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Posts posted by Morg

  1. Had a good view from the midlands, tried to take some photo's but unlike Steve's mine turned out really poor--looked like a ping pong ball, I even tried taking a photo's through binoculars gave up in the end :surrender:

  2. Wax repells water ....


    How is this ever going to work decently ....


    I don't think we're going to find out. I've just done a search and couldn't find any, even resorted to the Autoglym website and there's no sign of it on there.



    Says its not released until March so may have to wait a little while until it hits the shops, are these spray on waxes effective?

  3. I had a call from the dvla today saying that they want to see my 350z import :scare:


    I think they are checking up what i am doing with 2 350z's or something as 2 weeks ago i purchased a JDM 350z and have had my UK azure for 2 years now. Either that or they think i hae too many cars for personal use :blush: but they are mine im addicted to cars.


    Has anyone ever heard of anything like this before??? If so whats it all about. :surrender::surrender:



    Im getting my visit at 9.30 tommorow morning.


    Didn't you ask them what they wanted? I'd have certainly asked them WTH for.... :boxing:


    If they were suspicious about you having two Z's surely the'd get the old bill around before giving you 'notice'?


    Highly suspect :ohmy:

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