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Posts posted by KS2006

  1. Well I've got my test drive booked for this weekend. 07 GT Convertible.


    I guess my heart wants me to love it & my head/wallet don't :p


    We shall see but as I've been told you only live once.

  2. Hi,


    Thanks for the replies.


    Its not like its going to be parked on the road overnight - its will not be garaged but will be behind big gates and not visible from the street. Will most likely get one of those posts fitted behind the car when its parked up. An extra couple of minutes in a morning is nothing for a bit of extra security.


    Need to get a car cover or one of those folding mini car garages - maybe I'll have more trouble from the local pigeons and their atomic poop!!! Especially with Nissans paintwork ;)


    I think I will deffo get disklok thingy for sure. Does the Z have alarm as standard or is it just imoboliser?



  3. Hi,


    As I grow nearer to a potential purchase I wonder. Does the 350Z have an known issues of being targetted to be stolen? I tried to find that government list of car ratings but failed miserable. The insurance on the car seems reasonable which tends to suggest its not that bad a car to own.


    Am I just paranoid? I look around the area I live (CV postcode don't chuckle - not bad but not posh) looking at other cars and I see plenty of Audi's, BMW's that probably cost more than the Z and think they are more nickable less obvious etc.


    Does anyone care about a Z - hey its only a Nissan ;)


    Am I more likely to find a whacking big scratch on it rather than 3 burly blokes (not sure where number 3 would sit) breaking my door in to have the car away?


    In the last 12 months I've found myself completely away from wanting a hot hatch purely for the seemingly increasing amounts of breakin's / violence for ST's R32 etc that put me right off. And they are obviously a hell of a lot less stylish than 350Z, S2000,Z4 etc.


    I guess you can do norty things in a hatchback as opposed to a 2 seater.


    My folks tell me if I worry or have concerns like this all I'm going to end up with is more grey hairs and a healthy bank balance - but whats the point of working your bits off.


    Just wondering what peoples thoughts/views are on this and in general.

  4. I'll post here rather than on my ex-demo thread. Maybe its the time of year but one of the cars I've seen advertised is a temper orange convertible with 4k miles on (it has nav + gt pack) and is up at 29.5k. By my maths that saves 3000 quid.


    I'm going to look at one at the weekend which is an even better price so they are starting to come about. Maybe its the dealers shifting convertibles & also needing 57 plate demo cars?


    I did notice the prices of 06's dropped a fair bit on auto trader (06 GT Blue 21.6k from a nissan dealer for example - not stupid miles either).


    I guess if a 370Z comes out without foldy hard top roof it will drop prices a bit but if its a new model with folding roof I guess the price is going to be north of 35k new anyway which moves it up a bit more imo.


    For me I'm going to check out a 313 convertible but like you I'm sort of tempted to go for one nearer 20k (06 with the enhancements would be fine for me) and pocket the difference for a rainy day.

  5. Yeah thats the worry I guess.


    Can you tell during the test drive or is it going to bite you in the bum a few thousand miles down the road when it needs a premature clutch/gearbox/engine.


    I don't know if any dealers hide amongst the members here but how many demo's would you think would be done in a week and how many miles clocked up. It just seems like 3-4k miles in 3 months approx (at best) is a fair old go. I just wonder if they get driven by the manager and then used for the occasional demo during the day.


    Saw a temper orange vert with nav just under <30k amongst others (saving over 3k) and when I looked further there are a few others around (mainly convertibles - probably the winter coming and needing to shift 07 demo cars).


    Temptation is bad!!! :angry:

  6. Hi,


    The savings seem to be on convertibles (which wouldn't put me off). The one's I've seen seem to be anywhere from 2.5-4k ish off. For the mileage I do it would make little odds as I would still be under the yearly average even with 3-4k of ex demo mileage.


    I'm not sure if I want to go to my local dealer and chance my arm on a new one and say here's what your competing with what you gonna offer.


    Heck any information that helps me get a good deal feel free to PM me!!

  7. Hi All,


    Just wondering what other peoples views are on this subject. I've seen a couple of ex-demo cars (313 models) with a not to bad discount on them. However they have all done between 2.5-4k miles (within probably 2-3 months).


    So would you go for that knowing you have the warranty etc to in theory back you up or would you think - I know that they are going to have been thrashed by every tom dick & harry.



  8. You sir are indeed a 1st class git :teeth:


    I am trying to choose between Temper & Black (which is bad enough I guess) and then you go and take piccy's of one with all the extra kit I would like (but not for 5 grand).


    It looks awesome indeed and for some reason the front spoiler doesn't look like a speed bump magnet compared to some other nismo kitted cars - perhaps just the camera viewpoint.



  9. Hiya's,


    I need to see a temper one in the flesh - for me its that or black atm.


    If you don't mind me asking did you get any discount at all on new or freebies thrown in?


    I'm going up the local dealer this week for a test drive to see if it makes my mind up. I've been told a reasonable delivery time so might be a 57 plate for me B)


    If the test drive goes well I just need to work out if I get nismo's at day 1 or better off trying to get some afterwards and then either sell or keep the standard wheels.



  10. Hi,


    Just wondering if anyone has taken ownership of a 2007 model (the new 'bulge') one.


    If so how are you finding it?

    Did you use Nissan finance - if so how good a rate was it?

    How long did it take from order to delivery?

    Any discount at all when you bought?

    Can you take the extended warranty out at any period within the 3 years (assuming nissan service history etc).?


    After much pondering I will hopefully be deciding 1st 2 weeks in August for a new car (I still have my shortlist S2000,350z,Z4,TT - gonna try an Elise/Exige but I doubt my dicky leg will help).


    I was originally going to borrow a little from my bank but I'm tempted if the rates are good from dealer finance to potentially drop the £30k on a brand spanking new 57 plate 350Z. I wasn't fussed about leather but would like cruise & the beefier stereo - catch 22 :(


    Tis probably the only time I will be able to afford to spend this much and I've never owned a new car before due to the obvious depreciation.


    I guess I could wait till the 07's hit 2nd hand but waiting is now boring :boxing:



  11. Yeah I read this last night. Doesn't make pleasant reading tbh.


    Makes you wonder if it was joe public whether we would get an engine swap quite so easily.


    Based upon the writeup I best wipe off 350z off my potential list as I am over 30 years old - the impression you get is the car was annoying so we fitted 10k of Nismo bits. That made it more annoying so we took em all off.


    Now its less annoying, thirsty and unreliable.


    I need to double check but it mentions Rays Alloys. The 19" wheels on there car are Nismo ones (are these made by Rays?).


    And the small comments on the 2nd page. Yeah every chav wants to race you shame the cars not that fast eh? <6.0 to 60 aint slow in anyones book.


    I must admit my dad read the article after me and said - why you thinking about one of these then :headhurt:

  12. Yeah its annoying but I've been looking for a while so for me I'm gonna get my current car MOT'd etc so its in the best nick possible and then just hit the dealers in September. I've never bought a car from brand new due to depreciation but this could be the one and only time I might just say sod it B)


    Anyone actually had an 07 delivered yet?


    If the Orange isn't as good then I guess my next choice would be black or blue. I like the Azures (has this changed anyone seen the new blues?)

    but I have to say Z's look bad ass in black.


    I guess I was looking at brighter colours just to be a flash git :teeth:

  13. Hi All,


    I've been scanning the autotrader for a good few weeks now. Pretty much I will be going to a dealer as I've got a PX I don't want the agro to shift myself.


    I'd like an 06 car (engine upgrade + lighter clutch (from reading on here)) or a nice yellow GT4 (I know it has the engine upgrade but does it get the other bits?)


    If I go for a non GT4 I haven't yet decided between a roadster or coupe yet but I'm confused on the price variations.


    I've seen a fair number of v.low miles 06 roadsters n the autotrader for near as damit £25k. However there doesn't seem to be many coupes if at all at the same price (1k+ more).


    GT4's have a price premium to seemingly 23k most of the time.


    So now I'm starting to come to a conclusion that if a 06 or 56 coupe is going to be north of 25k I recon I might aswell say bugger it and save a bit more cash and wait a couple of extra months and order an 07 (depending upon delivery time - I know it comes out at 30k).


    Do you guys think the 07's (orange droool!! :yahoo: ) will force prices down or is it such a closed/slow market that prices will only ever drop slowly.


    Anyone know what finance % Nissan are doing atm compared to people like Northern Rock etc?



  14. Hi,


    I've been reading the S2K forums (suprisingly S2000 is on my list with a Z of potential purchases).


    They say due to the LSD the S2000 can't be towed otherwise it knackers the LSD. I've read 350Z has an LSD so does it have the same issue?


    Also having read xxx scare stories about wet handling (S2000) I've never read anybody (who had TC on) saying the Z "its a widow maker etc" so I assume normal motorway driving in the wet etc isn't going to give my relatives a chance of a world cruise at the expense of my life insurance :teeth:

  15. :thumbs:


    Thanks for the replies guys.


    I'm gonna go have a test drive this weekend I think and see how good it really is :)


    Yes the car is from a dealer (not a Nissan one) but its has full service history and being has warranty till 12/07 (I assume the 3 year warranty is UK wide and not year 2/3 dealer?).


    In the mean time I keep trying to convince my folks that its bronze not tango orange ;)

  16. You reply was one I had already considered.


    I did the old bike to work thing years ago (16m round trip) and tbh I'd much rather sit in the warm or cool of my car with the stereo up knowing that my laptop etc is safe in the boot rather than risking a pushbike on the roads and ending up a sweaty mess at work or a sticky mess on the road :p


    Whilst Elise/Exige are no doubt fun cars I wanted something a little bit more practical than either of them.

  17. Hi All,


    I have been working on a shortlist of cars for a while and a Z comes close to ticking all the boxes. (350z,S2000,TT 3.2 etc).


    My daily drive is a 3 mile each way town commute. Lots of stop start driving. But I want a car that can do this and then of an evening and the weekends let me go out for a good blast and give mile a big smile on my face. Whilst I have access a 2nd car I don't really want to spend 20k+ on a car that sits there a good %age of the week idle.


    I have spotted one at a nearby dealer - 24k miles, 54 reg gt pack with nav. £20k.


    So I have a number of questions :


    Clutch - I've read a number of 'issues' with the clutch regarding failures etc. Is it pot luck on this? Is the clutch really heavy? Is my tiny commute (assuming I drive correctly :p going to cause me an issue). I don't really want to drop £20k+ on a car and then need £1k clutch change.


    Are speed bumps a major issue? Loads where I live :(


    What should I explcitily look for/check when having a test drive/inspection.


    What sort of servicing costs / time intervals are required (are there any big services e.g 40k etc)?


    Apart from the recent 06 engine changes was there anything important changed between 54 and 06 (I keep seeing different air bag specs on some of the nissan approved cars?).


    Anyone had any experience of Nissan dealers in the Coventry area or know of any good non Nissan dealers to get servicing/work done?


    Apologies for any obvious questions I should have already found answers to.



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