tbh when off the clutch (and I'm sat as far back as I can whilst still being able to press it down fully)

  11. Haven't noticed the revs increase as it happens completely random and is over rather quickly. I'll keep my eyes open next time, or attempt to. There is occassionally a nasty whiff though.


    Zzzz... I haven't messed with anything, I've only had the car 4 weeks and it's supposed to be standard. I might take it in for a check up (it had it's P3 a few weeks before I bought it) and get the clutch, air flow, etc checked.

  12. if your clutch was on the way out your pedal would be quite high and also more than likly it would be starting to slip rather than judder............ :)


    Aww bollocks. I thought my clutch was rather high (about 1-2 inches above the others). Goddamn it


    This would fit in with my post below?

  13. I've only had my 350z a few weeks (53 plate, 30k on clock) and I'm noticing a bit of an issue. When I put my foot down (think I've only noticed it in 3rd gear), occasionally there seems to be a sudden lack of power (best way to describe it). Clutch slipping perhaps?


    Edit: Balls, wrong forum.

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