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Posts posted by choptop

  1. I appreciate

    Greece is slightly different, somewhat ironically that their local polices (such as pensionable age) are what are causing them so many problems. They want to exit the EU so they can effectively print drachmas for fun to pay back money they have borrowed to try and sustain an unsustainable local economy. I actually feel for Greece, yes they happily slide into a spiral of unsustainable debt but the IMF etc. quite happily lent them the money to carry on that way before trying to reign it in before it was too late.


    There is a belief that being outside of the EU trading bloc you can make up many of your own local laws, which isn't true. The key ones which people are voting leave on for instance such as immigration, will become part of any future trade negotiation between the UK and the EU. We won't know how much control we will have on these issues until the Leave campaign actually come out and say what type of trade deal they want with the EU - this is why I feel like I have to keep shouting this out, the trade deal is pretty much EVERYTHING in this decision to stay or leave in my opinion as it has such wide reaching influences.


    I appreciate Greece is different but what it does do is highlight how European Beaurocrats make decisions and other countries suffer the financial consequences as a result.


    This is my view. Everyone is entitled to theirs.



  2. Mine's the original vinyl roof and I'm not sure if it makes a lot of difference what you use on them but I use Hibiscrub (the stuff surgeons use to 'scrub-up' in hospitals) to deep clean it once a year. It's an anti-microbial and gets rid of and appears to protect against the dreaded green mould. Then I reseal with either Nikwax or Aerospace 303. The 303 seems to give the best black finish. :)


    Makes good sense using the hibiscrub. Chlorohexidine Gluconate all the way!

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  3. But we didn't, so the point is moot.


    .....not really Dan. You miss my point. We as a country need to be in control of our own destiny. We are in a global economy now I know, but the more beurocrats we have the more complex it gets in doing what is right for our country and our citizens. Just look at Greece.

  4. The next Breakfast Meet will be on Sunday 13th March meeting at 9.30am at Tesco Extra car park, Yate. (Same venue as February Breakfast Meet).

    Frankie and Bennys opposite for breakfast as it was really good at the February meet. Who is up for this? Put your name down if you plan on attending :thumbs:


    1) choptop


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