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Posts posted by Danny350z

  1. Was good speaking to you.


    Question for anyone really. Ordered new clutch from Bigphil, did I need anything else to go with that, it's only just dawned on me I might have. Bearing or something?

  2. So, erm... this little dilemma has been resolved.


    I have coming from Bigphil;


    EBC Discs

    Ferodo front pads

    Exedy Organic Clutch

    Phil's custom induction kit

    and new wiper blades


    and from Adam the Nismo Exhaust.


    Don't you just hate it when you start thinking "Well if I just do this.... and I may as well get..."? :blush:

  3. If I was to get the EBC Turbo Grooved discs I'm looking at £751(ish)... do you not recommend the DS2500's with these? I only ask as I bought rear pads from you not that long ago so they're relatively new still and don't really need to replace them.


    Saying that, for the price of DS2500 front pads I could just get Redstuff all round?


    The Exedy standard clutch, how does it compare to the OEM one?


    Is the Exedy Organic the same as this one (I read elsewhere the Nismo clutch was manufactured by Exedy?):




    Do you sell the Nismo exhaust as well?

  4. If you give me an idea of what you have been quoted for the pads,discs etc. I can give you some options on uprated items for the same or perhaps even less money.


    Clutch, discs, pads and labour were quoted at £1500.


    I think the discs were about £170+ as someone else said here.


    Pads about £100-£120?


    Clutch I'm unsure on.


    My mum works there so it's possible I might get discount on the parts as well. (Price quoted was just standard though, without any discount)

  5. Bit of a dilemma.


    My clutch is on it's way out, as are the front pads and all the discs are pretty much shot.


    So on Monday my local stealer will be ordering clutch, discs all round and front pads. All OEM.


    Having given it some thought today I'm half considering whether to tell him not to bother ordering an instead buy uprated parts.


    Problem is, I don't know how much longer I'll be keeping my 350z, due to business being pretty good over the last 6 months me and my business partner are considering 911 territory.


    The same thing kind of happened before I bought the 350, I bought brand new tyres all round and some other bits and then ended up getting rid a month or so later when I moved up to the Zed. Obviously buying those parts became a regret as I could have saved money (which we all like to do).


    So do I just buy OEM parts (then end up sticking with the 350 for longer and regret not uprating them) or buy uprated parts an then kick myself if I change car shortly after?


    Decisions decisions!


    Also, opinions on aftermarket clutch and discs please (I'd probably get DS2500's pads for the front if I go the uprated route). Then of course I end up asking myself whether I should uprate the flywheel at the same time!

  6. I'll go one better. One of my brand new Falkens got a nail (or similar) stuck in it yesterday. They've only been on the car two weeks or so! They said it was repairable thankfully. Could have been the shortest lived £100 ever.

  7. Yep, a couple of runs from 60 > 30mph at 50% or whatever was suggested in that other thread elsewhere on here. However, I don't know if the people that fit them did their own 'bedding' in.


    I honestly don't think it's the pads. It's far too much of a coincidence that this sqeuak should start right after they repaired the clicking axle

  8. So my 350z was fine except for the clicky axle. I took it in to be repaired and as soon as it had the work done a squeak developed when braking.


    It's not a constant squeak whilst braking, more of an 'eek eek eek eek', on and off squeak. This started immediately after the axle work had been carried out. I took it in and told them about it and they said it was most likely the brake pads. They cleaned everything up and it was fine for about a day, then it developed the squeak again. Back it went and they said the pads would have to be replaced. The pads that were on there were less than 3000 miles old and still had plenty of wear left in them (they even said this themselves!).


    So I ordered some Ferodo 2500's from Big Phil on here and had them fitted last week. Literally a day later the squeak started again!


    I took the car back in today, they had a look, said it's still the pads, talked about lathing them (!?!?!) and made excuses about me not using Nissan parts.


    So I took it to another Nissan dealer and got a second opinion. He said that because it's not a constant squeak and is on and off it sounds like when they repaired the clicky axle they failed to put something back together properly. They'll charge £50 an hour labour to repair it.


    Tomorrow I'm going to go back to the original dealer and have a bit of a rant but it's really starting to annoy me now, I just want it fixed.

  9. if the nail/screw hasn't gone through the sidewall you'll be able to get it repaired with no issues


    It's right in the centre of the tyre. I don't want to spend £200 on new tyres and have the same tosser come along and do it again (although I'm checking tyres daily). I'd rather hold out on replacing them for a while and invest in some CCTV in the meantime. That way if it happens again I can see who did it and deliver some swift justice.

  10. Correct - many places will refuse to plug or repair a tyre with such a speed rating due to safety issues.


    I can see their point though.


    You may be able to find some garage that will do it, but it will most certainly be a cash job, if you get my drift.


    I can understand the reasoning, however, it's incredibly unlikely I'm going to be doing 150mph+ anytime soon.


    So assuming I was going to stick within limits (and stay around 70-80mph if on the Motorway) would there be any issues? Basically is there any reason the tyres are more likely to fail than on a 'normal' car with 'normal' tyres?

  11. rfrancsics: jealousy, pure and simple. It gives them some sort of self meaning to their pathetic, sad little lives.


    In a twist of events I can no longer find anything in the tyre on the rear right although there was definitely something there. It was in at an angle though so I'm thinking it mustn't have gone in properly and since came out. Checked air again and it's still at 31psi so I might have been lucky with that one.


    The left rear has the screw right in and is slowly going down, was down to about 27psi from last night.


    Can this be repaired or not? My dealer said it couldn't due to whatever reason (speed rating I think his reason was).

  12. Danny... I have a "Sheffield Branch" that can most definitely help you 'encourage' the culprits to not doing anything like that again. :boxing: If you're around the South Yorkshire area and would like to employ them let me know. Minimal info needed, they are good at using their initiative - been helpful for me in the past.


    I'm in Blackpool unfortunately, thanks for the offer though. I have my own contacts though which is why I don't think it's the guy who I originally suspected. To cut a long story short he kicked my brother out of the house and sacked him and then kept his Xbox360, I tried speaking with him and he gave it all the big 'I AM' and the old "Do you know who I am?" routine, etc. Then he got a phone call from someone and promptly rushed out to buy my brother a new 360 (seriously, within 20minutes of the call he went and bought one. My brother still had access to the company internet logs and saw searches for 360's on argos, etc).


    So whilst he was number one suspect I can't believe he'd have the balls to do it, not if he was scared enough to go and buy a new 360.


    I'm thinking it's just jealous little tossers with nothing better to do.


    Oddly enough the tyres are holding out well, checked them last night and they'd barely lost any air.


    And just to clarify, it's the rears that need replacing so it's 245/45/18?

  13. Takes the **** doesn't it? The keying I could live with, it's the screws in the tyres that **** me off. Seriously, you can guarantee if they'd been caught the police would do sod all about it whereas it should be treated as attempted murder. Could you imagine if I'd had to go on the motorway? It could have been a disaster, not only for myself but for anyone else in the surrounding vicinity. Personally I see it no different to 'vandalising' someones house by pouring petrol through their sodding letterbox and lighting a match.


    I have a suspicion who it could be but I'm not too sure, I honestly don't think they'd be that stupid to try anything as they'd be suspect number one and they were worried enough the last time they crossed my path. I'm thinking it's just possibly a random attack, at least I hope so, if I catch the **** that's done it I'll probably end up murdering them which I could do without, already up on one assault charge.

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